Class FormatOptions

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
AvroOptions, BigtableOptions, CsvOptions, DatastoreBackupOptions, GoogleSheetsOptions, ParquetOptions

public class FormatOptions extends Object implements Serializable
Base class for Google BigQuery format options. These class define the format of external data used by BigQuery, for either federated tables or load jobs.

Load jobs support the following formats: AVRO, CSV, DATASTORE_BACKUP, GOOGLE_SHEETS, JSON, ORC, PARQUET

Federated tables can be defined against following formats: AVRO, BIGTABLE, CSV, DATASTORE_BACKUP, GOOGLE_SHEETS, JSON

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public String getType()
      Returns the external data format, as a string.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class Object
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class Object
    • csv

      public static CsvOptions csv()
      Default options for CSV format.
    • json

      public static FormatOptions json()
      Default options for NEWLINE_DELIMITED_JSON format.
    • datastoreBackup

      public static FormatOptions datastoreBackup()
      Default options for DATASTORE_BACKUP format.
    • avro

      public static AvroOptions avro()
      Default options for AVRO format.
    • bigtable

      public static FormatOptions bigtable()
      Default options for BIGTABLE format.
    • googleSheets

      public static FormatOptions googleSheets()
      Default options for GOOGLE_SHEETS format.
    • parquet

      public static FormatOptions parquet()
      Default options for PARQUET format.
    • orc

      public static FormatOptions orc()
      Default options for the ORC format.
    • iceberg

      public static FormatOptions iceberg()
      Default options for the Apache Iceberg table format.
    • of

      public static FormatOptions of(String format)
      Default options for the provided format.