Class TestUnhashableCollectionGenerator<T extends Collection<UnhashableObject>>

  extended by<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
TestCollectionGenerator<UnhashableObject>, TestContainerGenerator<Collection<UnhashableObject>,UnhashableObject>
Direct Known Subclasses:
ListGenerators.UnhashableElementsImmutableListGenerator, MapGenerators.ImmutableMapUnhashableValuesGenerator, SetGenerators.TestUnhashableSetGenerator

public abstract class TestUnhashableCollectionGenerator<T extends Collection<UnhashableObject>>
extends Object
implements TestCollectionGenerator<UnhashableObject>

Creates collections containing unhashable sample elements, to be tested.

This class is GWT compatible.

Regina O'Dell

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 T create(Object... elements)
          Creates a new container containing the given elements.
protected abstract  T create(UnhashableObject[] elements)
          Creates a new collection containing the given elements; implement this method instead of create(Object...).
 UnhashableObject[] createArray(int length)
          Helper method to create an array of the appropriate type used by this generator.
 Iterable<UnhashableObject> order(List<UnhashableObject> insertionOrder)
          Returns the iteration ordering of elements, given the order in which they were added to the container.
 SampleElements<UnhashableObject> samples()
          Returns the sample elements that this generate populates its container with.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public TestUnhashableCollectionGenerator()
Method Detail


public SampleElements<UnhashableObject> samples()
Description copied from interface: TestContainerGenerator
Returns the sample elements that this generate populates its container with.

Specified by:
samples in interface TestContainerGenerator<Collection<UnhashableObject>,UnhashableObject>


public T create(Object... elements)
Description copied from interface: TestContainerGenerator
Creates a new container containing the given elements. TODO: would be nice to figure out how to use E... or E[] as a parameter type, but this doesn't seem to work because Java creates an array of the erased type.

Specified by:
create in interface TestContainerGenerator<Collection<UnhashableObject>,UnhashableObject>


protected abstract T create(UnhashableObject[] elements)
Creates a new collection containing the given elements; implement this method instead of create(Object...).


public UnhashableObject[] createArray(int length)
Description copied from interface: TestContainerGenerator
Helper method to create an array of the appropriate type used by this generator. The returned array will contain only nulls.

Specified by:
createArray in interface TestContainerGenerator<Collection<UnhashableObject>,UnhashableObject>


public Iterable<UnhashableObject> order(List<UnhashableObject> insertionOrder)
Description copied from interface: TestContainerGenerator
Returns the iteration ordering of elements, given the order in which they were added to the container. This method may return the original list unchanged, the original list modified in place, or a different list.

This method runs only when CollectionFeature.KNOWN_ORDER is specified when creating the test suite. It should never run when testing containers such as HashSet, which have a non-deterministic iteration order.

Specified by:
order in interface TestContainerGenerator<Collection<UnhashableObject>,UnhashableObject>

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