Class TimePartitioning

All Implemented Interfaces:

public abstract class TimePartitioning extends Object implements Serializable
Objects of this class allow to configure table partitioning based on time. By dividing a large table into smaller partitions, you can improve query performance and reduce the number of bytes billed by restricting the amount of data scanned.
See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public abstract TimePartitioning.Type getType()
      Returns the time partitioning type.
    • getExpirationMs

      @Nullable public abstract Long getExpirationMs()
      Returns the number of milliseconds for which to keep the storage for a partition. When expired, the storage for the partition is reclaimed. If null, the partion does not expire.
    • getField

      @BetaApi @Nullable public abstract String getField()
      If not set, the table is partitioned by pseudo column '_PARTITIONTIME'; if set, the table is partitioned by this field.
    • getRequirePartitionFilter

      @BetaApi @Nullable public abstract Boolean getRequirePartitionFilter()
      If set to true, queries over this table require a partition filter (that can be used for partition elimination) to be specified.
    • toBuilder

      public abstract TimePartitioning.Builder toBuilder()
    • newBuilder

      public static TimePartitioning.Builder newBuilder(TimePartitioning.Type type)
      Returns a TimePartitioning object given the time partitioning type.
    • of

      public static TimePartitioning of(TimePartitioning.Type type)
      Returns a TimePartitioning object given the time partitioning type. The partitions will not expire.
    • of

      public static TimePartitioning of(TimePartitioning.Type type, long expirationMs)
      Returns a TimePartitioning object given the time partitioning type and the partition's expiration in milliseconds.
      type - the time partitioning type.
      expirationMs - the number of milliseconds for which to keep the storage for a partition