Class ExtractJobConfiguration

All Implemented Interfaces:

public final class ExtractJobConfiguration extends JobConfiguration
Google BigQuery extract job configuration. An extract job exports a BigQuery table to Google Cloud Storage. The extract destination provided as URIs that point to objects in Google Cloud Storage. Extract job configurations have JobConfiguration.Type.EXTRACT type.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getSourceTable

      public TableId getSourceTable()
      Returns the table to export.
    • getSourceModel

      public ModelId getSourceModel()
      Returns the model to export.
    • getDestinationUris

      public List<String> getDestinationUris()
      Returns the list of fully-qualified Google Cloud Storage URIs where the extracted table should be written.
      See Also:
    • printHeader

      public Boolean printHeader()
      Returns whether an header row is printed with the result.
    • getFieldDelimiter

      public String getFieldDelimiter()
      Returns the delimiter used between fields in the exported data.
    • getFormat

      public String getFormat()
      Returns the exported files format.
    • getCompression

      public String getCompression()
      Returns the compression value of exported files.
    • getUseAvroLogicalTypes

      public Boolean getUseAvroLogicalTypes()
      Returns True/False. Indicates whether exported avro files include logical type annotations.
    • getLabels

      public Map<String,String> getLabels()
      Returns the labels associated with this job
    • getJobTimeoutMs

      public Long getJobTimeoutMs()
      Returns the timeout associated with this job
    • toBuilder

      public ExtractJobConfiguration.Builder toBuilder()
      Description copied from class: JobConfiguration
      Returns a builder for the object.
      Specified by:
      toBuilder in class JobConfiguration
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • newBuilder

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration.Builder newBuilder(TableId sourceTable, String destinationUri)
      Creates a builder for a BigQuery Extract Job configuration given source table and destination URI.
    • newBuilder

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration.Builder newBuilder(ModelId sourceModel, String destinationUri)
      Creates a builder for a BigQuery Extract Job configuration given source model and destination URI.
    • newBuilder

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration.Builder newBuilder(TableId sourceTable, List<String> destinationUris)
      Creates a builder for a BigQuery Extract Job configuration given source table and destination URIs.
    • newBuilder

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration.Builder newBuilder(ModelId sourceModel, List<String> destinationUris)
      Creates a builder for a BigQuery Extract Job configuration given source model and destination URIs.
    • of

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration of(TableId sourceTable, String destinationUri)
      Returns a BigQuery Extract Job configuration for the given source table and destination URI.
    • of

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration of(ModelId sourceModel, String destinationUri)
      Returns a BigQuery Extract Job configuration for the given source model and destination URI.
    • of

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration of(TableId sourceTable, List<String> destinationUris)
      Returns a BigQuery Extract Job configuration for the given source table and destination URIs.
    • of

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration of(ModelId sourceModel, List<String> destinationUris)
      Returns a BigQuery Extract Job configuration for the given source model and destination URIs.
    • of

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration of(TableId sourceTable, String destinationUri, String format)
      Returns a BigQuery Extract Job configuration for the given source table, format and destination URI.
    • of

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration of(ModelId sourceTable, String destinationUri, String format)
      Returns a BigQuery Extract Job configuration for the given source model, format and destination URI.
    • of

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration of(TableId sourceTable, List<String> destinationUris, String format)
      Returns a BigQuery Extract Job configuration for the given source table, format and destination URIs.
    • of

      public static ExtractJobConfiguration of(ModelId sourceModel, List<String> destinationUris, String format)
      Returns a BigQuery Extract Job configuration for the given source table, format and destination URIs.