



package skadi

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package tracers

Type Members

  1. trait Context extends AnyRef

    Opaque value encapsulated inside of Span.

    Opaque value encapsulated inside of Span. Completely implementation-dependent and usually exposed to user on application boundaries to run traces across processes.

  2. trait HasSpan[Env] extends AnyRef

    Type class to describe how to extract & set span for some environment (i.e.

    Type class to describe how to extract & set span for some environment (i.e. Kleisli argument or State's state)

  3. trait Span extends AnyRef

    Basic interface for span.

    Basic interface for span. Details are implementation-dependent, but all implementations must be referentially-transparent on updating Span data

  4. trait StatefulTrace[F[_]] extends Trace[F]

    Elaborate version of Trace that allows to safely set & modify running span inside of F[_].

    Elaborate version of Trace that allows to safely set & modify running span inside of F[_].

    Examples of such effects: monix.Task with TaskLocal, StateT

  5. sealed trait Tag extends AnyRef

    Span tags

  6. trait Trace[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Type class that describes how to extract Span from the effect F[_] and how to run F[A] with given span

  7. trait TraceCarrier[F[_], Carrier] extends AnyRef

    Abstraction over extraction of span's context from some carrier (i.e.

    Abstraction over extraction of span's context from some carrier (i.e. HTTP headers), as well as creating a carrier from the current span's context (if any).

    Usually kept at the application boundaries to extract information from the input and continue trace by adding a child span, or to inject span into carrier and pass it further to another process

  8. case class TraceLog(timestamp: Instant, message: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Trace log to add to span

    Trace log to add to span


    timestamp of the log


    log message

  9. trait Tracer[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Tracer acts as an abstraction layer over tracing.

    Tracer acts as an abstraction layer over tracing.

    General idea is to create span around fa: F[A], evaluate the results of F[A] and report span to underlying tracing solution.


    tracer.trace("fetch_user", "user_id" -> {
    } //the moment `readFromDB` is evaluated, span "fetch_user" is finished
  10. trait TracerClock[F[_]] extends AnyRef

    Default JRE Clock from cats-effect can't work with precision less than milliseconds for wall-clock time, as it relies on System.currentTimeMillis()

Value Members

  1. object Context extends Context
  2. object HasSpan
  3. object Span
  4. object StatefulTrace
  5. object Tag
  6. object Trace
  7. object TraceCarrier
  8. object Tracer
  9. object TracerClock
