Interface Result<T>

All Known Implementing Classes:
IteratorFirstResult, LoadResult, MakeListResult, ResultAdapter, ResultCache, ResultNow, ResultTranslator, ResultWrapper

public interface Result<T>

This interface provides a return value for asynchronous Objectify calls, nearly the same as java.util.concurrent.Future. Unfortunately the methods of Future throw checked exceptions, rendering the class prohibitively painful to use in business logic. This interface fixes that problem, and implementors automatically unwrap ExecutionExceptions (checked exceptions will be wrapped in a new RuntimeException).

Jeff Schnitzer
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result.
  • Method Details

    • now

      T now()
      Waits if necessary for the computation to complete, and then retrieves its result. If the computation produced an exception, it will be thrown here.
      the computed result