Class CacheBuilder<K,V>

  extended by<K,V>
Type Parameters:
K - the base key type for all caches created by this builder
V - the base value type for all caches created by this builder

public final class CacheBuilder<K,V>
extends Object

A builder of LoadingCache and Cache instances having any combination of the following features:

Usage example:

   LoadingCache<Key, Graph> graphs = CacheBuilder.newBuilder()
       .expireAfterWrite(10, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
           new CacheLoader<Key, Graph>() {
             public Graph load(Key key) throws AnyException {
               return createExpensiveGraph(key);
These features are all optional.

The returned cache is implemented as a hash table with similar performance characteristics to ConcurrentHashMap. It implements all optional operations of the LoadingCache and Cache interfaces. The asMap view (and its collection views) have weakly consistent iterators. This means that they are safe for concurrent use, but if other threads modify the cache after the iterator is created, it is undefined which of these changes, if any, are reflected in that iterator. These iterators never throw ConcurrentModificationException.

Note: by default, the returned cache uses equality comparisons (the equals method) to determine equality for keys or values. However, if weakKeys() was specified, the cache uses identity (==) comparisons instead for keys. Likewise, if weakValues() or softValues() was specified, the cache uses identity comparisons for values.

Entries are automatically evicted from the cache when any of maximumSize, maximumWeight, expireAfterWrite, expireAfterAccess, weakKeys, weakValues, or softValues are requested.

If maximumSize or maximumWeight is requested entries may be evicted on each cache modification.

If expireAfterWrite or expireAfterAccess is requested entries may be evicted on each cache modification, on occasional cache accesses, or on calls to Cache.cleanUp(). Expired entries may be counted in Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations.

If weakKeys, weakValues, or softValues are requested, it is possible for a key or value present in the cache to be reclaimed by the garbage collector. Reclaimed entries may be removed from the cache on each cache modification, on occasional cache accesses, or on calls to Cache.cleanUp(). Reclaimed entries may be counted in Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations.

Certain cache configurations will result in the accrual of periodic maintenance tasks which will be performed during write operations, or during occasional read operations in the absense of writes. The Cache.cleanUp() method of the returned cache will also perform maintenance, but calling it should not be necessary with a high throughput cache. Only caches built with removalListener, expireAfterWrite, expireAfterAccess, weakKeys, weakValues, or softValues perform periodic maintenance.

The caches produced by CacheBuilder are serializable, and the deserialized caches retain all the configuration properties of the original cache. Note that the serialized form does not include cache contents, but only configuration.

Charles Fry, Kevin Bourrillion

Method Summary
<K1 extends K,V1 extends V>
          Builds a cache which does not automatically load values when keys are requested.
<K1 extends K,V1 extends V>
build(CacheLoader<? super K1,V1> loader)
          Builds a cache, which either returns an already-loaded value for a given key or atomically computes or retrieves it using the supplied CacheLoader.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> concurrencyLevel(int concurrencyLevel)
          Guides the allowed concurrency among update operations.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> expireAfterAccess(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
          Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last access.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> expireAfterWrite(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
          Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> initialCapacity(int initialCapacity)
          Sets the minimum total size for the internal hash tables.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> maximumSize(long size)
          Specifies the maximum number of entries the cache may contain.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> maximumWeight(long weight)
          Specifies the maximum weight of entries the cache may contain.
static CacheBuilder<Object,Object> newBuilder()
          Constructs a new CacheBuilder instance with default settings, including strong keys, strong values, and no automatic eviction of any kind.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> refreshAfterWrite(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
          Specifies that active entries are eligible for automatic refresh once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.
<K1 extends K,V1 extends V>
removalListener(RemovalListener<? super K1,? super V1> listener)
          Specifies a listener instance, which all caches built using this CacheBuilder will notify each time an entry is removed from the cache by any means.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> softValues()
          Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the cache should be wrapped in a SoftReference (by default, strong references are used).
 CacheBuilder<K,V> ticker(Ticker ticker)
          Specifies a nanosecond-precision time source for use in determining when entries should be expired.
 String toString()
          Returns a string representation for this CacheBuilder instance.
 CacheBuilder<K,V> weakKeys()
          Specifies that each key (not value) stored in the cache should be wrapped in a WeakReference (by default, strong references are used).
 CacheBuilder<K,V> weakValues()
          Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the cache should be wrapped in a WeakReference (by default, strong references are used).
<K1 extends K,V1 extends V>
weigher(Weigher<? super K1,? super V1> weigher)
          Specifies the weigher to use in determining the weight of entries.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static CacheBuilder<Object,Object> newBuilder()
Constructs a new CacheBuilder instance with default settings, including strong keys, strong values, and no automatic eviction of any kind.


