Class AuthenticationInfo.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder,,,,, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class AuthenticationInfo.Builder extends<AuthenticationInfo.Builder> implements AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
 Authentication information for the operation.
Protobuf type
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<AuthenticationInfo.Builder>
    • clear

      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<AuthenticationInfo.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<AuthenticationInfo.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public AuthenticationInfo getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public AuthenticationInfo build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public AuthenticationInfo buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • mergeFrom

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<AuthenticationInfo.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<AuthenticationInfo.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<AuthenticationInfo.Builder>
    • getPrincipalEmail

      public String getPrincipalEmail()
       The email address of the authenticated user (or service account on behalf
       of third party principal) making the request. For third party identity
       callers, the `principal_subject` field is populated instead of this field.
       For privacy reasons, the principal email address is sometimes redacted.
       For more information, see [Caller identities in audit
      string principal_email = 1;
      Specified by:
      getPrincipalEmail in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The principalEmail.
    • getPrincipalEmailBytes

      public getPrincipalEmailBytes()
       The email address of the authenticated user (or service account on behalf
       of third party principal) making the request. For third party identity
       callers, the `principal_subject` field is populated instead of this field.
       For privacy reasons, the principal email address is sometimes redacted.
       For more information, see [Caller identities in audit
      string principal_email = 1;
      Specified by:
      getPrincipalEmailBytes in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The bytes for principalEmail.
    • setPrincipalEmail

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setPrincipalEmail(String value)
       The email address of the authenticated user (or service account on behalf
       of third party principal) making the request. For third party identity
       callers, the `principal_subject` field is populated instead of this field.
       For privacy reasons, the principal email address is sometimes redacted.
       For more information, see [Caller identities in audit
      string principal_email = 1;
      value - The principalEmail to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearPrincipalEmail

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder clearPrincipalEmail()
       The email address of the authenticated user (or service account on behalf
       of third party principal) making the request. For third party identity
       callers, the `principal_subject` field is populated instead of this field.
       For privacy reasons, the principal email address is sometimes redacted.
       For more information, see [Caller identities in audit
      string principal_email = 1;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setPrincipalEmailBytes

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setPrincipalEmailBytes( value)
       The email address of the authenticated user (or service account on behalf
       of third party principal) making the request. For third party identity
       callers, the `principal_subject` field is populated instead of this field.
       For privacy reasons, the principal email address is sometimes redacted.
       For more information, see [Caller identities in audit
      string principal_email = 1;
      value - The bytes for principalEmail to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getAuthoritySelector

      public String getAuthoritySelector()
       The authority selector specified by the requestor, if any.
       It is not guaranteed that the principal was allowed to use this authority.
      string authority_selector = 2;
      Specified by:
      getAuthoritySelector in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The authoritySelector.
    • getAuthoritySelectorBytes

      public getAuthoritySelectorBytes()
       The authority selector specified by the requestor, if any.
       It is not guaranteed that the principal was allowed to use this authority.
      string authority_selector = 2;
      Specified by:
      getAuthoritySelectorBytes in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The bytes for authoritySelector.
    • setAuthoritySelector

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setAuthoritySelector(String value)
       The authority selector specified by the requestor, if any.
       It is not guaranteed that the principal was allowed to use this authority.
      string authority_selector = 2;
      value - The authoritySelector to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearAuthoritySelector

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder clearAuthoritySelector()
       The authority selector specified by the requestor, if any.
       It is not guaranteed that the principal was allowed to use this authority.
      string authority_selector = 2;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setAuthoritySelectorBytes

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setAuthoritySelectorBytes( value)
       The authority selector specified by the requestor, if any.
       It is not guaranteed that the principal was allowed to use this authority.
      string authority_selector = 2;
      value - The bytes for authoritySelector to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • hasThirdPartyPrincipal

      public boolean hasThirdPartyPrincipal()
       The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making
       the request.
       When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto
       name will be indicated in the `@type` property.
      .google.protobuf.Struct third_party_principal = 4;
      Specified by:
      hasThirdPartyPrincipal in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      Whether the thirdPartyPrincipal field is set.
    • getThirdPartyPrincipal

      public getThirdPartyPrincipal()
       The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making
       the request.
       When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto
       name will be indicated in the `@type` property.
      .google.protobuf.Struct third_party_principal = 4;
      Specified by:
      getThirdPartyPrincipal in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The thirdPartyPrincipal.
    • setThirdPartyPrincipal

