Class QuotaLimit.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
QuotaLimitOrBuilder,,,,, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class QuotaLimit.Builder extends<QuotaLimit.Builder> implements QuotaLimitOrBuilder
 `QuotaLimit` defines a specific limit that applies over a specified duration
 for a limit type. There can be at most one limit for a duration and limit
 type combination defined within a `QuotaGroup`.
Protobuf type google.api.QuotaLimit
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetMapField

      protected internalGetMapField(int number)
      internalGetMapField in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • internalGetMutableMapField

      protected internalGetMutableMapField(int number)
      internalGetMutableMapField in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • clear

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clear()
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public QuotaLimit getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public QuotaLimit build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public QuotaLimit buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • mergeFrom

      public QuotaLimit.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public QuotaLimit.Builder mergeFrom(QuotaLimit other)
    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public QuotaLimit.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • getName

      public String getName()
       Name of the quota limit.
       The name must be provided, and it must be unique within the service. The
       name can only include alphanumeric characters as well as '-'.
       The maximum length of the limit name is 64 characters.
      string name = 6;
      Specified by:
      getName in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The name.
    • getNameBytes

      public getNameBytes()
       Name of the quota limit.
       The name must be provided, and it must be unique within the service. The
       name can only include alphanumeric characters as well as '-'.
       The maximum length of the limit name is 64 characters.
      string name = 6;
      Specified by:
      getNameBytes in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The bytes for name.
    • setName

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setName(String value)
       Name of the quota limit.
       The name must be provided, and it must be unique within the service. The
       name can only include alphanumeric characters as well as '-'.
       The maximum length of the limit name is 64 characters.
      string name = 6;
      value - The name to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearName

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearName()
       Name of the quota limit.
       The name must be provided, and it must be unique within the service. The
       name can only include alphanumeric characters as well as '-'.
       The maximum length of the limit name is 64 characters.
      string name = 6;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setNameBytes

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setNameBytes( value)
       Name of the quota limit.
       The name must be provided, and it must be unique within the service. The
       name can only include alphanumeric characters as well as '-'.
       The maximum length of the limit name is 64 characters.
      string name = 6;
      value - The bytes for name to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getDescription

      public String getDescription()
       Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit.
       Should be used only when more context is needed to understand this limit
       than provided by the limit's display name (see: `display_name`).
      string description = 2;
      Specified by:
      getDescription in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The description.
    • getDescriptionBytes

      public getDescriptionBytes()
       Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit.
       Should be used only when more context is needed to understand this limit
       than provided by the limit's display name (see: `display_name`).
      string description = 2;
      Specified by:
      getDescriptionBytes in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The bytes for description.
    • setDescription

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setDescription(String value)
       Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit.
       Should be used only when more context is needed to understand this limit
       than provided by the limit's display name (see: `display_name`).
      string description = 2;
      value - The description to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDescription

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearDescription()
       Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit.
       Should be used only when more context is needed to understand this limit
       than provided by the limit's display name (see: `display_name`).
      string description = 2;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setDescriptionBytes

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setDescriptionBytes( value)
       Optional. User-visible, extended description for this quota limit.
       Should be used only when more context is needed to understand this limit
       than provided by the limit's display name (see: `display_name`).
      string description = 2;
      value - The bytes for description to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getDefaultLimit

      public long getDefaultLimit()
       Default number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified
       duration. This is the number of tokens assigned when a client
       application developer activates the service for his/her project.
       Specifying a value of 0 will block all requests. This can be used if you
       are provisioning quota to selected consumers and blocking others.
       Similarly, a value of -1 will indicate an unlimited quota. No other
       negative values are allowed.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 default_limit = 3;
      Specified by:
      getDefaultLimit in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The defaultLimit.
    • setDefaultLimit

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setDefaultLimit(long value)
       Default number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified
       duration. This is the number of tokens assigned when a client
       application developer activates the service for his/her project.
       Specifying a value of 0 will block all requests. This can be used if you
       are provisioning quota to selected consumers and blocking others.
       Similarly, a value of -1 will indicate an unlimited quota. No other
       negative values are allowed.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 default_limit = 3;
      value - The defaultLimit to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDefaultLimit

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearDefaultLimit()
       Default number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified
       duration. This is the number of tokens assigned when a client
       application developer activates the service for his/her project.
       Specifying a value of 0 will block all requests. This can be used if you
       are provisioning quota to selected consumers and blocking others.
       Similarly, a value of -1 will indicate an unlimited quota. No other
       negative values are allowed.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 default_limit = 3;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getMaxLimit

      public long getMaxLimit()
       Maximum number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified
       duration. Client application developers can override the default limit up
       to this maximum. If specified, this value cannot be set to a value less
       than the default limit. If not specified, it is set to the default limit.
       To allow clients to apply overrides with no upper bound, set this to -1,
       indicating unlimited maximum quota.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 max_limit = 4;
      Specified by:
      getMaxLimit in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The maxLimit.
    • setMaxLimit