public CacheBuilder<K,V> initialCapacity(int initialCapacity)
Sets the minimum total size for the internal hash tables. For example, if the initial capacity is 60, and the concurrency level is 8, then eight segments are created, each having a hash table of size eight. Providing a large enough estimate at construction time avoids the need for expensive resizing operations later, but setting this value unnecessarily high wastes memory.

IllegalArgumentException - if initialCapacity is negative
IllegalStateException - if an initial capacity was already set


public CacheBuilder<K,V> concurrencyLevel(int concurrencyLevel)
Guides the allowed concurrency among update operations. Used as a hint for internal sizing. The table is internally partitioned to try to permit the indicated number of concurrent updates without contention. Because assignment of entries to these partitions is not necessarily uniform, the actual concurrency observed may vary. Ideally, you should choose a value to accommodate as many threads as will ever concurrently modify the table. Using a significantly higher value than you need can waste space and time, and a significantly lower value can lead to thread contention. But overestimates and underestimates within an order of magnitude do not usually have much noticeable impact. A value of one permits only one thread to modify the cache at a time, but since read operations can proceed concurrently, this still yields higher concurrency than full synchronization. Defaults to 4.

Note:The default may change in the future. If you care about this value, you should always choose it explicitly.

IllegalArgumentException - if concurrencyLevel is nonpositive
IllegalStateException - if a concurrency level was already set


public CacheBuilder<K,V> maximumSize(long size)
Specifies the maximum number of entries the cache may contain. Note that the cache may evict an entry before this limit is exceeded. As the cache size grows close to the maximum, the cache evicts entries that are less likely to be used again. For example, the cache may evict an entry because it hasn't been used recently or very often.

When size is zero, elements will be evicted immediately after being loaded into the cache. This can be useful in testing, or to disable caching temporarily without a code change.

size - the maximum size of the cache
IllegalArgumentException - if size is negative
IllegalStateException - if a maximum size was already set


public CacheBuilder<K,V> maximumWeight(long weight)
Specifies the maximum weight of entries the cache may contain. Weight is determined using the Weigher specified with weigher, and use of this method requires a corresponding call to weigher prior to calling build(

Note that the cache may evict an entry before this limit is exceeded. As the cache size grows close to the maximum, the cache evicts entries that are less likely to be used again. For example, the cache may evict an entry because it hasn't been used recently or very often.

When weight is zero, elements will be evicted immediately after being loaded into cache. This can be useful in testing, or to disable caching temporarily without a code change.

weight - the maximum weight the cache may contain
weigher - the weigher to use in calculating the weight of cache entries
IllegalArgumentException - if size is negative
IllegalStateException - if a maximum size was already set


public <K1 extends K,V1 extends V> CacheBuilder<K1,V1> weigher(Weigher<? super K1,? super V1> weigher)
Specifies the weigher to use in determining the weight of entries. Entry weight is taken into consideration by maximumWeight when determining which entries to evict, and use of this method requires a corresponding call to maximumWeight prior to calling build( Weights are measured and recorded when entries are inserted into the cache, and are thus effectively static during the lifetime of a cache entry.

