

package semver4s

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. semver4s
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package cli

Type Members

  1. case class And(simples: NonEmptyList[Simple]) extends Matcher with Product with Serializable

    Conjunction: Matches if all simple constituents match

    Conjunction: Matches if all simple constituents match

    For a strict match all constituents must match loosely, and any of them strictly with regards to pre-release behaviour.

  2. sealed trait Bound extends AnyRef
  3. sealed trait Bounded extends Bound
  4. case class Caret(p: Partial) extends Simple with Product with Serializable

    Caret ranges, flexible minor and patch

  5. case class CoreVersion(major: Long, minor: Long, patch: Long) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class Exact(p: Partial) extends Primitive with Product with Serializable
  7. case class Exclusive(by: Version) extends Bounded with Product with Serializable
  8. case class GT(p: Partial) extends Primitive with Product with Serializable
  9. case class GTE(p: Partial) extends Primitive with Product with Serializable
  10. case class Hyphen(lower: Partial, upper: Partial) extends Simple with Product with Serializable

    Hyphen ranges, ranges bounded by a lower and upper bound

  11. case class Inclusive(by: Version) extends Bounded with Product with Serializable
  12. case class LT(p: Partial) extends Primitive with Product with Serializable
  13. case class LTE(p: Partial) extends Primitive with Product with Serializable
  14. case class Major(major: Long) extends Partial with Product with Serializable
  15. sealed trait Matcher extends Product with Serializable

    A matcher that can test whether a version matches the matcher.

    A matcher that can test whether a version matches the matcher.

    The NPM matchers are

    - Primitive matchers >, <, >=, <= or = with a (potentially partial) version, e.g. <1.3 or >=1.3.4-pre.1. - Hyphen ranges, e.g. 1.3 - 2 - Tilde ranges: e.g. ~1.3.2 flexible patch. - Caret ranges: e.g. ^1.3.2 flexible minor and patch. - Wildcard ranges: e.g. 1.3 / 1.3.* / 1.3.x - Conjunction (AND) ranges: e.g. >1.3 <2.3.1 - Disjunction (OR) ranges: e.g. any version in three any version in 1.2: 1.2 3 || 1.2.*

  16. case class Minor(major: Long, minor: Long) extends Partial with Product with Serializable
  17. case class Or(ands: NonEmptyList[And]) extends Matcher with Product with Serializable

    Disjunction: Matches if any of the constituents match

  18. sealed trait Partial extends AnyRef
  19. case class Patch(major: Long, minor: Long, patch: Long) extends Partial with Product with Serializable
  20. case class Pre(major: Long, minor: Long, patch: Long, pre: PreReleaseSuffix) extends Partial with Product with Serializable
  21. sealed trait PreReleaseBehaviour extends AnyRef
  22. sealed trait Primitive extends Simple
  23. sealed trait Simple extends Matcher

    Simple matchers: all matcher except conjunction and disjunction (AND and OR) ranges

  24. case class Tilde(p: Partial) extends Simple with Product with Serializable

    Tilde ranges: Flexible patch

  25. case class Version(major: Long, minor: Long, patch: Long, pre: Option[PreReleaseSuffix], build: Option[String]) extends Product with Serializable

    A semver version specification

    A semver version specification

    Consisting of a core version of major.minor.patch, potentially a pre-release suffix and potentially build metadata

Value Members

  1. def matcher(src: String): Either[Error, Or]
  2. val semVer: Parser[Version]
  3. val semVerMatcher: Parser[Or]
  4. def version(src: String): Either[Error, Version]
  5. object Matcher extends Serializable
  6. object PreReleaseBehaviour
  7. object RangeParsers
  8. object SemVer
  9. object SemverParsers
  10. case object Unbounded extends Bound with Product with Serializable
  11. object Version extends Serializable
  12. object VersionOrder
  13. case object Wild extends Partial with Product with Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
