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AdvancedMarker(MarkerState,Float,Offset,Boolean,Boolean,Offset,Float,String,Object,String,Boolean,Float,Function1,Function1,Function1,Function1,PinConfig,View,Integer) - function in com.google.maps.android.compose.MarkerKt
A composable for an advanced marker on the map.
animate(CameraUpdate,Integer) - function in com.google.maps.android.compose.CameraPositionState
Animate the camera position as specified by update, returning once the animation has completed.
animateTo(StreetViewPanoramaCamera,Integer) - function in com.google.maps.android.compose.streetview.StreetViewCameraPositionState
Animates the camera to be at camera in durationMs milliseconds.
API_ANIMATION - enum entry in com.google.maps.android.compose.CameraMoveStartedReason
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