Class RowFilter.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
RowFilterOrBuilder,,,,, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class RowFilter.Builder extends<RowFilter.Builder> implements RowFilterOrBuilder
 Takes a row as input and produces an alternate view of the row based on
 specified rules. For example, a RowFilter might trim down a row to include
 just the cells from columns matching a given regular expression, or might
 return all the cells of a row but not their values. More complicated filters
 can be composed out of these components to express requests such as, "within
 every column of a particular family, give just the two most recent cells
 which are older than timestamp X."

 There are two broad categories of RowFilters (true filters and transformers),
 as well as two ways to compose simple filters into more complex ones
 (chains and interleaves). They work as follows:

 * True filters alter the input row by excluding some of its cells wholesale
 from the output row. An example of a true filter is the `value_regex_filter`,
 which excludes cells whose values don't match the specified pattern. All
 regex true filters use RE2 syntax (
 in raw byte mode (RE2::Latin1), and are evaluated as full matches. An
 important point to keep in mind is that `RE2(.)` is equivalent by default to
 `RE2([^\n])`, meaning that it does not match newlines. When attempting to
 match an arbitrary byte, you should therefore use the escape sequence `\C`,
 which may need to be further escaped as `\\C` in your client language.

 * Transformers alter the input row by changing the values of some of its
 cells in the output, without excluding them completely. Currently, the only
 supported transformer is the `strip_value_transformer`, which replaces every
 cell's value with the empty string.

 * Chains and interleaves are described in more detail in the
 RowFilter.Chain and RowFilter.Interleave documentation.

 The total serialized size of a RowFilter message must not
 exceed 20480 bytes, and RowFilters may not be nested within each other
 (in Chains or Interleaves) to a depth of more than 20.
Protobuf type google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • clear

      public RowFilter.Builder clear()
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public RowFilter getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public RowFilter build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public RowFilter buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • clone

      public RowFilter.Builder clone()
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      clone in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • setField

      public RowFilter.Builder setField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setField in interface
      setField in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • clearField

      public RowFilter.Builder clearField( field)
      Specified by:
      clearField in interface
      clearField in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • clearOneof

      public RowFilter.Builder clearOneof( oneof)
      Specified by:
      clearOneof in interface
      clearOneof in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • setRepeatedField

      public RowFilter.Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setRepeatedField in interface
      setRepeatedField in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • addRepeatedField

      public RowFilter.Builder addRepeatedField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      addRepeatedField in interface
      addRepeatedField in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeFrom(RowFilter other)
    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • getFilterCase

      public RowFilter.FilterCase getFilterCase()
      Specified by:
      getFilterCase in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
    • clearFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearFilter()
    • hasChain

      public boolean hasChain()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in sequence, progressively
       narrowing the results.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Chain chain = 1;
      Specified by:
      hasChain in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the chain field is set.
    • getChain

      public RowFilter.Chain getChain()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in sequence, progressively
       narrowing the results.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Chain chain = 1;
      Specified by:
      getChain in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The chain.
    • setChain

      public RowFilter.Builder setChain(RowFilter.Chain value)
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in sequence, progressively
       narrowing the results.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Chain chain = 1;
    • setChain

      public RowFilter.Builder setChain(RowFilter.Chain.Builder builderForValue)
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in sequence, progressively
       narrowing the results.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Chain chain = 1;
    • mergeChain

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeChain(RowFilter.Chain value)
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in sequence, progressively
       narrowing the results.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Chain chain = 1;
    • clearChain

      public RowFilter.Builder clearChain()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in sequence, progressively
       narrowing the results.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Chain chain = 1;
    • getChainBuilder

      public RowFilter.Chain.Builder getChainBuilder()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in sequence, progressively
       narrowing the results.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Chain chain = 1;
    • getChainOrBuilder

      public RowFilter.ChainOrBuilder getChainOrBuilder()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in sequence, progressively
       narrowing the results.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Chain chain = 1;
      Specified by:
      getChainOrBuilder in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
    • hasInterleave

      public boolean hasInterleave()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in parallel and combines the
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave interleave = 2;
      Specified by:
      hasInterleave in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the interleave field is set.
    • getInterleave

      public RowFilter.Interleave getInterleave()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in parallel and combines the
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave interleave = 2;
      Specified by:
      getInterleave in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The interleave.
    • setInterleave

      public RowFilter.Builder setInterleave(RowFilter.Interleave value)
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in parallel and combines the
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave interleave = 2;
    • setInterleave

      public RowFilter.Builder setInterleave(RowFilter.Interleave.Builder builderForValue)
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in parallel and combines the
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave interleave = 2;
    • mergeInterleave

