package api

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. case class ApiError(code: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  2. class BlockingSlackApiClient extends AnyRef
  3. case class FileInfo(file: SlackFile, comments: Seq[SlackComment], paging: PagingObject) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class FilesResponse(files: Seq[SlackFile], paging: PagingObject) extends Product with Serializable
  5. case class HistoryChunk(latest: Option[String], messages: Seq[JsValue], has_more: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class InvalidResponseError(status: Int, body: String) extends Exception with Product with Serializable
  7. case class PagingObject(count: Int, total: Int, page: Int, pages: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  8. case class ReactionsResponse(items: Seq[JsValue], paging: PagingObject) extends Product with Serializable
  9. case class RepliesChunk(has_more: Boolean, messages: Seq[JsValue], ok: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable
  10. case class RetryAfter(seconds: Int) extends Product with Serializable
  11. case class RtmConnectState(ok: Boolean, url: String, self: User, team: Team) extends Product with Serializable
  12. class SlackApiClient extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object BlockingSlackApiClient
  2. object RetryAfter extends Serializable
  3. object SlackApiClient
