
See theAsyncShift companion object
trait AsyncShift[T]

AsynsShift is a marker base trait for typeclass, which provides 'shifted' variants of the hight-order methods of T, which called when we need to pass a cps-transformed function as an argument for this method.

The general convention is next:

  • Let us have object O and method m(f: A=>B):R which accept hight-order argument f: A=>B. (for example - map in List).
  • If we want to defined transformation of argument for any monad F, we should define the AsyncShift[O] with method m[F[_],...](o:O, m:CpsMonad[F])(f: A=>F[B]).
  • Return type of this method can be F[R] or R or AsyncSubst[R].

Also we should define a given instance of AsyncShift[O], visible from our async block. I.e. implementation for our list will look as:

   class MyShiftedList[T] extentds AsyncShift[List[T]] {

     def map[F[_],S](m:CpsMonad[M], c:List[T])(f: T=>F[S]): F[List[T]] =
         ... // implementation here


   transparent inline given myShiftedList[T]: AsyncShift[List[T]] = MyShiftedList[T]()

After this, you can freely use awaits inside "":

  async {
    val fetched = => await(fetch(uri)))



class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Known subtypes
object FutureCMAsyncShift.type
object BoundaryAsyncShift.type
class EitherAsyncShift[A, B]
class TryAsyncShift[T]
object TryModuleAsyncShift.type
object UsingAsyncShift.type
class Function1AsyncShift[T, R]
class IterableAsyncShift[A, CA]
class IterableOpsAsyncShift[A, C, CA]
class ListAsyncShift[A]
class MapOpsAsyncShift[K, V, CC, CI, CKV]
class SeqAsyncShift[A, C, CA]
class IndexedSeqAsyncShift[A, C, CA]
class RangeAsyncShift[R]
class OptionAsyncShift[T]
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