
trait Definitions[Pipe[_, _], In, Out]

Contains definitions that could be shared between Scala 2 and Scala 3 implementation of the derivation logic, which aren't strictly related to code parsing and generation.

Type parameters:

input type of the type class we are deriving


output type of the type class we are deriving


the type class that we are deriving for

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait PlatformDefinitions[Pipe, In, Out]
class MacrosImpl[Pipe, In, Out]
Definitions[Pipe, In, Out]

Type members


sealed trait ConfigEntry extends Product with Serializable

Possible configuration options that we can work with inside a macro. Parsed from pipez.PipeDerivationConfig

Possible configuration options that we can work with inside a macro. Parsed from pipez.PipeDerivationConfig

sealed trait DerivationError extends Product with Serializable

Possible errors that can happen during derivation

Possible errors that can happen during derivation

sealed trait DerivationResult[+A] extends Product with Serializable

Helper which allows: use of for-comprehension, parallel error composition, logging

Helper which allows: use of for-comprehension, parallel error composition, logging

object Path
sealed trait Path extends Product with Serializable

Type representing how we got the specific value from the in: In argument

Type representing how we got the specific value from the in: In argument

final class Settings(entries: List[ConfigEntry])

Collection of config options obtained after parsing pipez.PipeDerivationConfig

Collection of config options obtained after parsing pipez.PipeDerivationConfig


type Expr[A]

Platform-specific expression representation (c.universe.Expr[A] in 2, quotes.Expr[A] in 3

Platform-specific expression representation (c.universe.Expr[A] in 2, quotes.Expr[A] in 3

type Type[A]

Platform-specific type representation (c.universe.Type in 2, scala.quoted.Type[A] in 3)

Platform-specific type representation (c.universe.Type in 2, scala.quoted.Type[A] in 3)

Value members

Abstract methods

def pathCode(path: Path): Expr[Path]

Translates Path as seen in macro to runtime value we can pass to updateContext`

Translates Path as seen in macro to runtime value we can pass to updateContext`

def previewCode[A](code: Expr[A]): String

Allows displaying the generated code in platform-independent way

Allows displaying the generated code in platform-independent way

Like previewCode(pipeDerivation) but allowing hiding some shenanigans we do

Like previewCode(pipeDerivation) but allowing hiding some shenanigans we do

def previewType[A : Type]: String

Prints type value

Prints type value

Turns the code defining PipeDerivationConfig[Pipe, In, Out] into Settings.

Turns the code defining PipeDerivationConfig[Pipe, In, Out] into Settings.

Requires that config is created as one chain while passing the parameter.

def singleAbstractMethodExpansion[SAM : Type](code: Expr[SAM]): Expr[SAM]

If we pass Single Abstract Method as argument, after expansion inference sometimes fails, compiler might need a hint

If we pass Single Abstract Method as argument, after expansion inference sometimes fails, compiler might need a hint

def summonPipe[Input : Type, Output : Type]: DerivationResult[Expr[Pipe[Input, Output]]]

Allows summoning the type class in platform-independent way

Allows summoning the type class in platform-independent way

Concrete methods

final def readSettingsIfGiven(code: Option[Expr[PipeDerivationConfig[Pipe, In, Out]]]): DerivationResult[Settings]

Reads configs if passed, or fallback to defaults (empty Settings) otherwise

Reads configs if passed, or fallback to defaults (empty Settings) otherwise

def typeOf[A](implicit tpe: Type[A]): Type[A]

Summons Type independently of the platform

Summons Type independently of the platform

Abstract fields

Value of PipeDerivation[Pipe], which was passed to macro as (most likely) implicit

Value of PipeDerivation[Pipe], which was passed to macro as (most likely) implicit



implicit val In: Type[In]

Provides Type instance for In

Provides Type instance for In

implicit val Out: Type[Out]

Provides Type instance for Out

Provides Type instance for Out

implicit def PipeOf[I : Type, O : Type]: Type[Pipe[I, O]]

Provides Type instance for Pipe[I, O]

Provides Type instance for Pipe[I, O]