Class BackupInfo.Builder

Direct Known Subclasses:
Enclosing class:

public abstract static class BackupInfo.Builder extends Object
  • Constructor Details

    • Builder

      public Builder()
  • Method Details

    • setEncryptionConfig

      public abstract BackupInfo.Builder setEncryptionConfig(BackupEncryptionConfig encryptionConfig)
      Optional for creating a new backup.

      The encryption configuration to be used for the backup. The possible configurations are CustomerManagedEncryption, GoogleDefaultEncryption and UseDatabaseEncryption.

      If no encryption config is given the backup will be created with the same encryption as set by the database (UseDatabaseEncryption).

    • setExpireTime

      public abstract BackupInfo.Builder setExpireTime( expireTime)
      Required for creating a new backup.

      Sets the expiration time of the backup. The expiration time of the backup, with microseconds granularity that must be at least 6 hours and at most 366 days from the time the request is received. Once the expireTime has passed, Cloud Spanner will delete the backup and free the resources used by the backup.

    • setVersionTime

      public abstract BackupInfo.Builder setVersionTime( versionTime)
      Optional for creating a new backup.

      Specifies the timestamp to have an externally consistent copy of the database. If no version time is specified, it will be automatically set to the backup create time.

      The version time can be as far in the past as specified by the database earliest version time (see Database.getEarliestVersionTime()).

    • setDatabase

      public abstract BackupInfo.Builder setDatabase(DatabaseId database)
      Required for creating a new backup.

      Sets the source database to use for creating the backup.

    • build

      public abstract Backup build()
      Builds the backup from this builder.
    • setMaxExpireTime

      protected BackupInfo.Builder setMaxExpireTime( maxExpireTime)
      Output Only.

      Returns the max allowed expiration time of the backup, with microseconds granularity.

    • addAllReferencingBackups

      protected BackupInfo.Builder addAllReferencingBackups(List<String> referencingBackups)
      Output Only.

      Returns the names of the destination backups being created by copying this source backup.