Interface CacheControl

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface CacheControl
Interface by which expiry times for cache entities is communicated to the cache system. The cache will call this interface to find out how long to cache entities of a particular kind.
Jeff Schnitzer invalid input: '<'[email protected]>
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    getExpirySeconds( key)
    Get the amount of time that entities of a particular key should be cached, if at all.
    default boolean
    isCacheable( key)
    Convenience method
  • Method Details

    • getExpirySeconds

      Integer getExpirySeconds( key)
      Get the amount of time that entities of a particular key should be cached, if at all. This is used both to write entities/negative results to the cache and also to determine if we should look in the cache in the first place.
      null means DO NOT CACHE. 0 means "no limit". Any other value is a # of seconds.
    • isCacheable

      default boolean isCacheable( key)
      Convenience method