Package com.googlecode.objectify.cache

package com.googlecode.objectify.cache
  • Class
    This Filter is a companion to the CachingAsyncDatastoreService, and must be installed any time the CachingAsyncDatastoreService is used without Objectify.
    Interface by which expiry times for cache entities is communicated to the cache system.
    A write-through memcache for Entity objects that works for both transactional and nontransactional sessions.
    A write-through memcache for Entity objects that works for both transactional and nontransactional sessions.
    A write-through memcache for Entity objects that works for both transactional and nontransactional sessions.
    This is the facade used by Objectify to cache entities in the MemcacheService.
    Like MemcacheService but translates keys and values into forms more palatable to the low level service.
    The interface that all memory cache services must implement.
    Dynamic proxy which wraps a MemcacheService and adds retries when an exception occurs.
    Interface for tracking hit rates of the entity memcache.
    A Future which merges some previously loaded values with the results of another Future that is in progress.
    This class maintains a thread local list of all the outstanding Futureinvalid input: '<'?> objects that have pending triggers.
    A Futureinvalid input: '<'?> wrapper that executes an abstract method with the result at some point after the data becomes available.
    Extends TriggerFuture so that it only gets triggered on successful (no exception) completion of the Future.