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeInterleave(RowFilter.Interleave value)
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in parallel and combines the
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave interleave = 2;
    • clearInterleave

      public RowFilter.Builder clearInterleave()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in parallel and combines the
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave interleave = 2;
    • getInterleaveBuilder

      public RowFilter.Interleave.Builder getInterleaveBuilder()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in parallel and combines the
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave interleave = 2;
    • getInterleaveOrBuilder

      public RowFilter.InterleaveOrBuilder getInterleaveOrBuilder()
       Applies several RowFilters to the data in parallel and combines the
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave interleave = 2;
      Specified by:
      getInterleaveOrBuilder in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
    • hasCondition

      public boolean hasCondition()
       Applies one of two possible RowFilters to the data based on the output of
       a predicate RowFilter.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition condition = 3;
      Specified by:
      hasCondition in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the condition field is set.
    • getCondition

      public RowFilter.Condition getCondition()
       Applies one of two possible RowFilters to the data based on the output of
       a predicate RowFilter.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition condition = 3;
      Specified by:
      getCondition in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The condition.
    • setCondition

      public RowFilter.Builder setCondition(RowFilter.Condition value)
       Applies one of two possible RowFilters to the data based on the output of
       a predicate RowFilter.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition condition = 3;
    • setCondition

      public RowFilter.Builder setCondition(RowFilter.Condition.Builder builderForValue)
       Applies one of two possible RowFilters to the data based on the output of
       a predicate RowFilter.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition condition = 3;
    • mergeCondition

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeCondition(RowFilter.Condition value)
       Applies one of two possible RowFilters to the data based on the output of
       a predicate RowFilter.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition condition = 3;
    • clearCondition

      public RowFilter.Builder clearCondition()
       Applies one of two possible RowFilters to the data based on the output of
       a predicate RowFilter.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition condition = 3;
    • getConditionBuilder

      public RowFilter.Condition.Builder getConditionBuilder()
       Applies one of two possible RowFilters to the data based on the output of
       a predicate RowFilter.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition condition = 3;
    • getConditionOrBuilder

      public RowFilter.ConditionOrBuilder getConditionOrBuilder()
       Applies one of two possible RowFilters to the data based on the output of
       a predicate RowFilter.
      .google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition condition = 3;
      Specified by:
      getConditionOrBuilder in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
    • hasSink

      public boolean hasSink()
       Hook for introspection into the RowFilter. Outputs all cells directly to
       the output of the read rather than to any parent filter. Consider the
       following example:
               Chain(Label("foo"), Sink())
                     |                          |
                   All()                    Label(foo)
                     |                          |
                  A,A,1,w              A,A,1,w,labels:[foo]
                  A,B,2,x              A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]
                     |                          |
                     |                        Sink() --------------+
                     |                          |                  |
                     +------------+      x------+          A,A,1,w,labels:[foo]
                                  |                        A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]
                               A,A,1,w                             |
                               A,B,2,x                             |
                                  |                                |
                          QualifierRegex("B")                      |
                                  |                                |
                               A,B,2,x                             |
                                  |                                |
                               A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]  // could be switched
                               A,B,2,x               // could be switched
       Despite being excluded by the qualifier filter, a copy of every cell
       that reaches the sink is present in the final result.
       As with an [Interleave][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave],
       duplicate cells are possible, and appear in an unspecified mutual order.
       In this case we have a duplicate with column "A:B" and timestamp 2,
       because one copy passed through the all filter while the other was
       passed through the label and sink. Note that one copy has label "foo",
       while the other does not.
       Cannot be used within the `predicate_filter`, `true_filter`, or
       `false_filter` of a [Condition][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition].
      bool sink = 16;
      Specified by:
      hasSink in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the sink field is set.
    • getSink

