


package scopt

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class OptionDef[A, C] extends AnyRef
  2. abstract class OptionParser[C] extends AnyRef

    scopt.immutable.OptionParser is instantiated within your object, set up by an (ordered) sequence of invocations of the various builder methods such as opt method or arg method.

    scopt.immutable.OptionParser is instantiated within your object, set up by an (ordered) sequence of invocations of the various builder methods such as opt method or arg method.

    val parser = new scopt.OptionParser[Config]("scopt") {
      head("scopt", "3.x")
      opt[Int]('f', "foo").action( (x, c) =>
        c.copy(foo = x) ).text("foo is an integer property")
      opt[File]('o', "out").required().valueName("").
        action( (x, c) => c.copy(out = x) ).
        text("out is a required file property")
      opt[(String, Int)]("max").action({
          case ((k, v), c) => c.copy(libName = k, maxCount = v) }).
        validate( x =>
          if (x._2 > 0) success
          else failure("Value  must be >0") ).
        keyValueName("", "").
        text("maximum count for ")
      opt[Seq[File]]('j', "jars").valueName(",...").action( (x,c) =>
        c.copy(jars = x) ).text("jars to include")
      opt[Map[String,String]]("kwargs").valueName("k1=v1,k2=v2...").action( (x, c) =>
        c.copy(kwargs = x) ).text("other arguments")
      opt[Unit]("verbose").action( (_, c) =>
        c.copy(verbose = true) ).text("verbose is a flag")
      opt[Unit]("debug").hidden().action( (_, c) =>
        c.copy(debug = true) ).text("this option is hidden in the usage text")
      help("help").text("prints this usage text")
      arg[File]("...").unbounded().optional().action( (x, c) =>
        c.copy(files = c.files :+ x) ).text("optional unbounded args")
      note("some notes.".newline)
      cmd("update").action( (_, c) => c.copy(mode = "update") ).
        text("update is a command.").
          opt[Unit]("not-keepalive").abbr("nk").action( (_, c) =>
            c.copy(keepalive = false) ).text("disable keepalive"),
          opt[Boolean]("xyz").action( (x, c) =>
            c.copy(xyz = x) ).text("xyz is a boolean property"),
          opt[Unit]("debug-update").hidden().action( (_, c) =>
            c.copy(debug = true) ).text("this option is hidden in the usage text"),
          checkConfig( c =>
            if (c.keepalive && failure("xyz cannot keep alive")
            else success )
    // parser.parse returns Option[C]
    parser.parse(args, Config()) match {
      case Some(config) =>
        // do stuff
      case None =>
        // arguments are bad, error message will have been displayed
  3. class ParseException extends Exception
  4. trait Read[A] extends AnyRef
  5. trait RenderingMode extends AnyRef
  6. trait Zero[A] extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object OS extends Object
    @native() @JSImport("os", JSImport.Namespace)
  2. object Read extends PlatformReadInstances
  3. object RenderingMode
  4. object Validation
  5. object Zero
