Interface ClusterRenderer<T extends ClusterItem>

    • Method Detail

      • onClustersChanged

        void onClustersChanged​(java.util.Set<? extends Cluster<T>> clusters)
        Called when the view needs to be updated because new clusters need to be displayed.
        clusters - the clusters to be displayed.
      • setAnimation

        void setAnimation​(boolean animate)
        Called to set animation on or off
      • setAnimationDuration

        void setAnimationDuration​(long animationDurationMs)
        Sets the length of the animation in milliseconds.
      • onAdd

        void onAdd()
        Called when the view is added.
      • onRemove

        void onRemove()
        Called when the view is removed.
      • getColor

        int getColor​(int clusterSize)
        Called to determine the color of a Cluster.
      • getClusterTextAppearance

        int getClusterTextAppearance​(int clusterSize)
        Called to determine the text appearance of a cluster.