      public boolean getSink()
       Hook for introspection into the RowFilter. Outputs all cells directly to
       the output of the read rather than to any parent filter. Consider the
       following example:
               Chain(Label("foo"), Sink())
                     |                          |
                   All()                    Label(foo)
                     |                          |
                  A,A,1,w              A,A,1,w,labels:[foo]
                  A,B,2,x              A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]
                     |                          |
                     |                        Sink() --------------+
                     |                          |                  |
                     +------------+      x------+          A,A,1,w,labels:[foo]
                                  |                        A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]
                               A,A,1,w                             |
                               A,B,2,x                             |
                                  |                                |
                          QualifierRegex("B")                      |
                                  |                                |
                               A,B,2,x                             |
                                  |                                |
                               A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]  // could be switched
                               A,B,2,x               // could be switched
       Despite being excluded by the qualifier filter, a copy of every cell
       that reaches the sink is present in the final result.
       As with an [Interleave][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave],
       duplicate cells are possible, and appear in an unspecified mutual order.
       In this case we have a duplicate with column "A:B" and timestamp 2,
       because one copy passed through the all filter while the other was
       passed through the label and sink. Note that one copy has label "foo",
       while the other does not.
       Cannot be used within the `predicate_filter`, `true_filter`, or
       `false_filter` of a [Condition][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition].
      bool sink = 16;
      Specified by:
      getSink in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The sink.
    • setSink

      public RowFilter.Builder setSink(boolean value)
       Hook for introspection into the RowFilter. Outputs all cells directly to
       the output of the read rather than to any parent filter. Consider the
       following example:
               Chain(Label("foo"), Sink())
                     |                          |
                   All()                    Label(foo)
                     |                          |
                  A,A,1,w              A,A,1,w,labels:[foo]
                  A,B,2,x              A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]
                     |                          |
                     |                        Sink() --------------+
                     |                          |                  |
                     +------------+      x------+          A,A,1,w,labels:[foo]
                                  |                        A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]
                               A,A,1,w                             |
                               A,B,2,x                             |
                                  |                                |
                          QualifierRegex("B")                      |
                                  |                                |
                               A,B,2,x                             |
                                  |                                |
                               A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]  // could be switched
                               A,B,2,x               // could be switched
       Despite being excluded by the qualifier filter, a copy of every cell
       that reaches the sink is present in the final result.
       As with an [Interleave][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave],
       duplicate cells are possible, and appear in an unspecified mutual order.
       In this case we have a duplicate with column "A:B" and timestamp 2,
       because one copy passed through the all filter while the other was
       passed through the label and sink. Note that one copy has label "foo",
       while the other does not.
       Cannot be used within the `predicate_filter`, `true_filter`, or
       `false_filter` of a [Condition][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition].
      bool sink = 16;
      value - The sink to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearSink

      public RowFilter.Builder clearSink()
       Hook for introspection into the RowFilter. Outputs all cells directly to
       the output of the read rather than to any parent filter. Consider the
       following example:
               Chain(Label("foo"), Sink())
                     |                          |
                   All()                    Label(foo)
                     |                          |
                  A,A,1,w              A,A,1,w,labels:[foo]
                  A,B,2,x              A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]
                     |                          |
                     |                        Sink() --------------+
                     |                          |                  |
                     +------------+      x------+          A,A,1,w,labels:[foo]
                                  |                        A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]
                               A,A,1,w                             |
                               A,B,2,x                             |
                                  |                                |
                          QualifierRegex("B")                      |
                                  |                                |
                               A,B,2,x                             |
                                  |                                |
                               A,B,2,x,labels:[foo]  // could be switched
                               A,B,2,x               // could be switched
       Despite being excluded by the qualifier filter, a copy of every cell
       that reaches the sink is present in the final result.
       As with an [Interleave][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Interleave],
       duplicate cells are possible, and appear in an unspecified mutual order.
       In this case we have a duplicate with column "A:B" and timestamp 2,
       because one copy passed through the all filter while the other was
       passed through the label and sink. Note that one copy has label "foo",
       while the other does not.
       Cannot be used within the `predicate_filter`, `true_filter`, or
       `false_filter` of a [Condition][google.bigtable.v2.RowFilter.Condition].
      bool sink = 16;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasPassAllFilter

      public boolean hasPassAllFilter()
       Matches all cells, regardless of input. Functionally equivalent to
       leaving `filter` unset, but included for completeness.
      bool pass_all_filter = 17;
      Specified by:
      hasPassAllFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the passAllFilter field is set.
    • getPassAllFilter

      public boolean getPassAllFilter()
       Matches all cells, regardless of input. Functionally equivalent to
       leaving `filter` unset, but included for completeness.
      bool pass_all_filter = 17;
      Specified by:
      getPassAllFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The passAllFilter.
    • setPassAllFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setPassAllFilter(boolean value)
       Matches all cells, regardless of input. Functionally equivalent to
       leaving `filter` unset, but included for completeness.
      bool pass_all_filter = 17;
      value - The passAllFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearPassAllFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearPassAllFilter()
       Matches all cells, regardless of input. Functionally equivalent to
       leaving `filter` unset, but included for completeness.
      bool pass_all_filter = 17;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasBlockAllFilter

