
Type members


trait AST
case class ASTAnd(left: AST, right: AST) extends AST
case class ASTNot(expr: AST) extends AST
case class ASTOr(left: AST, right: AST) extends AST
case class ASTPhrase(value: String) extends AST
case class ASTWord(value: String) extends AST
class DefaultExpressionParser extends RegexParsers with ExpressionParser

The default implementation of ExpressionParser which supports the simple expression contains operators such as &, | and !.

The default implementation of ExpressionParser which supports the simple expression contains operators such as &, | and !.

class ExpressionParseException(cause: Throwable) extends RuntimeException
class GoogleExpressionParser extends RegexParsers with ExpressionParser

The optional implementation of ExpressionParser which supports Google-like query.

The optional implementation of ExpressionParser which supports Google-like query.

class QueryTemplate(query: String)

Provides templating for the solr query. This class makes place holder and simple string replacement.

Provides templating for the solr query. This class makes place holder and simple string replacement.

You can write variables in the query as the following:

  • %VAR_NAME% : place holder to set a single word (parameter would be escaped)
  • ?VAR_NAME? : place holder to set an expression (&, | and ! are available in an expression)
  • $VAR_NAME$ : string replacement (parameter would be not escaped)
object QueryUtils