
class FutureAsyncMonadAPI(using x$1: ExecutionContext) extends CpsSchedulingMonad[Future] with CpsContextMonad[Future, FutureContext]

Default CpsMonad implementation for Future

trait CpsSchedulingMonad[Future]
trait CpsConcurrentMonad[Future]
trait CpsAsyncMonad[Future]
trait CpsTryMonad[Future]
trait CpsMonad[Future]
trait CpsAwaitable[Future]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type F[+T] = Future[T]
override type WF[T] = Future[T]

Inherited types

type Spawned[A] = F[A]

In eager monad, spawned process can be represented by F[_]

In eager monad, spawned process can be represented by F[_]

Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def adoptCallbackStyle[A](source: (Try[A] => Unit) => Unit): Future[A]

called by the source, which accept callback inside

called by the source, which accept callback inside

override def applyContext[A](f: FutureContext => Future[A]): Future[A]

Evaluate operation in context.

Evaluate operation in context.

Definition Classes
override def concurrently[A, B](fa: Future[A], fb: Future[B]): Future[Either[(Try[A], Future[B]), (Future[A], Try[B])]]

join two computations in such way, that they will execute concurrently. Since Future computation is already spawned, we can not spawn waiting for results here

join two computations in such way, that they will execute concurrently. Since Future computation is already spawned, we can not spawn waiting for results here

Definition Classes
def error[A](e: Throwable): Future[A]

represent error e in monadic context.

represent error e in monadic context.

def executionContext: ExecutionContext
def flatMap[A, B](fa: Future[A])(f: A => Future[B]): Future[B]

bind combinator, which compose f over fa

bind combinator, which compose f over fa

def flatMapTry[A, B](fa: Future[A])(f: Try[A] => Future[B]): Future[B]

flatMap over result of checked evaluation of A

flatMap over result of checked evaluation of A

def map[A, B](fa: Future[A])(f: A => B): Future[B]

map a function f over fa

map a function f over fa

override def mapTry[A, B](fa: Future[A])(f: Try[A] => B): Future[B]

map over result of checked evaluation of A

map over result of checked evaluation of A

Definition Classes
def pure[T](t: T): Future[T]

Pure - wrap value t inside monad.

Pure - wrap value t inside monad.

Note, that pure use eager evaluation, which is different from Haskell.

override def restore[A](fa: Future[A])(fx: Throwable => Future[A]): Future[A]

restore fa, ie if fa sucessful - return fa, otherwise apply fx to received error.

restore fa, ie if fa sucessful - return fa, otherwise apply fx to received error.

Definition Classes
def spawn[A](op: => Future[A]): Future[A]

schedule execution of op somewhere, immediatly. Note, that characteristics of scheduler can vary.

schedule execution of op somewhere, immediatly. Note, that characteristics of scheduler can vary.

def tryCancel[A](op: Future[A]): Future[Unit]

returns failed Future, because cancellation is not supported.

returns failed Future, because cancellation is not supported.

Inherited methods

def apply[T](op: Context => Future[T]): F[T]

delegated to applyContext

delegated to applyContext

See also:


Inherited from:
def fromTry[A](r: Try[A]): F[A]

transform r into pure value or error.

transform r into pure value or error.

Inherited from:
def join[A](op: Future[A]): F[A]

join spawned immediate monad means to receive those spawing monad.

join spawned immediate monad means to receive those spawing monad.

Inherited from:
override def lazyPure[T](op: => T): F[T]



Definition Classes
Inherited from:
def mapTryAsync[A, B](fa: Future[A])(f: Try[A] => Future[B]): F[B]

synonym for flatMapTry needed for processing awaits inside mapTry.

synonym for flatMapTry needed for processing awaits inside mapTry.

Inherited from:
def spawnEffect[A](op: => Future[A]): F[F[A]]

representation of spawnEffect as immediate operation.

representation of spawnEffect as immediate operation.

Inherited from:
def spawnSync[A](op: => A): F[A]

schedule execution of op somewhere, immediatly. Note, that characteristics of scheduler can vary. TODO: rename to spawn until we not stabilized

schedule execution of op somewhere, immediatly. Note, that characteristics of scheduler can vary. TODO: rename to spawn until we not stabilized

Inherited from:
def tryImpure[A](a: => Future[A]): F[A]

try to evaluate async operation and wrap successful or failed result into F.

try to evaluate async operation and wrap successful or failed result into F.

Inherited from:
def tryPure[A](a: => A): F[A]

try to evaluate synchonious operation and wrap successful or failed result into F.

try to evaluate synchonious operation and wrap successful or failed result into F.

Inherited from:
def tryPureAsync[A](a: () => Future[A]): F[A]

async shift of tryPure.

async shift of tryPure.

Inherited from:
def withAction[A](fa: Future[A])(action: => Unit): F[A]

ensure that action will run before getting value from fa

ensure that action will run before getting value from fa

Inherited from:
def withActionAsync[A](fa: Future[A])(action: () => Future[Unit]): F[A]

async shift of withAction.

async shift of withAction.

This method is substituted instead withAction, when we use await inside withAction argument.

Inherited from:
def withAsyncAction[A](fa: Future[A])(action: => Future[Unit]): F[A]

return result of fa after completition of action.

return result of fa after completition of action.

Inherited from: