Class TriggerSuccessFuture<T>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class TriggerSuccessFuture<T>
    extends TriggerFuture<T>

    Extends TriggerFuture so that it only gets triggered on successful (no exception) completion of the Future. This prevents, for example, cache put()s from firing when concurrency exceptions are thrown.

    Jeff Schnitzer
    • Constructor Detail

      • TriggerSuccessFuture

        public TriggerSuccessFuture​(Future<T> raw)
        Wrap a normal Future
    • Method Detail

      • success

        protected abstract void success​(T result)
        This method will be called ONCE upon successful completion of the future.
      • trigger

        protected final void trigger()
        Description copied from class: TriggerFuture
        This method will be called ONCE upon completion of the future, successful or not. Beware that this.get() may throw an exception.
        Specified by:
        trigger in class TriggerFuture<T>