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setThirdPartyPrincipal( value)
       The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making
       the request.
       When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto
       name will be indicated in the `@type` property.
      .google.protobuf.Struct third_party_principal = 4;
    • setThirdPartyPrincipal

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setThirdPartyPrincipal( builderForValue)
       The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making
       the request.
       When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto
       name will be indicated in the `@type` property.
      .google.protobuf.Struct third_party_principal = 4;
    • mergeThirdPartyPrincipal

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder mergeThirdPartyPrincipal( value)
       The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making
       the request.
       When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto
       name will be indicated in the `@type` property.
      .google.protobuf.Struct third_party_principal = 4;
    • clearThirdPartyPrincipal

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder clearThirdPartyPrincipal()
       The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making
       the request.
       When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto
       name will be indicated in the `@type` property.
      .google.protobuf.Struct third_party_principal = 4;
    • getThirdPartyPrincipalBuilder

      public getThirdPartyPrincipalBuilder()
       The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making
       the request.
       When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto
       name will be indicated in the `@type` property.
      .google.protobuf.Struct third_party_principal = 4;
    • getThirdPartyPrincipalOrBuilder

      public getThirdPartyPrincipalOrBuilder()
       The third party identification (if any) of the authenticated user making
       the request.
       When the JSON object represented here has a proto equivalent, the proto
       name will be indicated in the `@type` property.
      .google.protobuf.Struct third_party_principal = 4;
      Specified by:
      getThirdPartyPrincipalOrBuilder in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
    • getServiceAccountKeyName

      public String getServiceAccountKeyName()
       The name of the service account key used to create or exchange
       credentials for authenticating the service account making the request.
       This is a scheme-less URI full resource name. For example:
      string service_account_key_name = 5;
      Specified by:
      getServiceAccountKeyName in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The serviceAccountKeyName.
    • getServiceAccountKeyNameBytes

      public getServiceAccountKeyNameBytes()
       The name of the service account key used to create or exchange
       credentials for authenticating the service account making the request.
       This is a scheme-less URI full resource name. For example:
      string service_account_key_name = 5;
      Specified by:
      getServiceAccountKeyNameBytes in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The bytes for serviceAccountKeyName.
    • setServiceAccountKeyName

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setServiceAccountKeyName(String value)
       The name of the service account key used to create or exchange
       credentials for authenticating the service account making the request.
       This is a scheme-less URI full resource name. For example:
      string service_account_key_name = 5;
      value - The serviceAccountKeyName to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearServiceAccountKeyName

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder clearServiceAccountKeyName()
       The name of the service account key used to create or exchange
       credentials for authenticating the service account making the request.
       This is a scheme-less URI full resource name. For example:
      string service_account_key_name = 5;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setServiceAccountKeyNameBytes

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setServiceAccountKeyNameBytes( value)
       The name of the service account key used to create or exchange
       credentials for authenticating the service account making the request.
       This is a scheme-less URI full resource name. For example:
      string service_account_key_name = 5;
      value - The bytes for serviceAccountKeyName to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • getServiceAccountDelegationInfoList

      public List<ServiceAccountDelegationInfo> getServiceAccountDelegationInfoList()
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
      Specified by:
      getServiceAccountDelegationInfoList in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
    • getServiceAccountDelegationInfoCount

