
See theofInt companion object
final class ofInt(val self: Array[Int]) extends AnyVal


class AnyVal
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Value members

Concrete methods

def ++(that: ofInt): ofInt
def ===(that: ofInt): Boolean
def addString(b: StringBuilder, start: String, sep: String, end: String): StringBuilder
def collect[A](f: PartialFunction[Int, A])(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectBoolean(f: PartialFunction[Int, Boolean]): ofBoolean

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectByte(f: PartialFunction[Int, Byte]): ofByte

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectChar(f: PartialFunction[Int, Char]): ofChar

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectDouble(f: PartialFunction[Int, Double]): ofDouble

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectFirst[A](f: PartialFunction[Int, A])(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Option[A]
def collectFirstBoolean(f: PartialFunction[Int, Boolean]): Option[Boolean]
def collectFirstByte(f: PartialFunction[Int, Byte]): Option[Byte]
def collectFirstChar(f: PartialFunction[Int, Char]): Option[Char]
def collectFirstDouble(f: PartialFunction[Int, Double]): Option[Double]
def collectFirstFloat(f: PartialFunction[Int, Float]): Option[Float]
def collectFirstInt(f: PartialFunction[Int, Int]): Option[Int]
def collectFirstLong(f: PartialFunction[Int, Long]): Option[Long]
def collectFirstRef[Y <: AnyRef : ClassTag](f: PartialFunction[Int, Y]): Option[Y]
def collectFirstShort(f: PartialFunction[Int, Short]): Option[Short]
def collectFloat(f: PartialFunction[Int, Float]): ofFloat

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectInt(f: PartialFunction[Int, Int]): ofInt

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectLong(f: PartialFunction[Int, Long]): ofLong

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectRef[Y <: AnyRef : ClassTag](f: PartialFunction[Int, Y]): ofRef[Y]

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def collectShort(f: PartialFunction[Int, Short]): ofShort

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead

can not avoid boxing PartialFunction#applyOrElse use .withFilter(predicate).map(f) instead


