
Type members


case class MPModel(solverLib: SolverLib) extends StrictLogging

Defines the mathematical programming model we are about to solve.

Defines the mathematical programming model we are about to solve.

Value parameters:

a solver library (default is ojSolver)

trait MPSolver extends StrictLogging

Solver interface that describes a mathematical programming solver. It should be extended by all the individual solvers to be supported in the library.

Solver interface that describes a mathematical programming solver. It should be extended by all the individual solvers to be supported in the library.

object SolverFactory extends StrictLogging

Value members

Concrete methods

def add(constraint: Constraint)(implicit model: MPModel): MPConstraint
def checkConstraints(tol: Double)(implicit model: MPModel): Boolean
def maximize(expression: Expression)(implicit model: MPModel): MPModel
def minimize(expression: Expression)(implicit model: MPModel): MPModel
def objectiveValue(implicit model: MPModel): Double
def release()(implicit model: MPModel): Unit
def start(preSolve: PreSolve, timeLimit: Int)(implicit model: MPModel): Boolean
def status(implicit model: MPModel): SolutionStatus
def subjectTo(constraints: Constraint*)(implicit model: MPModel): Unit