Class FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder<B extends FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder<B,​G>,​G>

  • Type Parameters:
    B - The concrete type of this builder (the 'self-type'). All the Builder methods of this class (such as named(java.lang.String)) return this type, so that Builder methods of more derived classes can be chained onto them without casting.
    G - The type of the generator to be passed to testers in the generated test suite. An instance of G should somehow provide an instance of the class under test, plus any other information required to parameterize the test.
    Direct Known Subclasses:

    public abstract class FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder<B extends FeatureSpecificTestSuiteBuilder<B,​G>,​G>
    extends Object
    Creates, based on your criteria, a JUnit test suite that exhaustively tests the object generated by a G, selecting appropriate tests by matching them against specified features.
    George van den Driessche