Class Monitoring.Builder

All Implemented Interfaces:
MonitoringOrBuilder,,,,, Cloneable
Enclosing class:

public static final class Monitoring.Builder extends<Monitoring.Builder> implements MonitoringOrBuilder
 Monitoring configuration of the service.

 The example below shows how to configure monitored resources and metrics
 for monitoring. In the example, a monitored resource and two metrics are
 defined. The `` metric is sent
 to both producer and consumer projects, whereas the
 `` metric is only sent to the
 consumer project.

     - type:
       display_name: "Library Branch"
       description: "A branch of a library."
       launch_stage: GA
       - key: resource_container
         description: "The Cloud container (ie. project id) for the Branch."
       - key: location
         description: "The location of the library branch."
       - key: branch_id
         description: "The id of the branch."
     - name:
       display_name: "Books Returned"
       description: "The count of books that have been returned."
       launch_stage: GA
       metric_kind: DELTA
       value_type: INT64
       unit: "1"
       - key: customer_id
         description: "The id of the customer."
     - name:
       display_name: "Books Overdue"
       description: "The current number of overdue books."
       launch_stage: GA
       metric_kind: GAUGE
       value_type: INT64
       unit: "1"
       - key: customer_id
         description: "The id of the customer."
       - monitored_resource:
       - monitored_resource:
Protobuf type google.api.Monitoring
  • Method Details

    • getDescriptor

      public static final getDescriptor()
    • internalGetFieldAccessorTable

      protected internalGetFieldAccessorTable()
      Specified by:
      internalGetFieldAccessorTable in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • clear

      public Monitoring.Builder clear()
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      Specified by:
      clear in interface
      clear in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • getDescriptorForType

      public getDescriptorForType()
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDescriptorForType in interface
      getDescriptorForType in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • getDefaultInstanceForType

      public Monitoring getDefaultInstanceForType()
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
      Specified by:
      getDefaultInstanceForType in interface
    • build

      public Monitoring build()
      Specified by:
      build in interface
      Specified by:
      build in interface
    • buildPartial

      public Monitoring buildPartial()
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
      Specified by:
      buildPartial in interface
    • clone

      public Monitoring.Builder clone()
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      Specified by:
      clone in interface
      clone in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • setField

      public Monitoring.Builder setField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setField in interface
      setField in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • clearField

      public Monitoring.Builder clearField( field)
      Specified by:
      clearField in interface
      clearField in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • clearOneof

      public Monitoring.Builder clearOneof( oneof)
      Specified by:
      clearOneof in interface
      clearOneof in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • setRepeatedField

      public Monitoring.Builder setRepeatedField( field, int index, Object value)
      Specified by:
      setRepeatedField in interface
      setRepeatedField in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • addRepeatedField

      public Monitoring.Builder addRepeatedField( field, Object value)
      Specified by:
      addRepeatedField in interface
      addRepeatedField in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Monitoring.Builder mergeFrom( other)
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Monitoring.Builder mergeFrom(Monitoring other)
    • isInitialized

      public final boolean isInitialized()
      Specified by:
      isInitialized in interface
      isInitialized in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • mergeFrom

      public Monitoring.Builder mergeFrom( input, extensionRegistry) throws IOException
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      Specified by:
      mergeFrom in interface
      mergeFrom in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • getProducerDestinationsList

      public List<Monitoring.MonitoringDestination> getProducerDestinationsList()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
      Specified by:
      getProducerDestinationsList in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • getProducerDestinationsCount

      public int getProducerDestinationsCount()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
      Specified by:
      getProducerDestinationsCount in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • getProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestination getProducerDestinations(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
      Specified by:
      getProducerDestinations in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • setProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder setProducerDestinations(int index, Monitoring.MonitoringDestination value)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • setProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder setProducerDestinations(int index, Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder builderForValue)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • addProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addProducerDestinations(Monitoring.MonitoringDestination value)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • addProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addProducerDestinations(int index, Monitoring.MonitoringDestination value)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • addProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addProducerDestinations(Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder builderForValue)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • addProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addProducerDestinations(int index, Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder builderForValue)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • addAllProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addAllProducerDestinations(Iterable<? extends Monitoring.MonitoringDestination> values)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • clearProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder clearProducerDestinations()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • removeProducerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder removeProducerDestinations(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • getProducerDestinationsBuilder