def contains(elem: Int): Boolean
def count(f: Int => Boolean): Int
def deleteFirst(elem: Int): ofInt
def drop(n: Int): ofInt
def dropRight(n: Int): ofInt
def dropWhile(f: Int => Boolean): ofInt
def dropWhileR(f: Int => Boolean): ofInt
def endsWith(that: Array[Int]): Boolean
def exists(f: Int => Boolean): Boolean
def filter(f: Int => Boolean): ofInt
def filterNot(f: Int => Boolean): ofInt
def find(f: Int => Boolean): Option[Int]
def flatMap[A](f: Int => Array[A])(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
def flatMapBoolean(f: Int => Array[Boolean]): ofBoolean
def flatMapByte(f: Int => Array[Byte]): ofByte
def flatMapChar(f: Int => Array[Char]): ofChar
def flatMapDouble(f: Int => Array[Double]): ofDouble
def flatMapFloat(f: Int => Array[Float]): ofFloat
def flatMapInt(f: Int => Array[Int]): ofInt
def flatMapLong(f: Int => Array[Long]): ofLong
def flatMapRef[Y <: AnyRef : ClassTag](f: Int => Array[Y]): ofRef[Y]
def flatMapShort(f: Int => Array[Short]): ofShort
def foldLeft[A](z: A)(f: (A, Int) => A)(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): A
def foldLeftBoolean(z: Boolean)(f: (Boolean, Int) => Boolean): Boolean
def foldLeftByte(z: Byte)(f: (Byte, Int) => Byte): Byte
def foldLeftChar(z: Char)(f: (Char, Int) => Char): Char
def foldLeftDouble(z: Double)(f: (Double, Int) => Double): Double
def foldLeftFloat(z: Float)(f: (Float, Int) => Float): Float
def foldLeftInt(z: Int)(f: (Int, Int) => Int): Int
def foldLeftLong(z: Long)(f: (Long, Int) => Long): Long
def foldLeftRef[Y](z: Y)(f: (Y, Int) => Y): Y
def foldLeftShort(z: Short)(f: (Short, Int) => Short): Short
def foldMapLeft1[A](z: Int => A)(f: (A, Int) => A)(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Option[A]
def foldMapLeft1Boolean(z: Int => Boolean)(f: (Boolean, Int) => Boolean): Option[Boolean]
def foldMapLeft1Byte(z: Int => Byte)(f: (Byte, Int) => Byte): Option[Byte]
def foldMapLeft1Char(z: Int => Char)(f: (Char, Int) => Char): Option[Char]
def foldMapLeft1Double(z: Int => Double)(f: (Double, Int) => Double): Option[Double]
def foldMapLeft1Float(z: Int => Float)(f: (Float, Int) => Float): Option[Float]
def foldMapLeft1Int(z: Int => Int)(f: (Int, Int) => Int): Option[Int]
def foldMapLeft1Long(z: Int => Long)(f: (Long, Int) => Long): Option[Long]
def foldMapLeft1Ref[Y](z: Int => Y)(f: (Y, Int) => Y): Option[Y]
def foldMapLeft1Short(z: Int => Short)(f: (Short, Int) => Short): Option[Short]
def foldMapRight1[A](z: Int => A)(f: (Int, A) => A)(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Option[A]
def foldMapRight1Boolean(z: Int => Boolean)(f: (Int, Boolean) => Boolean): Option[Boolean]
def foldMapRight1Byte(z: Int => Byte)(f: (Int, Byte) => Byte): Option[Byte]
def foldMapRight1Char(z: Int => Char)(f: (Int, Char) => Char): Option[Char]
def foldMapRight1Double(z: Int => Double)(f: (Int, Double) => Double): Option[Double]
def foldMapRight1Float(z: Int => Float)(f: (Int, Float) => Float): Option[Float]
def foldMapRight1Int(z: Int => Int)(f: (Int, Int) => Int): Option[Int]
def foldMapRight1Long(z: Int => Long)(f: (Int, Long) => Long): Option[Long]
def foldMapRight1Ref[Y](z: Int => Y)(f: (Int, Y) => Y): Option[Y]
def foldMapRight1Short(z: Int => Short)(f: (Int, Short) => Short): Option[Short]
def foldRight[A](z: A)(f: (Int, A) => A)(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): A
def foldRightBoolean(z: Boolean)(f: (Int, Boolean) => Boolean): Boolean
def foldRightByte(z: Byte)(f: (Int, Byte) => Byte): Byte
def foldRightChar(z: Char)(f: (Int, Char) => Char): Char
def foldRightDouble(z: Double)(f: (Int, Double) => Double): Double
def foldRightFloat(z: Float)(f: (Int, Float) => Float): Float
def foldRightInt(z: Int)(f: (Int, Int) => Int): Int
def foldRightLong(z: Long)(f: (Int, Long) => Long): Long
def foldRightRef[Y](z: Y)(f: (Int, Y) => Y): Y
def foldRightShort(z: Short)(f: (Int, Short) => Short): Short
def forall(f: Int => Boolean): Boolean
def foreach[U](f: Int => U): Unit
def groupBy[A](f: Int => A): Map[A, ofInt]
def grouped(n: Int): Iterator[ofInt]
def indexOf(elem: Int): Option[Int]