      public int getServiceAccountDelegationInfoCount()
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
      Specified by:
      getServiceAccountDelegationInfoCount in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
    • getServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public ServiceAccountDelegationInfo getServiceAccountDelegationInfo(int index)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
      Specified by:
      getServiceAccountDelegationInfo in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
    • setServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setServiceAccountDelegationInfo(int index, ServiceAccountDelegationInfo value)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • setServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setServiceAccountDelegationInfo(int index, ServiceAccountDelegationInfo.Builder builderForValue)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • addServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder addServiceAccountDelegationInfo(ServiceAccountDelegationInfo value)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • addServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder addServiceAccountDelegationInfo(int index, ServiceAccountDelegationInfo value)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • addServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder addServiceAccountDelegationInfo(ServiceAccountDelegationInfo.Builder builderForValue)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • addServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder addServiceAccountDelegationInfo(int index, ServiceAccountDelegationInfo.Builder builderForValue)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • addAllServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder addAllServiceAccountDelegationInfo(Iterable<? extends ServiceAccountDelegationInfo> values)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • clearServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder clearServiceAccountDelegationInfo()
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • removeServiceAccountDelegationInfo

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder removeServiceAccountDelegationInfo(int index)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • getServiceAccountDelegationInfoBuilder

      public ServiceAccountDelegationInfo.Builder getServiceAccountDelegationInfoBuilder(int index)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • getServiceAccountDelegationInfoOrBuilder

      public ServiceAccountDelegationInfoOrBuilder getServiceAccountDelegationInfoOrBuilder(int index)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
      Specified by:
      getServiceAccountDelegationInfoOrBuilder in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
    • getServiceAccountDelegationInfoOrBuilderList

      public List<? extends ServiceAccountDelegationInfoOrBuilder> getServiceAccountDelegationInfoOrBuilderList()
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
      Specified by:
      getServiceAccountDelegationInfoOrBuilderList in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
    • addServiceAccountDelegationInfoBuilder

      public ServiceAccountDelegationInfo.Builder addServiceAccountDelegationInfoBuilder()
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • addServiceAccountDelegationInfoBuilder

      public ServiceAccountDelegationInfo.Builder addServiceAccountDelegationInfoBuilder(int index)
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • getServiceAccountDelegationInfoBuilderList

      public List<ServiceAccountDelegationInfo.Builder> getServiceAccountDelegationInfoBuilderList()
       Identity delegation history of an authenticated service account that makes
       the request. It contains information on the real authorities that try to
       access GCP resources by delegating on a service account. When multiple
       authorities present, they are guaranteed to be sorted based on the original
       ordering of the identity delegation events.
      repeated service_account_delegation_info = 6;
    • getPrincipalSubject

      public String getPrincipalSubject()
       String representation of identity of requesting party.
       Populated for both first and third party identities.
      string principal_subject = 8;
      Specified by:
      getPrincipalSubject in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The principalSubject.
    • getPrincipalSubjectBytes

      public getPrincipalSubjectBytes()
       String representation of identity of requesting party.
       Populated for both first and third party identities.
      string principal_subject = 8;
      Specified by:
      getPrincipalSubjectBytes in interface AuthenticationInfoOrBuilder
      The bytes for principalSubject.
    • setPrincipalSubject

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setPrincipalSubject(String value)
       String representation of identity of requesting party.
       Populated for both first and third party identities.
      string principal_subject = 8;
      value - The principalSubject to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • clearPrincipalSubject

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder clearPrincipalSubject()
       String representation of identity of requesting party.
       Populated for both first and third party identities.
      string principal_subject = 8;
      This builder for chaining.
    • setPrincipalSubjectBytes

      public AuthenticationInfo.Builder setPrincipalSubjectBytes( value)
       String representation of identity of requesting party.
       Populated for both first and third party identities.
      string principal_subject = 8;
      value - The bytes for principalSubject to set.
      This builder for chaining.
    • setUnknownFields

      public final AuthenticationInfo.Builder setUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      setUnknownFields in interface
      setUnknownFields in class<AuthenticationInfo.Builder>
    • mergeUnknownFields

      public final AuthenticationInfo.Builder mergeUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      mergeUnknownFields in interface
      mergeUnknownFields in class<AuthenticationInfo.Builder>