Interface LoadType<T>

  • All Superinterfaces:
    Iterable<T>, LoadIds<T>, Query<T>, QueryExecute<T>, QueryResultIterable<T>, SimpleQuery<T>

    public interface LoadType<T>
    extends LoadIds<T>, Query<T>
    Once you have narrowed your interest to a type (via load().type(SomeType.class)), the command pattern can diverge into two directions: Either defining a parent or ids (which corresponds to a batch get) or calling query-related methods (which will produce a query).
    Jeff Schnitzer
    • Method Detail

      • parent

        LoadIds<T> parent​(Object keyOrEntity)
        Define a parent for a get-by-key operation. After this, you must define an id() or ids().

        All command objects are immutable; this method returns a new object instead of modifying the current command object.

        keyOrEntity - - a Key, datastore Key, or entity pojo of the relevant entity to use as the key parent
        the next immutable step in the command chain, which allows you to define ids.