When the weight of an entry is zero it will not be considered for size-based eviction (though it still may be evicted by other means).

Important note: Instead of returning this as a CacheBuilder instance, this method returns CacheBuilder<K1, V1>. From this point on, either the original reference or the returned reference may be used to complete configuration and build the cache, but only the "generic" one is type-safe. That is, it will properly prevent you from building caches whose key or value types are incompatible with the types accepted by the weigher already provided; the CacheBuilder type cannot do this. For best results, simply use the standard method-chaining idiom, as illustrated in the documentation at top, configuring a CacheBuilder and building your Cache all in a single statement.

Warning: if you ignore the above advice, and use this CacheBuilder to build a cache whose key or value type is incompatible with the weigher, you will likely experience a ClassCastException at some undefined point in the future.

weight - the maximum weight the cache may contain
weigher - the weigher to use in calculating the weight of cache entries
IllegalArgumentException - if size is negative
IllegalStateException - if a maximum size was already set


public CacheBuilder<K,V> weakKeys()
Specifies that each key (not value) stored in the cache should be wrapped in a WeakReference (by default, strong references are used).

Warning: when this method is used, the resulting cache will use identity (==) comparison to determine equality of keys.

Entries with keys that have been garbage collected may be counted in Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations. Entries with garbage collected keys are cleaned up as part of the routine maintenance described in the class javadoc.

IllegalStateException - if the key strength was already set


public CacheBuilder<K,V> weakValues()
Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the cache should be wrapped in a WeakReference (by default, strong references are used).

Weak values will be garbage collected once they are weakly reachable. This makes them a poor candidate for caching; consider softValues() instead.

Note: when this method is used, the resulting cache will use identity (==) comparison to determine equality of values.

Entries with values that have been garbage collected may be counted in Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations. Entries with garbage collected keys are cleaned up as part of the routine maintenance described in the class javadoc.

IllegalStateException - if the value strength was already set


public CacheBuilder<K,V> softValues()
Specifies that each value (not key) stored in the cache should be wrapped in a SoftReference (by default, strong references are used). Softly-referenced objects will be garbage-collected in a globally least-recently-used manner, in response to memory demand.

Warning: in most circumstances it is better to set a per-cache maximum size instead of using soft references. You should only use this method if you are well familiar with the practical consequences of soft references.

Note: when this method is used, the resulting cache will use identity (==) comparison to determine equality of values.

Entries with values that have been garbage collected may be counted in Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations. Entries with garbage collected values are cleaned up as part of the routine maintenance described in the class javadoc.

IllegalStateException - if the value strength was already set


public CacheBuilder<K,V> expireAfterWrite(long duration,
                                          TimeUnit unit)
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value.

When duration is zero, this method hands off to maximumSize(0), ignoring any otherwise-specificed maximum size or weight. This can be useful in testing, or to disable caching temporarily without a code change.

Expired entries may be counted in Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations. Expired entries are cleaned up as part of the routine maintenance described in the class javadoc.

duration - the length of time after an entry is created that it should be automatically removed
unit - the unit that duration is expressed in
IllegalArgumentException - if duration is negative
IllegalStateException - if the time to live or time to idle was already set


public CacheBuilder<K,V> expireAfterAccess(long duration,
                                           TimeUnit unit)
Specifies that each entry should be automatically removed from the cache once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, the most recent replacement of its value, or its last access. Access time is reset by all cache read and write operations (including Cache.asMap().get(Object) and Cache.asMap().put(K, V)), but not by operations on the collection-views of Cache.asMap().

When duration is zero, this method hands off to maximumSize(0), ignoring any otherwise-specificed maximum size or weight. This can be useful in testing, or to disable caching temporarily without a code change.

