Class SessionPoolOptions.Builder

  • Enclosing class:

    public static class SessionPoolOptions.Builder
    extends Object
    Builder for creating SessionPoolOptions.
    • Constructor Detail

      • Builder

        public Builder()
    • Method Detail

      • setMinSessions

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setMinSessions​(int minSessions)
        Minimum number of sessions that this pool will always maintain. These will be created eagerly in parallel. Defaults to 100.
      • setMaxSessions

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setMaxSessions​(int maxSessions)
        Maximum number of sessions that this pool will have. If current numbers of sessions in the pool is less than this and they are all busy, then a new session will be created for any new operation. If current number of in use sessions is same as this and a new request comes, pool can either block or fail. Defaults to 400.
      • setMaxIdleSessions

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setMaxIdleSessions​(int maxIdleSessions)
        set a higher value for setMinSessions(int) instead of using this configuration option. This option will be removed in a future release.
        Maximum number of idle sessions that this pool will maintain. Pool will close any sessions beyond this but making sure to always have at least as many sessions as specified by setMinSessions(int). To determine how many sessions are idle we look at maximum number of sessions used concurrently over a window of time. Any sessions beyond that are idle. Defaults to 0.
      • setRemoveInactiveSessionAfter

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setRemoveInactiveSessionAfter​(org.threeten.bp.Duration duration)
      • setKeepAliveIntervalMinutes

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setKeepAliveIntervalMinutes​(int intervalMinutes)
        How frequently to keep alive idle sessions. This should be less than 60 since an idle session is automatically closed after 60 minutes. Sessions will be kept alive by sending a dummy query "Select 1". Default value is 30 minutes.
      • setFailIfPoolExhausted

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setFailIfPoolExhausted()
        If all sessions are in use and and maxSessions has been reached, fail the request by throwing a SpannerException with the error code RESOURCE_EXHAUSTED. Default behavior is to block the request.
      • setBlockIfPoolExhausted

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setBlockIfPoolExhausted()
        If all sessions are in use and there is no more room for creating new sessions, block for a session to become available. Default behavior is same.
      • setAutoDetectDialect

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setAutoDetectDialect​(boolean autoDetectDialect)
        Sets whether the client should automatically execute a background query to detect the dialect that is used by the database or not. Set this option to true if you do not know what the dialect of the database will be.

        Note that you can always call DatabaseClient.getDialect() to get the dialect of a database regardless of this setting, but by setting this to true, the value will be pre-populated and cached in the client.

        autoDetectDialect - Whether the client should automatically execute a background query to detect the dialect of the underlying database
        this builder for chaining
      • setWriteSessionsFraction

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setWriteSessionsFraction​(float writeSessionsFraction)
        This configuration value is no longer in use. The session pool does not prepare any sessions for read/write transactions. Instead, a transaction will automatically be started by the first statement that is executed by a transaction by including a BeginTransaction option with that statement.

        This method may be removed in a future release.

      • setWaitForMinSessions

        public SessionPoolOptions.Builder setWaitForMinSessions​(org.threeten.bp.Duration waitForMinSessions)
        If greater than zero, waits for the session pool to have at least SessionPoolOptions.minSessions before returning the database client to the caller. Note that this check is only done during the session pool creation. This is usually done asynchronously in order to provide the client back to the caller as soon as possible. We don't recommend using this option unless you are executing benchmarks and want to guarantee the session pool has min sessions in the pool before continuing.

        Defaults to zero (initialization is done asynchronously).