Uses of Interface

Uses of MessageLite in

Classes in with type parameters of type MessageLite
static class GeneratedMessageLite.GeneratedExtension<ContainingType extends MessageLite,Type>
          Lite equivalent to GeneratedMessage.GeneratedExtension.

Subinterfaces of MessageLite in
 interface Message
          Abstract interface implemented by Protocol Message objects.

Classes in that implement MessageLite
 class AbstractMessage
          A partial implementation of the Message interface which implements as many methods of that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
 class AbstractMessageLite
          A partial implementation of the MessageLite interface which implements as many methods of that interface as possible in terms of other methods.
static class DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto
static class DescriptorProtos.DescriptorProto.ExtensionRange
static class DescriptorProtos.EnumDescriptorProto
static class DescriptorProtos.EnumOptions
static class DescriptorProtos.EnumValueDescriptorProto
static class DescriptorProtos.EnumValueOptions
static class DescriptorProtos.FieldDescriptorProto
static class DescriptorProtos.FieldOptions
static class DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorProto
static class DescriptorProtos.FileDescriptorSet
static class DescriptorProtos.FileOptions
static class DescriptorProtos.MessageOptions
static class DescriptorProtos.MethodDescriptorProto
static class DescriptorProtos.MethodOptions
static class DescriptorProtos.ServiceDescriptorProto
static class DescriptorProtos.ServiceOptions
static class DescriptorProtos.SourceCodeInfo
static class DescriptorProtos.SourceCodeInfo.Location
static class DescriptorProtos.UninterpretedOption
static class DescriptorProtos.UninterpretedOption.NamePart
 class DynamicMessage
          An implementation of Message that can represent arbitrary types, given a Descriptors.Descriptor.
 class GeneratedMessage
          All generated protocol message classes extend this class.
static class GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage>
          Generated message classes for message types that contain extension ranges subclass this.
 class GeneratedMessageLite
          Lite version of GeneratedMessage.
static class GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType extends GeneratedMessageLite.ExtendableMessage<MessageType>>
          Lite equivalent of GeneratedMessage.ExtendableMessage.
 class UnknownFieldSet
          UnknownFieldSet is used to keep track of fields which were seen when parsing a protocol message but whose field numbers or types are unrecognized.

Methods in with type parameters of type MessageLite
<ContainingType extends MessageLite>
ExtensionRegistryLite.findLiteExtensionByNumber(ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance, int fieldNumber)
          Find an extension by containing type and field number.
<ContainingType extends MessageLite,Type>
GeneratedMessageLite.newRepeatedGeneratedExtension(ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance, MessageLite messageDefaultInstance, Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> enumTypeMap, int number, WireFormat.FieldType type, boolean isPacked)
          For use by generated code only.
<ContainingType extends MessageLite,Type>
GeneratedMessageLite.newSingularGeneratedExtension(ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance, Type defaultValue, MessageLite messageDefaultInstance, Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> enumTypeMap, int number, WireFormat.FieldType type)
          For use by generated code only.

Methods in that return MessageLite
          Construct the final message.
 MessageLite MessageLite.Builder.buildPartial()
          Like, but does not throw an exception if the message is missing required fields.
 MessageLite MessageLiteOrBuilder.getDefaultInstanceForType()
          Get an instance of the type with no fields set.
 MessageLite GeneratedMessageLite.GeneratedExtension.getMessageDefaultInstance()
          If the extension is an embedded message, this is the default instance of that type.

Methods in with parameters of type MessageLite
static int CodedOutputStream.computeGroupSize(int fieldNumber, MessageLite value)
          Compute the number of bytes that would be needed to encode a group field, including tag.
static int CodedOutputStream.computeGroupSizeNoTag(MessageLite value)
          Compute the number of bytes that would be needed to encode a group field.
static int CodedOutputStream.computeMessageSetExtensionSize(int fieldNumber, MessageLite value)
          Compute the number of bytes that would be needed to encode a MessageSet extension to the stream.
static int CodedOutputStream.computeMessageSize(int fieldNumber, MessageLite value)
          Compute the number of bytes that would be needed to encode an embedded message field, including tag.
static int CodedOutputStream.computeMessageSizeNoTag(MessageLite value)
          Compute the number of bytes that would be needed to encode an embedded message field.
static int CodedOutputStream.computeUnknownGroupSize(int fieldNumber, MessageLite value)
          Deprecated. UnknownFieldSet now implements MessageLite, so you can just call CodedOutputStream.computeGroupSize(int,
static int CodedOutputStream.computeUnknownGroupSizeNoTag(MessageLite value)
          Deprecated. UnknownFieldSet now implements MessageLite, so you can just call CodedOutputStream.computeUnknownGroupSizeNoTag(
 MessageLite.Builder Descriptors.FieldDescriptor.internalMergeFrom(MessageLite.Builder to, MessageLite from)
          For internal use only.
<ContainingType extends MessageLite,Type>
GeneratedMessageLite.newRepeatedGeneratedExtension(ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance, MessageLite messageDefaultInstance, Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> enumTypeMap, int number, WireFormat.FieldType type, boolean isPacked)
          For use by generated code only.
<ContainingType extends MessageLite,Type>
GeneratedMessageLite.newSingularGeneratedExtension(ContainingType containingTypeDefaultInstance, Type defaultValue, MessageLite messageDefaultInstance, Internal.EnumLiteMap<?> enumTypeMap, int number, WireFormat.FieldType type)
          For use by generated code only.
protected static UninitializedMessageException AbstractMessageLite.Builder.newUninitializedMessageException(MessageLite message)
          Construct an UninitializedMessageException reporting missing fields in the given message.
 void CodedOutputStream.writeGroup(int fieldNumber, MessageLite value)
          Write a group field, including tag, to the stream.
 void CodedOutputStream.writeGroupNoTag(MessageLite value)
          Write a group field to the stream.
 void CodedOutputStream.writeMessage(int fieldNumber, MessageLite value)
          Write an embedded message field, including tag, to the stream.
 void CodedOutputStream.writeMessageNoTag(MessageLite value)
          Write an embedded message field to the stream.
 void CodedOutputStream.writeMessageSetExtension(int fieldNumber, MessageLite value)
          Write a MessageSet extension field to the stream.
 void CodedOutputStream.writeUnknownGroup(int fieldNumber, MessageLite value)
          Deprecated. UnknownFieldSet now implements MessageLite, so you can just call CodedOutputStream.writeGroup(int,
 void CodedOutputStream.writeUnknownGroupNoTag(MessageLite value)
          Deprecated. UnknownFieldSet now implements MessageLite, so you can just call CodedOutputStream.writeGroupNoTag(

Constructors in with parameters of type MessageLite
UninitializedMessageException(MessageLite message)

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