Uses of Class

Packages that use ConditionFactory

Uses of ConditionFactory in com.jayway.awaitility

Methods in com.jayway.awaitility that return ConditionFactory
static ConditionFactory Awaitility.await()
          Start building an await statement.
static ConditionFactory Awaitility.await(java.lang.String alias)
          Start building a named await statement.
static ConditionFactory Awaitility.catchUncaughtExceptions()
          Catching uncaught exceptions in other threads.
static ConditionFactory Awaitility.dontCatchUncaughtExceptions()
          Don't catch uncaught exceptions in other threads.
static ConditionFactory Awaitility.given()
          Start constructing an await statement given some settings.
static ConditionFactory Awaitility.waitAtMost(Duration timeout)
          An alternative to using Awaitility.await() if you want to specify a timeout directly.
static ConditionFactory Awaitility.waitAtMost(long value, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
          An alternative to using Awaitility.await() if you want to specify a timeout directly.
static ConditionFactory Awaitility.with()
          Start constructing an await statement with some settings.

Uses of ConditionFactory in com.jayway.awaitility.core

Methods in com.jayway.awaitility.core that return ConditionFactory
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.and()
          A method to increase the readability of the Awaitility DSL.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.atMost(Duration timeout)
          Await at most timeout before throwing a timeout exception.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.atMost(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
          Await at most timeout before throwing a timeout exception.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.await()
          Await for an asynchronous operation.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.await(java.lang.String alias)
          Await for an asynchronous operation and give this await instance a particular name.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.catchUncaughtExceptions()
          Instruct Awaitility to catch uncaught exceptions from other threads.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.dontCatchUncaughtExceptions()
          Don't catch uncaught exceptions in other threads.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.forever()
          Await forever until the condition is satisfied.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.given()
          A method to increase the readability of the Awaitility DSL.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.pollDelay(Duration pollDelay)
          Specify the delay that will be used before Awaitility starts polling for the result the first time.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.pollDelay(long delay, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
          Specify the delay that will be used before Awaitility starts polling for the result the first time.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.pollInterval(Duration pollInterval)
          Specify the polling interval Awaitility will use for this await statement.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.pollInterval(long pollInterval, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
          Specify the polling interval Awaitility will use for this await statement.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.then()
          A method to increase the readability of the Awaitility DSL.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.timeout(Duration timeout)
          Await at most timeout before throwing a timeout exception.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.timeout(long timeout, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit unit)
          Await at most timeout before throwing a timeout exception.
 ConditionFactory ConditionFactory.with()
          A method to increase the readability of the Awaitility DSL.

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