BigQuery API v2 (revision 79)

Uses of Class

Packages that use JobConfigurationQuery   

Uses of JobConfigurationQuery in

Methods in that return JobConfigurationQuery
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.clone()
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfiguration.getQuery()
          [Pick one] Configures a query job.
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.set(String fieldName, Object value)
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.setAllowLargeResults(Boolean allowLargeResults)
          [Experimental] If true, allows >128M results to be materialized in the destination table.
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.setCreateDisposition(String createDisposition)
          [Optional] Whether to create the table if it doesn't already exist (CREATE_IF_NEEDED) or to require the table already exist (CREATE_NEVER).
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.setDefaultDataset(DatasetReference defaultDataset)
          [Optional] Specifies the default dataset to assume for unqualified table names in the query.
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.setDestinationTable(TableReference destinationTable)
          [Optional] Describes the table where the query results should be stored.
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.setPreserveNulls(Boolean preserveNulls)
          [Experimental] If set, preserve null values in table data, rather than mapping null values to the column's default value.
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.setPriority(String priority)
          [Optional] Specifies a priority for the query.
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.setQuery(String query)
          [Required] BigQuery SQL query to execute.
 JobConfigurationQuery JobConfigurationQuery.setWriteDisposition(String writeDisposition)
          [Optional] Whether to overwrite an existing table (WRITE_TRUNCATE), append to an existing table (WRITE_APPEND), or require that the the table is empty (WRITE_EMPTY).

Methods in with parameters of type JobConfigurationQuery
 JobConfiguration JobConfiguration.setQuery(JobConfigurationQuery query)
          [Pick one] Configures a query job.