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setMaxLimit(long value)
       Maximum number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified
       duration. Client application developers can override the default limit up
       to this maximum. If specified, this value cannot be set to a value less
       than the default limit. If not specified, it is set to the default limit.
       To allow clients to apply overrides with no upper bound, set this to -1,
       indicating unlimited maximum quota.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 max_limit = 4;
      value - The maxLimit to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearMaxLimit

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearMaxLimit()
       Maximum number of tokens that can be consumed during the specified
       duration. Client application developers can override the default limit up
       to this maximum. If specified, this value cannot be set to a value less
       than the default limit. If not specified, it is set to the default limit.
       To allow clients to apply overrides with no upper bound, set this to -1,
       indicating unlimited maximum quota.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 max_limit = 4;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getFreeTier

      public long getFreeTier()
       Free tier value displayed in the Developers Console for this limit.
       The free tier is the number of tokens that will be subtracted from the
       billed amount when billing is enabled.
       This field can only be set on a limit with duration "1d", in a billable
       group; it is invalid on any other limit. If this field is not set, it
       defaults to 0, indicating that there is no free tier for this service.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 free_tier = 7;
      Specified by:
      getFreeTier in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The freeTier.
    • setFreeTier

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setFreeTier(long value)
       Free tier value displayed in the Developers Console for this limit.
       The free tier is the number of tokens that will be subtracted from the
       billed amount when billing is enabled.
       This field can only be set on a limit with duration "1d", in a billable
       group; it is invalid on any other limit. If this field is not set, it
       defaults to 0, indicating that there is no free tier for this service.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 free_tier = 7;
      value - The freeTier to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearFreeTier

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearFreeTier()
       Free tier value displayed in the Developers Console for this limit.
       The free tier is the number of tokens that will be subtracted from the
       billed amount when billing is enabled.
       This field can only be set on a limit with duration "1d", in a billable
       group; it is invalid on any other limit. If this field is not set, it
       defaults to 0, indicating that there is no free tier for this service.
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      int64 free_tier = 7;
      This builder for chaining.
    • getDuration

      public String getDuration()
       Duration of this limit in textual notation. Must be "100s" or "1d".
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      string duration = 5;
      Specified by:
      getDuration in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The duration.
    • getDurationBytes

      public getDurationBytes()
       Duration of this limit in textual notation. Must be "100s" or "1d".
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      string duration = 5;
      Specified by:
      getDurationBytes in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The bytes for duration.
    • setDuration

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setDuration(String value)
       Duration of this limit in textual notation. Must be "100s" or "1d".
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      string duration = 5;
      value - The duration to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDuration

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearDuration()
       Duration of this limit in textual notation. Must be "100s" or "1d".
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      string duration = 5;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setDurationBytes

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setDurationBytes( value)
       Duration of this limit in textual notation. Must be "100s" or "1d".
       Used by group-based quotas only.
      string duration = 5;
      value - The bytes for duration to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getMetric

      public String getMetric()
       The name of the metric this quota limit applies to. The quota limits with
       the same metric will be checked together during runtime. The metric must be
       defined within the service config.
      string metric = 8;
      Specified by:
      getMetric in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The metric.
    • getMetricBytes

      public getMetricBytes()
       The name of the metric this quota limit applies to. The quota limits with
       the same metric will be checked together during runtime. The metric must be
       defined within the service config.
      string metric = 8;
      Specified by:
      getMetricBytes in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The bytes for metric.
    • setMetric

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setMetric(String value)
       The name of the metric this quota limit applies to. The quota limits with
       the same metric will be checked together during runtime. The metric must be
       defined within the service config.
      string metric = 8;
      value - The metric to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearMetric

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearMetric()
       The name of the metric this quota limit applies to. The quota limits with
       the same metric will be checked together during runtime. The metric must be
       defined within the service config.
      string metric = 8;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setMetricBytes

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setMetricBytes( value)
       The name of the metric this quota limit applies to. The quota limits with
       the same metric will be checked together during runtime. The metric must be
       defined within the service config.
      string metric = 8;
      value - The bytes for metric to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getUnit

      public String getUnit()
       Specify the unit of the quota limit. It uses the same syntax as
       [Metric.unit][]. The supported unit kinds are determined by the quota
       backend system.
       Here are some examples:
       * "1/min/{project}" for quota per minute per project.
       Note: the order of unit components is insignificant.
       The "1" at the beginning is required to follow the metric unit syntax.
      string unit = 9;
      Specified by:
      getUnit in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The unit.
    • getUnitBytes

      public getUnitBytes()
       Specify the unit of the quota limit. It uses the same syntax as
       [Metric.unit][]. The supported unit kinds are determined by the quota
       backend system.
       Here are some examples:
       * "1/min/{project}" for quota per minute per project.
       Note: the order of unit components is insignificant.
       The "1" at the beginning is required to follow the metric unit syntax.
      string unit = 9;
      Specified by:
      getUnitBytes in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The bytes for unit.
    • setUnit