      public boolean hasBlockAllFilter()
       Does not match any cells, regardless of input. Useful for temporarily
       disabling just part of a filter.
      bool block_all_filter = 18;
      Specified by:
      hasBlockAllFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the blockAllFilter field is set.
    • getBlockAllFilter

      public boolean getBlockAllFilter()
       Does not match any cells, regardless of input. Useful for temporarily
       disabling just part of a filter.
      bool block_all_filter = 18;
      Specified by:
      getBlockAllFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The blockAllFilter.
    • setBlockAllFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setBlockAllFilter(boolean value)
       Does not match any cells, regardless of input. Useful for temporarily
       disabling just part of a filter.
      bool block_all_filter = 18;
      value - The blockAllFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearBlockAllFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearBlockAllFilter()
       Does not match any cells, regardless of input. Useful for temporarily
       disabling just part of a filter.
      bool block_all_filter = 18;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasRowKeyRegexFilter

      public boolean hasRowKeyRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from rows whose keys satisfy the given RE2 regex. In
       other words, passes through the entire row when the key matches, and
       otherwise produces an empty row.
       Note that, since row keys can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C` escape
       sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.` character
       will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be present in a
       binary key.
      bytes row_key_regex_filter = 4;
      Specified by:
      hasRowKeyRegexFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the rowKeyRegexFilter field is set.
    • getRowKeyRegexFilter

      public getRowKeyRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from rows whose keys satisfy the given RE2 regex. In
       other words, passes through the entire row when the key matches, and
       otherwise produces an empty row.
       Note that, since row keys can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C` escape
       sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.` character
       will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be present in a
       binary key.
      bytes row_key_regex_filter = 4;
      Specified by:
      getRowKeyRegexFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The rowKeyRegexFilter.
    • setRowKeyRegexFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setRowKeyRegexFilter( value)
       Matches only cells from rows whose keys satisfy the given RE2 regex. In
       other words, passes through the entire row when the key matches, and
       otherwise produces an empty row.
       Note that, since row keys can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C` escape
       sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.` character
       will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be present in a
       binary key.
      bytes row_key_regex_filter = 4;
      value - The rowKeyRegexFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearRowKeyRegexFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearRowKeyRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from rows whose keys satisfy the given RE2 regex. In
       other words, passes through the entire row when the key matches, and
       otherwise produces an empty row.
       Note that, since row keys can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C` escape
       sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.` character
       will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be present in a
       binary key.
      bytes row_key_regex_filter = 4;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasRowSampleFilter

      public boolean hasRowSampleFilter()
       Matches all cells from a row with probability p, and matches no cells
       from the row with probability 1-p.
      double row_sample_filter = 14;
      Specified by:
      hasRowSampleFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the rowSampleFilter field is set.
    • getRowSampleFilter

      public double getRowSampleFilter()
       Matches all cells from a row with probability p, and matches no cells
       from the row with probability 1-p.
      double row_sample_filter = 14;
      Specified by:
      getRowSampleFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The rowSampleFilter.
    • setRowSampleFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setRowSampleFilter(double value)
       Matches all cells from a row with probability p, and matches no cells
       from the row with probability 1-p.
      double row_sample_filter = 14;
      value - The rowSampleFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearRowSampleFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearRowSampleFilter()
       Matches all cells from a row with probability p, and matches no cells
       from the row with probability 1-p.
      double row_sample_filter = 14;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasFamilyNameRegexFilter

      public boolean hasFamilyNameRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns whose families satisfy the given RE2
       regex. For technical reasons, the regex must not contain the `:`
       character, even if it is not being used as a literal.
       Note that, since column families cannot contain the new line character
       `\n`, it is sufficient to use `.` as a full wildcard when matching
       column family names.
      string family_name_regex_filter = 5;
      Specified by:
      hasFamilyNameRegexFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the familyNameRegexFilter field is set.
    • getFamilyNameRegexFilter

      public String getFamilyNameRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns whose families satisfy the given RE2
       regex. For technical reasons, the regex must not contain the `:`
       character, even if it is not being used as a literal.
       Note that, since column families cannot contain the new line character
       `\n`, it is sufficient to use `.` as a full wildcard when matching
       column family names.
      string family_name_regex_filter = 5;
      Specified by:
      getFamilyNameRegexFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The familyNameRegexFilter.
    • getFamilyNameRegexFilterBytes

