Class PojoIf<P>

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public abstract class PojoIf<P>
    extends Object
    implements If<Object,​P>

    Base class for If classes that test against a whole POJO object. This allows partial indexes to test against field values which are not the field being indexed.

    The pojo will be an entity if the field is on an entity, or an embedded class if the field is on an embedded class.

    All concrete instances of this interface must have either a no-arg constructor or a constructor that takes Class<?>, Field parameters.

    Jeff Schnitzer
    • Constructor Detail

      • PojoIf

        public PojoIf()
    • Method Detail

      • matchesValue

        public final boolean matchesValue​(Object onPojo)
        Description copied from interface: If
        Test a simple property value.
        Specified by:
        matchesValue in interface If<Object,​P>
        onPojo - is the actual value of a particular field
        true if the value matches the condition defined by an instance of this interface.