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setUnit(String value)
       Specify the unit of the quota limit. It uses the same syntax as
       [Metric.unit][]. The supported unit kinds are determined by the quota
       backend system.
       Here are some examples:
       * "1/min/{project}" for quota per minute per project.
       Note: the order of unit components is insignificant.
       The "1" at the beginning is required to follow the metric unit syntax.
      string unit = 9;
      value - The unit to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearUnit

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearUnit()
       Specify the unit of the quota limit. It uses the same syntax as
       [Metric.unit][]. The supported unit kinds are determined by the quota
       backend system.
       Here are some examples:
       * "1/min/{project}" for quota per minute per project.
       Note: the order of unit components is insignificant.
       The "1" at the beginning is required to follow the metric unit syntax.
      string unit = 9;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setUnitBytes

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setUnitBytes( value)
       Specify the unit of the quota limit. It uses the same syntax as
       [Metric.unit][]. The supported unit kinds are determined by the quota
       backend system.
       Here are some examples:
       * "1/min/{project}" for quota per minute per project.
       Note: the order of unit components is insignificant.
       The "1" at the beginning is required to follow the metric unit syntax.
      string unit = 9;
      value - The bytes for unit to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getValuesCount

      public int getValuesCount()
      Description copied from interface: QuotaLimitOrBuilder
       Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an
       integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the
       specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported.
      map<string, int64> values = 10;
      Specified by:
      getValuesCount in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
    • containsValues

      public boolean containsValues(String key)
       Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an
       integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the
       specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported.
      map<string, int64> values = 10;
      Specified by:
      containsValues in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
    • getValues

      @Deprecated public Map<String,Long> getValues()
      Use getValuesMap() instead.
      Specified by:
      getValues in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
    • getValuesMap

      public Map<String,Long> getValuesMap()
       Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an
       integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the
       specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported.
      map<string, int64> values = 10;
      Specified by:
      getValuesMap in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
    • getValuesOrDefault

      public long getValuesOrDefault(String key, long defaultValue)
       Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an
       integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the
       specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported.
      map<string, int64> values = 10;
      Specified by:
      getValuesOrDefault in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
    • getValuesOrThrow

      public long getValuesOrThrow(String key)
       Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an
       integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the
       specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported.
      map<string, int64> values = 10;
      Specified by:
      getValuesOrThrow in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
    • clearValues

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearValues()
    • removeValues

      public QuotaLimit.Builder removeValues(String key)
       Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an
       integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the
       specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported.
      map<string, int64> values = 10;
    • getMutableValues

      @Deprecated public Map<String,Long> getMutableValues()
      Use alternate mutation accessors instead.
    • putValues

      public QuotaLimit.Builder putValues(String key, long value)
       Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an
       integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the
       specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported.
      map<string, int64> values = 10;
    • putAllValues

      public QuotaLimit.Builder putAllValues(Map<String,Long> values)
       Tiered limit values. You must specify this as a key:value pair, with an
       integer value that is the maximum number of requests allowed for the
       specified unit. Currently only STANDARD is supported.
      map<string, int64> values = 10;
    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()
       User-visible display name for this limit.
       Optional. If not set, the UI will provide a default display name based on
       the quota configuration. This field can be used to override the default
       display name generated from the configuration.
      string display_name = 12;
      Specified by:
      getDisplayName in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The displayName.
    • getDisplayNameBytes

      public getDisplayNameBytes()
       User-visible display name for this limit.
       Optional. If not set, the UI will provide a default display name based on
       the quota configuration. This field can be used to override the default
       display name generated from the configuration.
      string display_name = 12;
      Specified by:
      getDisplayNameBytes in interface QuotaLimitOrBuilder
      The bytes for displayName.
    • setDisplayName

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setDisplayName(String value)
       User-visible display name for this limit.
       Optional. If not set, the UI will provide a default display name based on
       the quota configuration. This field can be used to override the default
       display name generated from the configuration.
      string display_name = 12;
      value - The displayName to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearDisplayName

      public QuotaLimit.Builder clearDisplayName()
       User-visible display name for this limit.
       Optional. If not set, the UI will provide a default display name based on
       the quota configuration. This field can be used to override the default
       display name generated from the configuration.
      string display_name = 12;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setDisplayNameBytes

      public QuotaLimit.Builder setDisplayNameBytes( value)
       User-visible display name for this limit.
       Optional. If not set, the UI will provide a default display name based on
       the quota configuration. This field can be used to override the default
       display name generated from the configuration.
      string display_name = 12;
      value - The bytes for displayName to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • setUnknownFields

      public final QuotaLimit.Builder setUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      setUnknownFields in interface
      setUnknownFields in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>
    • mergeUnknownFields

      public final QuotaLimit.Builder mergeUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      mergeUnknownFields in interface
      mergeUnknownFields in class<QuotaLimit.Builder>