      public getFamilyNameRegexFilterBytes()
       Matches only cells from columns whose families satisfy the given RE2
       regex. For technical reasons, the regex must not contain the `:`
       character, even if it is not being used as a literal.
       Note that, since column families cannot contain the new line character
       `\n`, it is sufficient to use `.` as a full wildcard when matching
       column family names.
      string family_name_regex_filter = 5;
      Specified by:
      getFamilyNameRegexFilterBytes in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The bytes for familyNameRegexFilter.
    • setFamilyNameRegexFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setFamilyNameRegexFilter(String value)
       Matches only cells from columns whose families satisfy the given RE2
       regex. For technical reasons, the regex must not contain the `:`
       character, even if it is not being used as a literal.
       Note that, since column families cannot contain the new line character
       `\n`, it is sufficient to use `.` as a full wildcard when matching
       column family names.
      string family_name_regex_filter = 5;
      value - The familyNameRegexFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearFamilyNameRegexFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearFamilyNameRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns whose families satisfy the given RE2
       regex. For technical reasons, the regex must not contain the `:`
       character, even if it is not being used as a literal.
       Note that, since column families cannot contain the new line character
       `\n`, it is sufficient to use `.` as a full wildcard when matching
       column family names.
      string family_name_regex_filter = 5;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setFamilyNameRegexFilterBytes

      public RowFilter.Builder setFamilyNameRegexFilterBytes( value)
       Matches only cells from columns whose families satisfy the given RE2
       regex. For technical reasons, the regex must not contain the `:`
       character, even if it is not being used as a literal.
       Note that, since column families cannot contain the new line character
       `\n`, it is sufficient to use `.` as a full wildcard when matching
       column family names.
      string family_name_regex_filter = 5;
      value - The bytes for familyNameRegexFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasColumnQualifierRegexFilter

      public boolean hasColumnQualifierRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns whose qualifiers satisfy the given RE2
       Note that, since column qualifiers can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C`
       escape sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.`
       character will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be
       present in a binary qualifier.
      bytes column_qualifier_regex_filter = 6;
      Specified by:
      hasColumnQualifierRegexFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the columnQualifierRegexFilter field is set.
    • getColumnQualifierRegexFilter

      public getColumnQualifierRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns whose qualifiers satisfy the given RE2
       Note that, since column qualifiers can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C`
       escape sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.`
       character will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be
       present in a binary qualifier.
      bytes column_qualifier_regex_filter = 6;
      Specified by:
      getColumnQualifierRegexFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The columnQualifierRegexFilter.
    • setColumnQualifierRegexFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setColumnQualifierRegexFilter( value)
       Matches only cells from columns whose qualifiers satisfy the given RE2
       Note that, since column qualifiers can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C`
       escape sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.`
       character will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be
       present in a binary qualifier.
      bytes column_qualifier_regex_filter = 6;
      value - The columnQualifierRegexFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearColumnQualifierRegexFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearColumnQualifierRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns whose qualifiers satisfy the given RE2
       Note that, since column qualifiers can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C`
       escape sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.`
       character will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be
       present in a binary qualifier.
      bytes column_qualifier_regex_filter = 6;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasColumnRangeFilter

      public boolean hasColumnRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ColumnRange column_range_filter = 7;
      Specified by:
      hasColumnRangeFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the columnRangeFilter field is set.
    • getColumnRangeFilter

      public ColumnRange getColumnRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ColumnRange column_range_filter = 7;
      Specified by:
      getColumnRangeFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The columnRangeFilter.
    • setColumnRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setColumnRangeFilter(ColumnRange value)
       Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ColumnRange column_range_filter = 7;
    • setColumnRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setColumnRangeFilter(ColumnRange.Builder builderForValue)
       Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ColumnRange column_range_filter = 7;
    • mergeColumnRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeColumnRangeFilter(ColumnRange value)
       Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ColumnRange column_range_filter = 7;
    • clearColumnRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearColumnRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ColumnRange column_range_filter = 7;
    • getColumnRangeFilterBuilder

      public ColumnRange.Builder getColumnRangeFilterBuilder()
       Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ColumnRange column_range_filter = 7;
    • getColumnRangeFilterOrBuilder

      public ColumnRangeOrBuilder getColumnRangeFilterOrBuilder()
       Matches only cells from columns within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ColumnRange column_range_filter = 7;
      Specified by:
      getColumnRangeFilterOrBuilder in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
    • hasTimestampRangeFilter