Expired entries may be counted in Cache.size(), but will never be visible to read or write operations. Expired entries are cleaned up as part of the routine maintenance described in the class javadoc.

duration - the length of time after an entry is last accessed that it should be automatically removed
unit - the unit that duration is expressed in
IllegalArgumentException - if duration is negative
IllegalStateException - if the time to idle or time to live was already set


@GwtIncompatible(value="To be supported")
public CacheBuilder<K,V> refreshAfterWrite(long duration,
                                                                TimeUnit unit)
Specifies that active entries are eligible for automatic refresh once a fixed duration has elapsed after the entry's creation, or the most recent replacement of its value. The semantics of refreshes are specified in LoadingCache.refresh(K), and are performed by calling CacheLoader.reload(K, V).

As the default implementation of CacheLoader.reload(K, V) is synchronous, it is recommended that users of this method override CacheLoader.reload(K, V) with an asynchrnous implementation; otherwise refreshes will block other cache operations.

Currently automatic refreshes are performed when the first stale request for an entry occurs. The request triggering refresh will make a blocking call to CacheLoader.reload(K, V) and immediately return the new value if the returned future is complete, and the old value otherwise.

Note: all exceptions thrown during refresh will be logged and then swallowed.

duration - the length of time after an entry is created that it should be considered stale, and thus eligible for refresh
unit - the unit that duration is expressed in
IllegalArgumentException - if duration is negative
IllegalStateException - if the refresh interval was already set


@GwtIncompatible(value="To be supported")
public CacheBuilder<K,V> ticker(Ticker ticker)
Specifies a nanosecond-precision time source for use in determining when entries should be expired. By default, System.nanoTime() is used.

The primary intent of this method is to facilitate testing of caches which have been configured with expireAfterWrite(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) or expireAfterAccess(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit).

IllegalStateException - if a ticker was already set


@GwtIncompatible(value="To be supported")
public <K1 extends K,V1 extends V> CacheBuilder<K1,V1> removalListener(RemovalListener<? super K1,? super V1> listener)
Specifies a listener instance, which all caches built using this CacheBuilder will notify each time an entry is removed from the cache by any means.

Each cache built by this CacheBuilder after this method is called invokes the supplied listener after removing an element for any reason (see removal causes in RemovalCause). It will invoke the listener as part of the routine maintenance described in the class javadoc.

Note: all exceptions thrown by listener will be logged (using Logger)and then swallowed.

Important note: Instead of returning this as a CacheBuilder instance, this method returns CacheBuilder<K1, V1>. From this point on, either the original reference or the returned reference may be used to complete configuration and build the cache, but only the "generic" one is type-safe. That is, it will properly prevent you from building caches whose key or value types are incompatible with the types accepted by the listener already provided; the CacheBuilder type cannot do this. For best results, simply use the standard method-chaining idiom, as illustrated in the documentation at top, configuring a CacheBuilder and building your Cache all in a single statement.

Warning: if you ignore the above advice, and use this CacheBuilder to build a cache whose key or value type is incompatible with the listener, you will likely experience a ClassCastException at some undefined point in the future.

IllegalStateException - if a removal listener was already set


public <K1 extends K,V1 extends V> LoadingCache<K1,V1> build(CacheLoader<? super K1,V1> loader)
Builds a cache, which either returns an already-loaded value for a given key or atomically computes or retrieves it using the supplied CacheLoader. If another thread is currently loading the value for this key, simply waits for that thread to finish and returns its loaded value. Note that multiple threads can concurrently load values for distinct keys.

This method does not alter the state of this CacheBuilder instance, so it can be invoked again to create multiple independent caches.

loader - the cache loader used to obtain new values
a cache having the requested features


public <K1 extends K,V1 extends V> Cache<K1,V1> build()
Builds a cache which does not automatically load values when keys are requested.

Consider build(CacheLoader) instead, if it is feasible to implement a CacheLoader.

This method does not alter the state of this CacheBuilder instance, so it can be invoked again to create multiple independent caches.

a cache having the requested features


public String toString()
Returns a string representation for this CacheBuilder instance. The exact form of the returned string is not specified.

toString in class Object

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