Class SuggestedFix

    • Method Detail

      • isEmpty

        public boolean isEmpty()
        Specified by:
        isEmpty in interface Fix
      • toString

        public String toString​( compilationUnit)
        Specified by:
        toString in interface Fix
      • getShortDescription

        public String getShortDescription()
        Description copied from interface: Fix
        A short description which can be attached to the Fix to differentiate multiple fixes provided to the user.

        Empty string generates the default description.

        Specified by:
        getShortDescription in interface Fix
      • getReplacements

        public Set<Replacement> getReplacements​( endPositions)
        Specified by:
        getReplacements in interface Fix
      • replace

        public static SuggestedFix replace​(int startPos,
                                           int endPos,
                                           String replaceWith)
        Replace the characters from startPos, inclusive, until endPos, exclusive, with the given string.
        startPos - The position from which to start replacing, inclusive
        endPos - The position at which to end replacing, exclusive
        replaceWith - The string to replace with
      • replace

        public static SuggestedFix replace​(com.sun.source.tree.Tree node,
                                           String replaceWith,
                                           int startPosAdjustment,
                                           int endPosAdjustment)
        Replace a tree node with a string, but adjust the start and end positions as well. For example, if the tree node begins at index 10 and ends at index 30, this call will replace the characters at index 15 through 25 with "replacement":
         fix.replace(node, "replacement", 5, -5)
        node - The tree node to replace
        replaceWith - The string to replace with
        startPosAdjustment - The adjustment to add to the start position (negative is OK)
        endPosAdjustment - The adjustment to add to the end position (negative is OK)