      public boolean hasTimestampRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells with timestamps within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.TimestampRange timestamp_range_filter = 8;
      Specified by:
      hasTimestampRangeFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the timestampRangeFilter field is set.
    • getTimestampRangeFilter

      public TimestampRange getTimestampRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells with timestamps within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.TimestampRange timestamp_range_filter = 8;
      Specified by:
      getTimestampRangeFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The timestampRangeFilter.
    • setTimestampRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setTimestampRangeFilter(TimestampRange value)
       Matches only cells with timestamps within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.TimestampRange timestamp_range_filter = 8;
    • setTimestampRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setTimestampRangeFilter(TimestampRange.Builder builderForValue)
       Matches only cells with timestamps within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.TimestampRange timestamp_range_filter = 8;
    • mergeTimestampRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeTimestampRangeFilter(TimestampRange value)
       Matches only cells with timestamps within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.TimestampRange timestamp_range_filter = 8;
    • clearTimestampRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearTimestampRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells with timestamps within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.TimestampRange timestamp_range_filter = 8;
    • getTimestampRangeFilterBuilder

      public TimestampRange.Builder getTimestampRangeFilterBuilder()
       Matches only cells with timestamps within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.TimestampRange timestamp_range_filter = 8;
    • getTimestampRangeFilterOrBuilder

      public TimestampRangeOrBuilder getTimestampRangeFilterOrBuilder()
       Matches only cells with timestamps within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.TimestampRange timestamp_range_filter = 8;
      Specified by:
      getTimestampRangeFilterOrBuilder in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
    • hasValueRegexFilter

      public boolean hasValueRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells with values that satisfy the given regular expression.
       Note that, since cell values can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C` escape
       sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.` character
       will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be present in a
       binary value.
      bytes value_regex_filter = 9;
      Specified by:
      hasValueRegexFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the valueRegexFilter field is set.
    • getValueRegexFilter

      public getValueRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells with values that satisfy the given regular expression.
       Note that, since cell values can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C` escape
       sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.` character
       will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be present in a
       binary value.
      bytes value_regex_filter = 9;
      Specified by:
      getValueRegexFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The valueRegexFilter.
    • setValueRegexFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setValueRegexFilter( value)
       Matches only cells with values that satisfy the given regular expression.
       Note that, since cell values can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C` escape
       sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.` character
       will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be present in a
       binary value.
      bytes value_regex_filter = 9;
      value - The valueRegexFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearValueRegexFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearValueRegexFilter()
       Matches only cells with values that satisfy the given regular expression.
       Note that, since cell values can contain arbitrary bytes, the `\C` escape
       sequence must be used if a true wildcard is desired. The `.` character
       will not match the new line character `\n`, which may be present in a
       binary value.
      bytes value_regex_filter = 9;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasValueRangeFilter

      public boolean hasValueRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells with values that fall within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ValueRange value_range_filter = 15;
      Specified by:
      hasValueRangeFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the valueRangeFilter field is set.
    • getValueRangeFilter

      public ValueRange getValueRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells with values that fall within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ValueRange value_range_filter = 15;
      Specified by:
      getValueRangeFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The valueRangeFilter.
    • setValueRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setValueRangeFilter(ValueRange value)
       Matches only cells with values that fall within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ValueRange value_range_filter = 15;
    • setValueRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setValueRangeFilter(ValueRange.Builder builderForValue)
       Matches only cells with values that fall within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ValueRange value_range_filter = 15;
    • mergeValueRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder mergeValueRangeFilter(ValueRange value)
       Matches only cells with values that fall within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ValueRange value_range_filter = 15;
    • clearValueRangeFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearValueRangeFilter()
       Matches only cells with values that fall within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ValueRange value_range_filter = 15;
    • getValueRangeFilterBuilder

      public ValueRange.Builder getValueRangeFilterBuilder()
       Matches only cells with values that fall within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ValueRange value_range_filter = 15;
    • getValueRangeFilterOrBuilder

      public ValueRangeOrBuilder getValueRangeFilterOrBuilder()
       Matches only cells with values that fall within the given range.
      .google.bigtable.v2.ValueRange value_range_filter = 15;
      Specified by:
      getValueRangeFilterOrBuilder in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
    • hasCellsPerRowOffsetFilter

      public boolean hasCellsPerRowOffsetFilter()
       Skips the first N cells of each row, matching all subsequent cells.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_row_offset_filter = 10;
      Specified by:
      hasCellsPerRowOffsetFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the cellsPerRowOffsetFilter field is set.
    • getCellsPerRowOffsetFilter