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder getProducerDestinationsBuilder(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • getProducerDestinationsOrBuilder

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestinationOrBuilder getProducerDestinationsOrBuilder(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
      Specified by:
      getProducerDestinationsOrBuilder in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • getProducerDestinationsOrBuilderList

      public List<? extends Monitoring.MonitoringDestinationOrBuilder> getProducerDestinationsOrBuilderList()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
      Specified by:
      getProducerDestinationsOrBuilderList in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • addProducerDestinationsBuilder

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder addProducerDestinationsBuilder()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • addProducerDestinationsBuilder

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder addProducerDestinationsBuilder(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • getProducerDestinationsBuilderList

      public List<Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder> getProducerDestinationsBuilderList()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the producer project.
       There can be multiple producer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination producer_destinations = 1;
    • getConsumerDestinationsList

      public List<Monitoring.MonitoringDestination> getConsumerDestinationsList()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
      Specified by:
      getConsumerDestinationsList in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • getConsumerDestinationsCount

      public int getConsumerDestinationsCount()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
      Specified by:
      getConsumerDestinationsCount in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • getConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestination getConsumerDestinations(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
      Specified by:
      getConsumerDestinations in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • setConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder setConsumerDestinations(int index, Monitoring.MonitoringDestination value)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • setConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder setConsumerDestinations(int index, Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder builderForValue)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • addConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addConsumerDestinations(Monitoring.MonitoringDestination value)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • addConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addConsumerDestinations(int index, Monitoring.MonitoringDestination value)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • addConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addConsumerDestinations(Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder builderForValue)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • addConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addConsumerDestinations(int index, Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder builderForValue)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • addAllConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder addAllConsumerDestinations(Iterable<? extends Monitoring.MonitoringDestination> values)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • clearConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder clearConsumerDestinations()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • removeConsumerDestinations

      public Monitoring.Builder removeConsumerDestinations(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • getConsumerDestinationsBuilder

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder getConsumerDestinationsBuilder(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • getConsumerDestinationsOrBuilder

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestinationOrBuilder getConsumerDestinationsOrBuilder(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
      Specified by:
      getConsumerDestinationsOrBuilder in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • getConsumerDestinationsOrBuilderList

      public List<? extends Monitoring.MonitoringDestinationOrBuilder> getConsumerDestinationsOrBuilderList()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
      Specified by:
      getConsumerDestinationsOrBuilderList in interface MonitoringOrBuilder
    • addConsumerDestinationsBuilder

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder addConsumerDestinationsBuilder()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • addConsumerDestinationsBuilder

      public Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder addConsumerDestinationsBuilder(int index)
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • getConsumerDestinationsBuilderList

      public List<Monitoring.MonitoringDestination.Builder> getConsumerDestinationsBuilderList()
       Monitoring configurations for sending metrics to the consumer project.
       There can be multiple consumer destinations. A monitored resource type may
       appear in multiple monitoring destinations if different aggregations are
       needed for different sets of metrics associated with that monitored
       resource type. A monitored resource and metric pair may only be used once
       in the Monitoring configuration.
      repeated .google.api.Monitoring.MonitoringDestination consumer_destinations = 2;
    • setUnknownFields

      public final Monitoring.Builder setUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      setUnknownFields in interface
      setUnknownFields in class<Monitoring.Builder>
    • mergeUnknownFields

      public final Monitoring.Builder mergeUnknownFields( unknownFields)
      Specified by:
      mergeUnknownFields in interface
      mergeUnknownFields in class<Monitoring.Builder>