Cloud Storage API v1beta2 (revision 2)

Uses of Class

Packages that use BucketAccessControl   

Uses of BucketAccessControl in

Methods in with parameters of type BucketAccessControl
 Storage.BucketAccessControls.Insert Storage.BucketAccessControls.insert(String bucket, BucketAccessControl content)
          Creates a new ACL entry on the specified bucket.
 Storage.BucketAccessControls.Patch Storage.BucketAccessControls.patch(String bucket, String entity, BucketAccessControl content)
          Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket.
 Storage.BucketAccessControls.Update Storage.BucketAccessControls.update(String bucket, String entity, BucketAccessControl content)
          Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket.

Constructors in with parameters of type BucketAccessControl
Storage.BucketAccessControls.Insert(String bucket, BucketAccessControl content)
          Creates a new ACL entry on the specified bucket.
Storage.BucketAccessControls.Patch(String bucket, String entity, BucketAccessControl content)
          Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket.
Storage.BucketAccessControls.Update(String bucket, String entity, BucketAccessControl content)
          Updates an ACL entry on the specified bucket.

Uses of BucketAccessControl in

Methods in that return BucketAccessControl
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.clone()
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.set(String fieldName, Object value)
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setBucket(String bucket)
          The name of the bucket.
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setDomain(String domain)
          The domain associated with the entity, if any.
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setEmail(String email)
          The email address associated with the entity, if any.
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setEntity(String entity)
          The entity holding the permission, in one of the following forms: - user-userId - user-email - group-groupId - group-email - allUsers - allAuthenticatedUsers
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setEntityId(String entityId)
          The ID for the entity, if any.
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setEtag(String etag)
          HTTP 1.1 Entity tag for the access-control entry.
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setId(String id)
          The ID of the access-control entry.
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setKind(String kind)
          The kind of item this is.
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setRole(String role)
          The access permission for the entity.
 BucketAccessControl BucketAccessControl.setSelfLink(String selfLink)
          The link to this access-control entry.

Methods in that return types with arguments of type BucketAccessControl
 List<BucketAccessControl> Bucket.getAcl()
          Access controls on the bucket.
 List<BucketAccessControl> BucketAccessControls.getItems()
          The list of items.

Method parameters in with type arguments of type BucketAccessControl
 Bucket Bucket.setAcl(List<BucketAccessControl> acl)
          Access controls on the bucket.
 BucketAccessControls BucketAccessControls.setItems(List<BucketAccessControl> items)
          The list of items.