      public int getCellsPerRowOffsetFilter()
       Skips the first N cells of each row, matching all subsequent cells.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_row_offset_filter = 10;
      Specified by:
      getCellsPerRowOffsetFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The cellsPerRowOffsetFilter.
    • setCellsPerRowOffsetFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setCellsPerRowOffsetFilter(int value)
       Skips the first N cells of each row, matching all subsequent cells.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_row_offset_filter = 10;
      value - The cellsPerRowOffsetFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearCellsPerRowOffsetFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearCellsPerRowOffsetFilter()
       Skips the first N cells of each row, matching all subsequent cells.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_row_offset_filter = 10;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasCellsPerRowLimitFilter

      public boolean hasCellsPerRowLimitFilter()
       Matches only the first N cells of each row.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_row_limit_filter = 11;
      Specified by:
      hasCellsPerRowLimitFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the cellsPerRowLimitFilter field is set.
    • getCellsPerRowLimitFilter

      public int getCellsPerRowLimitFilter()
       Matches only the first N cells of each row.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_row_limit_filter = 11;
      Specified by:
      getCellsPerRowLimitFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The cellsPerRowLimitFilter.
    • setCellsPerRowLimitFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setCellsPerRowLimitFilter(int value)
       Matches only the first N cells of each row.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_row_limit_filter = 11;
      value - The cellsPerRowLimitFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearCellsPerRowLimitFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearCellsPerRowLimitFilter()
       Matches only the first N cells of each row.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_row_limit_filter = 11;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasCellsPerColumnLimitFilter

      public boolean hasCellsPerColumnLimitFilter()
       Matches only the most recent N cells within each column. For example,
       if N=2, this filter would match column `foo:bar` at timestamps 10 and 9,
       skip all earlier cells in `foo:bar`, and then begin matching again in
       column `foo:bar2`.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_column_limit_filter = 12;
      Specified by:
      hasCellsPerColumnLimitFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the cellsPerColumnLimitFilter field is set.
    • getCellsPerColumnLimitFilter

      public int getCellsPerColumnLimitFilter()
       Matches only the most recent N cells within each column. For example,
       if N=2, this filter would match column `foo:bar` at timestamps 10 and 9,
       skip all earlier cells in `foo:bar`, and then begin matching again in
       column `foo:bar2`.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_column_limit_filter = 12;
      Specified by:
      getCellsPerColumnLimitFilter in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The cellsPerColumnLimitFilter.
    • setCellsPerColumnLimitFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder setCellsPerColumnLimitFilter(int value)
       Matches only the most recent N cells within each column. For example,
       if N=2, this filter would match column `foo:bar` at timestamps 10 and 9,
       skip all earlier cells in `foo:bar`, and then begin matching again in
       column `foo:bar2`.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_column_limit_filter = 12;
      value - The cellsPerColumnLimitFilter to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearCellsPerColumnLimitFilter

      public RowFilter.Builder clearCellsPerColumnLimitFilter()
       Matches only the most recent N cells within each column. For example,
       if N=2, this filter would match column `foo:bar` at timestamps 10 and 9,
       skip all earlier cells in `foo:bar`, and then begin matching again in
       column `foo:bar2`.
       If duplicate cells are present, as is possible when using an Interleave,
       each copy of the cell is counted separately.
      int32 cells_per_column_limit_filter = 12;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasStripValueTransformer

      public boolean hasStripValueTransformer()
       Replaces each cell's value with the empty string.
      bool strip_value_transformer = 13;
      Specified by:
      hasStripValueTransformer in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the stripValueTransformer field is set.
    • getStripValueTransformer

      public boolean getStripValueTransformer()
       Replaces each cell's value with the empty string.
      bool strip_value_transformer = 13;
      Specified by:
      getStripValueTransformer in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The stripValueTransformer.
    • setStripValueTransformer

      public RowFilter.Builder setStripValueTransformer(boolean value)
       Replaces each cell's value with the empty string.
      bool strip_value_transformer = 13;
      value - The stripValueTransformer to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearStripValueTransformer

      public RowFilter.Builder clearStripValueTransformer()
       Replaces each cell's value with the empty string.
      bool strip_value_transformer = 13;
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasApplyLabelTransformer

