Interface InstrumentationContext<T>

  • All Known Subinterfaces:
    ExecuteObjectInstrumentationContext, ExecutionStrategyInstrumentationContext
    All Known Implementing Classes:

    public interface InstrumentationContext<T>
    When a Instrumentation.'beginXXX()' method is called then it must return a non null InstrumentationContext that will be invoked when the step is first dispatched and then when it completes. Sometimes this is effectively the same time whereas at other times its when an asynchronous CompletableFuture completes. This pattern of construction of an object then call back is intended to allow "timers" to be created that can instrument what has just happened or "loggers" to be called to record what has happened.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void onCompleted​(T result, java.lang.Throwable t)
      This is invoked when the instrumentation step is fully completed
      void onDispatched()
      This is invoked when the instrumentation step is initially dispatched
    • Method Detail

      • onDispatched

        void onDispatched()
        This is invoked when the instrumentation step is initially dispatched
      • onCompleted

        void onCompleted​(T result,
                         java.lang.Throwable t)
        This is invoked when the instrumentation step is fully completed
        result - the result of the step (which may be null)
        t - this exception will be non null if an exception was thrown during the step