def initOption: Option[ofInt]
def inits: Iterator[ofInt]
def interleave(that: ofInt): ofInt
def intersperse(a: Int): ofInt
def lastIndexOf(elem: Int): Option[Int]
def length: Int
def map[A](f: Int => A)(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
def mapBoolean(f: Int => Boolean): ofBoolean
def mapByte(f: Int => Byte): ofByte
def mapChar(f: Int => Char): ofChar
def mapDouble(f: Int => Double): ofDouble
def mapFloat(f: Int => Float): ofFloat
def mapInt(f: Int => Int): ofInt
def mapLong(f: Int => Long): ofLong
def mapRef[Y <: AnyRef : ClassTag](f: Int => Y): ofRef[Y]
def mapShort(f: Int => Short): ofShort
def max: Option[Int]
def maxBy[A](f: Int => A)(implicit A: Ordering[A]): Option[Int]
def min: Option[Int]
def minBy[A](f: Int => A)(implicit A: Ordering[A]): Option[Int]
def minmax: Option[(Int, Int)]
def mkString(start: String, sep: String, end: String): String
def mkString(sep: String): String
def mkString: String
def partition(f: Int => Boolean): (ofInt, ofInt)
def product: Int
def productDouble: Double
def productLong: Long
def reduceLeftOption(f: (Int, Int) => Int): Option[Int]
def reduceRightOption(f: (Int, Int) => Int): Option[Int]
def reverse: ofInt
def reverseMap[A](f: Int => A)(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
def reverseMapBoolean(f: Int => Boolean): ofBoolean
def reverseMapByte(f: Int => Byte): ofByte
def reverseMapChar(f: Int => Char): ofChar
def reverseMapDouble(f: Int => Double): ofDouble
def reverseMapFloat(f: Int => Float): ofFloat
def reverseMapInt(f: Int => Int): ofInt
def reverseMapLong(f: Int => Long): ofLong
def reverseMapRef[Y <: AnyRef : ClassTag](f: Int => Y): ofRef[Y]
def reverseMapShort(f: Int => Short): ofShort
def reverse_:::(prefix: ofInt): ofInt
def scanLeft[A](z: A)(f: (A, Int) => A)(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
def scanLeft1(f: (Int, Int) => Int): ofInt
def scanLeftBoolean(z: Boolean)(f: (Boolean, Int) => Boolean): ofBoolean
def scanLeftByte(z: Byte)(f: (Byte, Int) => Byte): ofByte
def scanLeftChar(z: Char)(f: (Char, Int) => Char): ofChar
def scanLeftDouble(z: Double)(f: (Double, Int) => Double): ofDouble
def scanLeftFloat(z: Float)(f: (Float, Int) => Float): ofFloat
def scanLeftInt(z: Int)(f: (Int, Int) => Int): ofInt
def scanLeftLong(z: Long)(f: (Long, Int) => Long): ofLong
def scanLeftRef[Y <: AnyRef : ClassTag](z: Y)(f: (Y, Int) => Y): ofRef[Y]
def scanLeftShort(z: Short)(f: (Short, Int) => Short): ofShort
def scanRight[A](z: A)(f: (Int, A) => A)(implicit A: ClassTag[A]): Array[A]
def scanRight1(f: (Int, Int) => Int): ofInt
def scanRightBoolean(z: Boolean)(f: (Int, Boolean) => Boolean): ofBoolean
def scanRightByte(z: Byte)(f: (Int, Byte) => Byte): ofByte
def scanRightChar(z: Char)(f: (Int, Char) => Char): ofChar
def scanRightDouble(z: Double)(f: (Int, Double) => Double): ofDouble
def scanRightFloat(z: Float)(f: (Int, Float) => Float): ofFloat
def scanRightInt(z: Int)(f: (Int, Int) => Int): ofInt
def scanRightLong(z: Long)(f: (Int, Long) => Long): ofLong
def scanRightRef[Y <: AnyRef : ClassTag](z: Y)(f: (Int, Y) => Y): ofRef[Y]
def scanRightShort(z: Short)(f: (Int, Short) => Short): ofShort
def size: Int
def slice(from: Int, until: Int): ofInt
def sliding(_size: Int, step: Int): Iterator[ofInt]
def sorted: ofInt
def span(f: Int => Boolean): (ofInt, ofInt)
def splitAt(n: Int): (ofInt, ofInt)
def startsWith(that: Array[Int], offset: Int): Boolean
def sum: Int
def sumLong: Long
def tailOption: Option[ofInt]
def tails: Iterator[ofInt]
def take(n: Int): ofInt
def takeRight(n: Int): ofInt
def takeWhile(f: Int => Boolean): ofInt
def takeWhileR(f: Int => Boolean): ofInt
def toArray: Array[Int]
def toList: List[Int]
override def toString: String

Returns a string representation of the object.

Returns a string representation of the object.

The default representation is platform dependent.



a string representation of the object.

Definition Classes
def updated(index: Int, elem: Int): ofInt
def withFilter(f: Int => Boolean): WithFilterInt

Concrete fields

val self: Array[Int]