BigQuery API v2 (revision 88)

Uses of Class

Packages that use QueryResponse   

Uses of QueryResponse in

Methods in that return QueryResponse
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.clone()
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.set(String fieldName, Object value)
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setCacheHit(Boolean cacheHit)
          Whether the query result was fetched from the query cache.
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setJobComplete(Boolean jobComplete)
          Whether the query has completed or not.
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setJobReference(JobReference jobReference)
          Reference to the Job that was created to run the query.
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setKind(String kind)
          The resource type.
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setPageToken(String pageToken)
          A token used for paging results.
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setRows(List<TableRow> rows)
          An object with as many results as can be contained within the maximum permitted reply size.
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setSchema(TableSchema schema)
          The schema of the results.
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setTotalBytesProcessed(Long totalBytesProcessed)
          The total number of bytes processed for this query.
 QueryResponse QueryResponse.setTotalRows(BigInteger totalRows)
          The total number of rows in the complete query result set, which can be more than the number of rows in this single page of results.