BigQuery API v2 (revision 80)
Class Job

  extended by java.util.AbstractMap<String,Object>
      extended by
          extended by
              extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
Cloneable, Map<String,Object>

public final class Job
extends GenericJson

Model definition for Job.

This is the Java data model class that specifies how to parse/serialize into the JSON that is transmitted over HTTP when working with the BigQuery API. For a detailed explanation see:

Upgrade warning: starting with version 1.12 getResponseHeaders() is removed, instead use JsonHttpRequest.getLastResponseHeaders()

Google, Inc.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<K,V>, AbstractMap.SimpleImmutableEntry<K,V>
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface java.util.Map
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 JobConfiguration getConfiguration()
          [Required] Describes the job configuration.
 String getEtag()
          [Output-only] A hash of this resource.
 String getId()
          [Output-only] Opaque ID field of the job The value returned may be null.
 JobReference getJobReference()
          [Optional] Reference describing the unique-per-user name of the job.
 String getKind()
          [Output-only] The type of the resource.
 String getSelfLink()
          [Output-only] A URL that can be used to access this resource again.
 JobStatistics getStatistics()
          [Output-only] Information about the job, including starting time and ending time of the job.
 JobStatus getStatus()
          [Output-only] The status of this job.
 Job setConfiguration(JobConfiguration configuration)
          [Required] Describes the job configuration.
 Job setEtag(String etag)
          [Output-only] A hash of this resource.
 Job setId(String id)
          [Output-only] Opaque ID field of the job The value set may be null.
 Job setJobReference(JobReference jobReference)
          [Optional] Reference describing the unique-per-user name of the job.
 Job setKind(String kind)
          [Output-only] The type of the resource.
 Job setSelfLink(String selfLink)
          [Output-only] A URL that can be used to access this resource again.
 Job setStatistics(JobStatistics statistics)
          [Output-only] Information about the job, including starting time and ending time of the job.
 Job setStatus(JobStatus status)
          [Output-only] The status of this job.
Methods inherited from class
clone, getFactory, setFactory, toPrettyString, toString
Methods inherited from class
entrySet, get, getClassInfo, getUnknownKeys, put, putAll, remove, set, setUnknownKeys
Methods inherited from class java.util.AbstractMap
clear, containsKey, containsValue, equals, hashCode, isEmpty, keySet, size, values
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public Job()
Method Detail


public JobConfiguration getConfiguration()
[Required] Describes the job configuration. The value returned may be null.


public Job setConfiguration(JobConfiguration configuration)
[Required] Describes the job configuration. The value set may be null.


public String getEtag()
[Output-only] A hash of this resource. The value returned may be null.


public Job setEtag(String etag)
[Output-only] A hash of this resource. The value set may be null.


public String getId()
[Output-only] Opaque ID field of the job The value returned may be null.


public Job setId(String id)
[Output-only] Opaque ID field of the job The value set may be null.


public JobReference getJobReference()
[Optional] Reference describing the unique-per-user name of the job. The value returned may be null.


public Job setJobReference(JobReference jobReference)
[Optional] Reference describing the unique-per-user name of the job. The value set may be null.


public String getKind()
[Output-only] The type of the resource. The value returned may be null.


public Job setKind(String kind)
[Output-only] The type of the resource. The value set may be null.


public String getSelfLink()
[Output-only] A URL that can be used to access this resource again. The value returned may be null.


public Job setSelfLink(String selfLink)
[Output-only] A URL that can be used to access this resource again. The value set may be null.


public JobStatistics getStatistics()
[Output-only] Information about the job, including starting time and ending time of the job. The value returned may be null.


public Job setStatistics(JobStatistics statistics)
[Output-only] Information about the job, including starting time and ending time of the job. The value set may be null.


public JobStatus getStatus()
[Output-only] The status of this job. Examine this value when polling an asynchronous job to see if the job is complete. The value returned may be null.


public Job setStatus(JobStatus status)
[Output-only] The status of this job. Examine this value when polling an asynchronous job to see if the job is complete. The value set may be null.