
trait ReadChannel[F[_], A]

ReadChannel: Interface providing asynchronous reading API.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Channel[F, W, R]
class ChannelWithExpiration[F, W, R]
class BaseChannel[F, A]
class BufferedChannel[F, A]
class PromiseChannel[F, A]
class UnbufferedChannel[F, A]
class ChFlatMappedChannel[F, W, RA, RB]
class FilteredAsyncChannel[F, W, R]
class FilteredChannel[F, W, R]
class MappedAsyncChannel[F, W, RA, RB]
class MappedChannel[F, W, RA, RB]
class AppendReadChannel[F, A]
class DelayedReadChannel[F, T]
class MappedAsyncReadChannel[F, A, B]
class MappedReadChannel[F, A, B]
class OrReadChannel[F, A]

Type members


class DoneReadChannel extends ReadChannel[F, Unit]
class SimpleReader(f: Try[A] => Unit) extends Reader[A]


type done = Unit
type read = A

Special type which is used in select statement.

Special type which is used in select statement.

See also:



Value members

Abstract methods

def addDoneReader(reader: Reader[Unit]): Unit
def addReader(reader: Reader[A]): Unit

Concrete methods

transparent inline def ?(using CpsMonadContext[F]): A

Synonim for read.

Synonim for read.

def aOptRead(): F[Option[A]]

read value and return future with

read value and return future with

  • Some(value) if value is available to read
  • None if stream is closed.
def afold[S](s0: S)(f: (S, A) => S): F[S]
def afold_async[S](s0: S)(f: (S, A) => F[S]): F[S]
def aforeach(f: A => Unit): F[Unit]
def aforeach_async(f: A => F[Unit]): F[F[Unit]]
def append(other: ReadChannel[F, A]): ReadChannel[F, A]
def aread(): F[A]

async version of read. Immediatly return future, which will contains result of read or failur with StreamClosedException in case of stream is closed.

async version of read. Immediatly return future, which will contains result of read or failur with StreamClosedException in case of stream is closed.

def asyncMonad: CpsSchedulingMonad[F]
def atake(n: Int): F[IndexedSeq[A]]

return F which contains sequence from first n elements.

return F which contains sequence from first n elements.

def dup(bufSize: Int, expiration: Duration): (ReadChannel[F, A], ReadChannel[F, A])
def filter(p: A => Boolean): ReadChannel[F, A]
def filterAsync(p: A => F[Boolean]): ReadChannel[F, A]
transparent inline def fold[S](inline s0: S)(inline f: (S, A) => S)(using mc: CpsMonadContext[F]): S
def fold_async[S](s0: S)(f: (S, A) => F[S]): F[S]
transparent inline def foreach(inline f: A => Unit)(using CpsMonadContext[F]): Unit

run code each time when new object is arriced. until end of stream is not reached

run code each time when new object is arriced. until end of stream is not reached

def foreach_async(f: A => F[Unit]): F[Unit]
def map[B](f: A => B): ReadChannel[F, B]
def mapAsync[B](f: A => F[B]): ReadChannel[F, B]
transparent inline def optRead()(using CpsMonadContext[F]): Option[A]

read value and return

read value and return

  • Some(value) if value is available to read
  • None if stream is closed.

should be called inside async block.

def or(other: ReadChannel[F, A]): ReadChannel[F, A]
transparent inline def read()(using CpsMonadContext[F]): A

blocked read: if currently not element available - wait for one. Can be used only inside async block. If stream is closed and no values to read left in the stream - throws StreamClosedException

blocked read: if currently not element available - wait for one. Can be used only inside async block. If stream is closed and no values to read left in the stream - throws StreamClosedException

transparent inline def take(n: Int)(using CpsMonadContext[F]): IndexedSeq[A]

take first n elements. should be called inside async block.

take first n elements. should be called inside async block.

def zip[B](x: ReadChannel[F, B]): ReadChannel[F, (A, B)]
def |(other: ReadChannel[F, A]): ReadChannel[F, A]

Concrete fields

lazy val done: ReadChannel[F, Unit]