Class Key<T>

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Comparable<Key<?>>

public class Key<T> extends Object implements Serializable, Comparable<Key<?>>

A typesafe wrapper for the datastore Key object.

Jeff Schnitzer invalid input: '<'[email protected]>, Scott Hernandez
See Also:
  • Field Summary

    Modifier and Type
    protected Key<?>
    Cache the instance of the parent wrapper to avoid unnecessary garbage
    protected final
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    compareTo(Key<?> other)
    The new cloud sdk Key doesn't have compareTo(), so we reimplement the logic from the old GAE SDK.
    static <T> Key<T>
    create( raw)
    Create an Objectify key from the native datastore key
    static <T> Key<T>
    create(Key<?> parent, Class<? extends T> kindClass, long id)
    Create an Objectify key from a parent, type, and numeric id
    static <T> Key<T>
    create(Key<?> parent, Class<? extends T> kindClass, String name)
    Create an Objectify key from a parent, type, and string id
    static <T> Key<T>
    create(Class<? extends T> kindClass, long id)
    Create an Objectify key from a type and numeric id
    static <T> Key<T>
    create(Class<? extends T> kindClass, String name)
    Create an Objectify key from a type and string id
    static <T> Key<T>
    create(String urlSafeString)
    Create an Objectify key from a web safe string.
    static <T> Key<T>
    create(String namespace, Class<? extends T> kindClass, long id)
    Create an Objectify key from a namespace, type, and numeric id
    static <T> Key<T>
    create(String namespace, Class<? extends T> kindClass, String name)
    Create an Objectify key from a namespace, type, and string id
    static <T> Key<T>
    create(T pojo)
    Create a key from a registered POJO entity.
    equivalent(Key<T> other)
    A type-safe equivalence comparison
    equivalent(Ref<T> other)
    A type-safe equivalence comparison
    static String
    getKind(Class<?> clazz)
    Determines the kind for a Class, as understood by the datastore.
    <V> Key<V>

    <V> Key<V>
    Gets the root of a parent graph of keys.
    static <V> Key<V>
    key( raw)
    Easy null-safe conversion of the raw key.
    key(Key<?> typed)
    Easy null-safe conversion of the typed key.
    Generates the string that would have been generated by the old appengine SDK.
    Creates a human-readable version of this key
    Call toUrlSafe() on the underlying Key.
    static <T> Key<T>
    valueOf(String webSafeString)
    This is an alias for Key.create(String).

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
  • Field Details

    • raw

      protected final raw
    • parent

      protected transient Key<?> parent
      Cache the instance of the parent wrapper to avoid unnecessary garbage
  • Method Details

    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create( raw)
      Create an Objectify key from the native datastore key
    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create(Class<? extends T> kindClass, long id)
      Create an Objectify key from a type and numeric id
    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create(Class<? extends T> kindClass, String name)
      Create an Objectify key from a type and string id
    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create(Key<?> parent, Class<? extends T> kindClass, long id)
      Create an Objectify key from a parent, type, and numeric id
    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create(Key<?> parent, Class<? extends T> kindClass, String name)
      Create an Objectify key from a parent, type, and string id
    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create(String namespace, Class<? extends T> kindClass, long id)
      Create an Objectify key from a namespace, type, and numeric id
    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create(String namespace, Class<? extends T> kindClass, String name)
      Create an Objectify key from a namespace, type, and string id
    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create(String urlSafeString)
      Create an Objectify key from a web safe string. Understands both 'modern' and 'legacy' GAE formats.
    • valueOf

      public static <T> Key<T> valueOf(String webSafeString)
      This is an alias for Key.create(String). Helps with JAX-RS compliance.
    • create

      public static <T> Key<T> create(T pojo)
      Create a key from a registered POJO entity.
    • getRaw

      public getRaw()
      the raw datastore version of this key
    • getId

      public Long getId()
      the id associated with this key, or null if this key has a name.
    • getName

      public String getName()
      the name associated with this key, or null if this key has an id
    • getKind

      public String getKind()
      the low-level datastore kind associated with this Key
    • getNamespace

      public String getNamespace()
      the namespace associated with this key
    • getParent

      public <V> Key<V> getParent()
      the parent key, or null if there is no parent. Note that the parent could potentially have any type.
    • getRoot

      public <V> Key<V> getRoot()
      Gets the root of a parent graph of keys. If a Key has no parent, it is the root.
      the topmost parent key, or this object itself if it is the root. Note that the root key could potentially have any type.
    • compareTo

      public int compareTo(Key<?> other)

      The new cloud sdk Key doesn't have compareTo(), so we reimplement the logic from the old GAE SDK.

      Specified by:
      compareTo in interface Comparable<T>
    • equivalent

      public boolean equivalent(Key<T> other)
      A type-safe equivalence comparison
    • equivalent

      public boolean equivalent(Ref<T> other)
      A type-safe equivalence comparison
    • toString

      public String toString()
      Creates a human-readable version of this key
      toString in class Object
    • toUrlSafe

      public String toUrlSafe()
      Call toUrlSafe() on the underlying Key. You can reconstitute a Key<?> using the constructor that takes a string. Note that toString() is only useful for debugging; it cannot be used to create a key with Key.create(String).
    • toLegacyUrlSafe

      public String toLegacyUrlSafe()
      Generates the string that would have been generated by the old appengine SDK. The strings look like 'ag1zfnZvb2Rvb2R5bmUwcgcLEgFCGAEM'. The String constructor for Key<?> understands both formats.
    • key

      public static <V> Key<V> key( raw)
      Easy null-safe conversion of the raw key.
    • key

      public static key(Key<?> typed)
      Easy null-safe conversion of the typed key.
    • getKind

      public static String getKind(Class<?> clazz)

      Determines the kind for a Class, as understood by the datastore. The first class in a hierarchy that has @Entity defines the kind (either explicitly or as that class' simplename).

      If no @Entity annotation is found, just uses the simplename as is.