



package optimization

Helper functions for linear-quadratic optimization

Linear Supertypes
StrictLogging, AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. optimization
  2. StrictLogging
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. abstract class AbstractMPProblem extends StrictLogging

    Should define the problem we are about to solve

  2. abstract class AbstractMPSolver extends StrictLogging

    Abstract class that should be extended to define a linear-quadratic solver.

  3. class LQProblem extends AbstractMPProblem

    A Linear-Quadratic problem.

    A Linear-Quadratic problem. Can be solved using one of the supported solvers (LPSolve, ojalgo, Gurobi or Mosek).

  4. class MIProblem extends AbstractMPProblem

    A Mixed-Integer problem.

    A Mixed-Integer problem. Can be solved using one of the supported solvers (LPSolve, ojalgo, Gurobi or Mosek).

  5. class MPConstraint extends StrictLogging

    Mathematical programming constraint in the problem.

  6. final class MPFloatVar extends MPVariable

    Mathematical programming float variables (bounded or double unbounded).

  7. final class MPIntVar extends MPVariable

    Mathematical programming integer/binary variables.

  8. class MPVariable extends Variable

    Mathematical programming unbounded variable in the problem.

    Mathematical programming unbounded variable in the problem. The domain is defined (0, +inf) if the variable is unbounded or (-inf, +inf) otherwise.

Value Members

  1. def add(constraint: Constraint)(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): MPConstraint
  2. def checkConstraints(tol: Double = 10e-6)(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): Boolean
  3. val logger: Logger
    Definition Classes
  4. def maximize(expression: Expression)(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): AbstractMPProblem
  5. def minimize(expression: Expression)(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): AbstractMPProblem
  6. def objectiveValue(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): Double
  7. def release()(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): Unit
  8. lazy val solvers: List[optimization.SolverLib.Value]
  9. def start(preSolve: PreSolve = PreSolve.DISABLE, timeLimit: Int = Int.MaxValue)(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): Boolean
  10. def status(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): ProblemStatus
  11. def subjectTo(constraints: Constraint*)(implicit problem: AbstractMPProblem): Unit
  12. object LQProblem
  13. object MIProblem
  14. object MPFloatVar
  15. object MPIntVar
  16. object PreSolve extends Enumeration
  17. object ProblemStatus extends Enumeration
  18. object SolverFactory
  19. object SolverLib extends Enumeration

Inherited from StrictLogging

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
