Class Durations

  • public final class Durations
    extends java.lang.Object
    Utilities to help create/manipulate protobuf/duration.proto. All operations throw an IllegalArgumentException if the input(s) are not valid.
    • Field Detail

      • MIN_VALUE

        public static final Duration MIN_VALUE
        A constant holding the minimum valid Duration, approximately -10,000 years.
      • MAX_VALUE

        public static final Duration MAX_VALUE
        A constant holding the maximum valid Duration, approximately +10,000 years.
      • ZERO

        public static final Duration ZERO
        A constant holding the duration of zero.
    • Method Detail

      • compare

        public static int compare​(Duration x,
                                  Duration y)
        Compares two durations. The value returned is identical to what would be returned by: Durations.comparator().compare(x, y).
        the value 0 if x == y; a value less than 0 if x < y; and a value greater than 0 if x > y
      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(Duration duration)
        Returns true if the given Duration is valid. The seconds value must be in the range [-315,576,000,000, +315,576,000,000]. The nanos value must be in the range [-999,999,999, +999,999,999].

        Note: Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 seconds field and a positive or negative nanos field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the nanos field must be of the same sign as the seconds field.

      • isValid

        public static boolean isValid​(long seconds,
                                      int nanos)
        Returns true if the given number of seconds and nanos is a valid Duration. The seconds value must be in the range [-315,576,000,000, +315,576,000,000]. The nanos value must be in the range [-999,999,999, +999,999,999].

        Note: Durations less than one second are represented with a 0 seconds field and a positive or negative nanos field. For durations of one second or more, a non-zero value for the nanos field must be of the same sign as the seconds field.

      • isNegative

        public static boolean isNegative​(Duration duration)
        Returns whether the given Duration is negative or not.
      • isPositive

        public static boolean isPositive​(Duration duration)
        Returns whether the given Duration is positive or not.
      • checkNotNegative

        public static Duration checkNotNegative​(Duration duration)
        Ensures that the given Duration is not negative.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if duration is negative or invalid
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if duration is null
      • checkPositive

        public static Duration checkPositive​(Duration duration)
        Ensures that the given Duration is positive.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if duration is negative, ZERO, or invalid
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if duration is null
      • checkValid

        public static Duration checkValid​(Duration duration)
        Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the given Duration is not valid.
      • toString

        public static java.lang.String toString​(Duration duration)
        Convert Duration to string format. The string format will contains 3, 6, or 9 fractional digits depending on the precision required to represent the exact Duration value. For example: "1s", "1.010s", "1.000000100s", "-3.100s" The range that can be represented by Duration is from -315,576,000,000 to +315,576,000,000 inclusive (in seconds).
        The string representation of the given duration.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if the given duration is not in the valid range.
      • parse

        public static Duration parse​(java.lang.String value)
                              throws java.text.ParseException
        Parse a string to produce a duration.
        a Duration parsed from the string
        java.text.ParseException - if the string is not in the duration format
      • parseUnchecked

        public static Duration parseUnchecked​(@CompileTimeConstant
                                              java.lang.String value)
        Parses a string in RFC 3339 format into a Duration.

        Identical to parse(String), but throws an IllegalArgumentException instead of a ParseException if parsing fails.

        a Duration parsed from the string
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if parsing fails
      • fromDays

        public static Duration fromDays​(long days)
        Create a Duration from the number of days.
      • fromHours

        public static Duration fromHours​(long hours)
        Create a Duration from the number of hours.
      • fromMinutes

        public static Duration fromMinutes​(long minutes)
        Create a Duration from the number of minutes.
      • fromSeconds

        public static Duration fromSeconds​(long seconds)
        Create a Duration from the number of seconds.
      • fromMillis

        public static Duration fromMillis​(long milliseconds)
        Create a Duration from the number of milliseconds.
      • fromMicros

        public static Duration fromMicros​(long microseconds)
        Create a Duration from the number of microseconds.
      • fromNanos

        public static Duration fromNanos​(long nanoseconds)
        Create a Duration from the number of nanoseconds.
      • toDays

        public static long toDays​(Duration duration)
        Convert a Duration to the number of days. The result will be rounded towards 0 to the nearest day.
      • toHours

        public static long toHours​(Duration duration)
        Convert a Duration to the number of hours. The result will be rounded towards 0 to the nearest hour.
      • toMinutes

        public static long toMinutes​(Duration duration)
        Convert a Duration to the number of minutes. The result will be rounded towards 0 to the nearest minute.
      • toSeconds

        public static long toSeconds​(Duration duration)
        Convert a Duration to the number of seconds. The result will be rounded towards 0 to the nearest second. E.g., if the duration represents -1 nanosecond, it will be rounded to 0.
      • toSecondsAsDouble

        public static double toSecondsAsDouble​(Duration duration)
        Returns the number of seconds of the given duration as a double. This method should be used to accommodate APIs that only accept durations as double values.

        This conversion may lose precision.

        If you need the number of seconds in this duration as a long (not a double), simply use duration.getSeconds() or toSeconds( (which includes validation).

      • toMillis

        public static long toMillis​(Duration duration)
        Convert a Duration to the number of milliseconds. The result will be rounded towards 0 to the nearest millisecond. E.g., if the duration represents -1 nanosecond, it will be rounded to 0.
      • toMicros

        public static long toMicros​(Duration duration)
        Convert a Duration to the number of microseconds. The result will be rounded towards 0 to the nearest microseconds. E.g., if the duration represents -1 nanosecond, it will be rounded to 0.
      • toNanos

        public static long toNanos​(Duration duration)
        Convert a Duration to the number of nanoseconds.