      public boolean hasApplyLabelTransformer()
       Applies the given label to all cells in the output row. This allows
       the client to determine which results were produced from which part of
       the filter.
       Values must be at most 15 characters in length, and match the RE2
       pattern `[a-z0-9\\-]+`
       Due to a technical limitation, it is not currently possible to apply
       multiple labels to a cell. As a result, a Chain may have no more than
       one sub-filter which contains a `apply_label_transformer`. It is okay for
       an Interleave to contain multiple `apply_label_transformers`, as they
       will be applied to separate copies of the input. This may be relaxed in
       the future.
      string apply_label_transformer = 19;
      Specified by:
      hasApplyLabelTransformer in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      Whether the applyLabelTransformer field is set.
    • getApplyLabelTransformer

      public String getApplyLabelTransformer()
       Applies the given label to all cells in the output row. This allows
       the client to determine which results were produced from which part of
       the filter.
       Values must be at most 15 characters in length, and match the RE2
       pattern `[a-z0-9\\-]+`
       Due to a technical limitation, it is not currently possible to apply
       multiple labels to a cell. As a result, a Chain may have no more than
       one sub-filter which contains a `apply_label_transformer`. It is okay for
       an Interleave to contain multiple `apply_label_transformers`, as they
       will be applied to separate copies of the input. This may be relaxed in
       the future.
      string apply_label_transformer = 19;
      Specified by:
      getApplyLabelTransformer in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The applyLabelTransformer.
    • getApplyLabelTransformerBytes

      public getApplyLabelTransformerBytes()
       Applies the given label to all cells in the output row. This allows
       the client to determine which results were produced from which part of
       the filter.
       Values must be at most 15 characters in length, and match the RE2
       pattern `[a-z0-9\\-]+`
       Due to a technical limitation, it is not currently possible to apply
       multiple labels to a cell. As a result, a Chain may have no more than
       one sub-filter which contains a `apply_label_transformer`. It is okay for
       an Interleave to contain multiple `apply_label_transformers`, as they
       will be applied to separate copies of the input. This may be relaxed in
       the future.
      string apply_label_transformer = 19;
      Specified by:
      getApplyLabelTransformerBytes in interface RowFilterOrBuilder
      The bytes for applyLabelTransformer.
    • setApplyLabelTransformer

      public RowFilter.Builder setApplyLabelTransformer(String value)
       Applies the given label to all cells in the output row. This allows
       the client to determine which results were produced from which part of
       the filter.
       Values must be at most 15 characters in length, and match the RE2
       pattern `[a-z0-9\\-]+`
       Due to a technical limitation, it is not currently possible to apply
       multiple labels to a cell. As a result, a Chain may have no more than
       one sub-filter which contains a `apply_label_transformer`. It is okay for
       an Interleave to contain multiple `apply_label_transformers`, as they
       will be applied to separate copies of the input. This may be relaxed in
       the future.
      string apply_label_transformer = 19;
      value - The applyLabelTransformer to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearApplyLabelTransformer

      public RowFilter.Builder clearApplyLabelTransformer()
       Applies the given label to all cells in the output row. This allows
       the client to determine which results were produced from which part of
       the filter.
       Values must be at most 15 characters in length, and match the RE2
       pattern `[a-z0-9\\-]+`
       Due to a technical limitation, it is not currently possible to apply
       multiple labels to a cell. As a result, a Chain may have no more than
       one sub-filter which contains a `apply_label_transformer`. It is okay for
       an Interleave to contain multiple `apply_label_transformers`, as they
       will be applied to separate copies of the input. This may be relaxed in
       the future.
      string apply_label_transformer = 19;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setApplyLabelTransformerBytes

      public RowFilter.Builder setApplyLabelTransformerBytes( value)
       Applies the given label to all cells in the output row. This allows
       the client to determine which results were produced from which part of
       the filter.
       Values must be at most 15 characters in length, and match the RE2
       pattern `[a-z0-9\\-]+`
       Due to a technical limitation, it is not currently possible to apply
       multiple labels to a cell. As a result, a Chain may have no more than
       one sub-filter which contains a `apply_label_transformer`. It is okay for
       an Interleave to contain multiple `apply_label_transformers`, as they
       will be applied to separate copies of the input. This may be relaxed in
       the future.
      string apply_label_transformer = 19;
      value - The bytes for applyLabelTransformer to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • setUnknownFields

      public final RowFilter.Builder setUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      setUnknownFields in interface
      setUnknownFields in class<RowFilter.Builder>
    • mergeUnknownFields

      public final RowFilter.Builder mergeUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      mergeUnknownFields in interface
      mergeUnknownFields in class<RowFilter.Builder>