Class StreamWriter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class StreamWriter extends Object implements AutoCloseable
A BigQuery Stream Writer that can be used to write data into BigQuery Table.

TODO: Support batching.

  • Method Details

    • getApiMaxRequestBytes

      public static long getApiMaxRequestBytes()
      The maximum size of one request. Defined by the API.
    • setMissingValueInterpretationMap

      public void setMissingValueInterpretationMap(Map<String,AppendRowsRequest.MissingValueInterpretation> missingValueInterpretationMap)
      Sets the missing value interpretation map for the stream writer. The input missingValueInterpretationMap is used for all write requests unless otherwise changed.
      missingValueInterpretationMap - the missing value interpretation map used by stream writer.
    • append

      public<AppendRowsResponse> append(ProtoRows rows)
      Schedules the writing of rows at the end of current stream.
      rows - the rows in serialized format to write to BigQuery.
      the append response wrapped in a future.
    • append

      public<AppendRowsResponse> append(ProtoRows rows, long offset)
      Schedules the writing of rows at given offset.

      Example of writing rows with specific offset.

       ApiFuture<AppendRowsResponse> future = writer.append(rows, 0);
       ApiFutures.addCallback(future, new ApiFutureCallback<AppendRowsResponse>() {
         public void onSuccess(AppendRowsResponse response) {
           if (!response.hasError()) {
             System.out.println("written with offset: " + response.getAppendResult().getOffset());
           } else {
             System.out.println("received an in stream error: " + response.getError().toString());
         public void onFailure(Throwable t) {
           System.out.println("failed to write: " + t);
       }, MoreExecutors.directExecutor());
      rows - the rows in serialized format to write to BigQuery.
      offset - the offset of the first row. Provide -1 to write at the current end of stream.
      the append response wrapped in a future.
    • getInflightWaitSeconds

      public long getInflightWaitSeconds()
      Returns the wait of a request in Client side before sending to the Server. Request could wait in Client because it reached the client side inflight request limit (adjustable when constructing the StreamWriter). The value is the wait time for the last sent request. A constant high wait value indicates a need for more throughput, you can create a new Stream for to increase the throughput in exclusive stream case, or create a new Writer in the default stream case.
    • getWriterId

      public String getWriterId()
      a unique Id for the writer.
    • getStreamName

      public String getStreamName()
      name of the Stream that this writer is working on.
    • getProtoSchema

      public ProtoSchema getProtoSchema()
      the passed in user schema.
    • getLocation

      public String getLocation()
      the location of the destination.
    • getMissingValueInterpretationMap

      public Map<String,AppendRowsRequest.MissingValueInterpretation> getMissingValueInterpretationMap()
      the missing value interpretation map used for the writer.
    • isClosed

      public boolean isClosed()
      if a stream writer can no longer be used for writing. It is due to either the StreamWriter is explicitly closed or the underlying connection is broken when connection pool is not used. Client should recreate StreamWriter in this case.
    • isUserClosed

      public boolean isUserClosed()
      if user explicitly closed the writer.
    • close

      public void close()
      Close the stream writer. Shut down all resources.
      Specified by:
      close in interface AutoCloseable
    • newBuilder

      public static StreamWriter.Builder newBuilder(String streamName, BigQueryWriteClient client)
      Constructs a new StreamWriter.Builder using the given stream and client.
    • newBuilder

      public static StreamWriter.Builder newBuilder(String streamName)
      Constructs a new StreamWriter.Builder using the given stream.
    • getUpdatedSchema

      public TableSchema getUpdatedSchema()
      Thread-safe getter of updated TableSchema.

      This will return the updated schema only when the creation timestamp of this writer is older than the updated schema.

    • setMaxRequestCallbackWaitTime

      public static void setMaxRequestCallbackWaitTime(Duration waitTime)
      Sets the maximum time a request is allowed to be waiting in request waiting queue. Under very low chance, it's possible for append request to be waiting indefintely for request callback when Google networking SDK does not detect the networking breakage. The default timeout is 15 minutes. We are investigating the root cause for callback not triggered by networking SDK.