
package type

  1. Alphabetic
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  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class CalendarPeriod extends GeneratedEnum

    A CalendarPeriod represents the abstract concept of a time period that has a canonical start.

    A CalendarPeriod represents the abstract concept of a time period that has a canonical start. Grammatically, "the start of the current CalendarPeriod." All calendar times begin at midnight UTC.

  2. final case class Color(red: Float = 0.0f, green: Float = 0.0f, blue: Float = 0.0f, alpha: Option[Float] = _root_.scala.None, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Color] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a color in the RGBA color space.

    Represents a color in the RGBA color space. This representation is designed for simplicity of conversion to/from color representations in various languages over compactness; for example, the fields of this representation can be trivially provided to the constructor of "java.awt.Color" in Java; it can also be trivially provided to UIColor's "+colorWithRed:green:blue:alpha" method in iOS; and, with just a little work, it can be easily formatted into a CSS "rgba()" string in JavaScript, as well.

    Note: this proto does not carry information about the absolute color space that should be used to interpret the RGB value (e.g. sRGB, Adobe RGB, DCI-P3, BT.2020, etc.). By default, applications SHOULD assume the sRGB color space.

    Example (Java):


    // ... public static java.awt.Color fromProto(Color protocolor) { float alpha = protocolor.hasAlpha() ? protocolor.getAlpha().getValue() : 1.0;

    return new java.awt.Color( protocolor.getRed(), protocolor.getGreen(), protocolor.getBlue(), alpha); }

    public static Color toProto(java.awt.Color color) { float red = (float) color.getRed(); float green = (float) color.getGreen(); float blue = (float) color.getBlue(); float denominator = 255.0; Color.Builder resultBuilder = Color .newBuilder() .setRed(red / denominator) .setGreen(green / denominator) .setBlue(blue / denominator); int alpha = color.getAlpha(); if (alpha != 255) { result.setAlpha( FloatValue .newBuilder() .setValue(((float) alpha) / denominator) .build()); } return; } // ...

    Example (iOS / Obj-C):

    // ... static UIColor* fromProto(Color* protocolor) { float red = [protocolor red]; float green = [protocolor green]; float blue = [protocolor blue]; FloatValue* alpha_wrapper = [protocolor alpha]; float alpha = 1.0; if (alpha_wrapper != nil) { alpha = [alpha_wrapper value]; } return [UIColor colorWithRed:red green:green blue:blue alpha:alpha]; }

    static Color* toProto(UIColor* color) { CGFloat red, green, blue, alpha; if (![color getRed:&red green:&green blue:&blue alpha:&alpha]) { return nil; } Color* result = alloc] init]; [result setRed:red]; [result setGreen:green]; [result setBlue:blue]; if (alpha <= 0.9999) { [result setAlpha:floatWrapperWithValue(alpha)]; } [result autorelease]; return result; } // ...

    Example (JavaScript):

    // ...

    var protoToCssColor = function(rgb_color) { var redFrac = || 0.0; var greenFrac = || 0.0; var blueFrac = || 0.0; var red = Math.floor(redFrac * 255); var green = Math.floor(greenFrac * 255); var blue = Math.floor(blueFrac * 255);

    if (!('alpha' in rgb_color)) { return rgbToCssColor_(red, green, blue); }

    var alphaFrac = rgb_color.alpha.value || 0.0; var rgbParams = [red, green, blue].join(','); return ['rgba(', rgbParams, ',', alphaFrac, ')'].join(); };

    var rgbToCssColor_ = function(red, green, blue) { var rgbNumber = new Number((red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue); var hexString = rgbNumber.toString(16); var missingZeros = 6 - hexString.length; var resultBuilder = ['#']; for (var i = 0; i < missingZeros; i++) { resultBuilder.push('0'); } resultBuilder.push(hexString); return resultBuilder.join(); };

    // ...


    The amount of red in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].


    The amount of green in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].


    The amount of blue in the color as a value in the interval [0, 1].


    The fraction of this color that should be applied to the pixel. That is, the final pixel color is defined by the equation: pixel color = alpha * (this color) + (1.0 - alpha) * (background color) This means that a value of 1.0 corresponds to a solid color, whereas a value of 0.0 corresponds to a completely transparent color. This uses a wrapper message rather than a simple float scalar so that it is possible to distinguish between a default value and the value being unset. If omitted, this color object is to be rendered as a solid color (as if the alpha value had been explicitly given with a value of 1.0).

  3. final case class Date(year: Int = 0, month: Int = 0, day: Int = 0, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Date] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a whole or partial calendar date, e.g.

    Represents a whole or partial calendar date, e.g. a birthday. The time of day and time zone are either specified elsewhere or are not significant. The date is relative to the Proleptic Gregorian Calendar. This can represent:

    * A full date, with non-zero year, month and day values * A month and day value, with a zero year, e.g. an anniversary * A year on its own, with zero month and day values * A year and month value, with a zero day, e.g. a credit card expiration date

    Related types are [google.type.TimeOfDay][google.type.TimeOfDay] and google.protobuf.Timestamp.


    Year of date. Must be from 1 to 9999, or 0 if specifying a date without a year.


    Month of year. Must be from 1 to 12, or 0 if specifying a year without a month and day.


    Day of month. Must be from 1 to 31 and valid for the year and month, or 0 if specifying a year by itself or a year and month where the day is not significant.

  4. sealed abstract class DayOfWeek extends GeneratedEnum

    Represents a day of week.

  5. final case class Expr(expression: String = "", title: String = "", description: String = "", location: String = "", unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Expr] with Product with Serializable

    Represents an expression text.

    Represents an expression text. Example:

    title: "User account presence" description: "Determines whether the request has a user account" expression: "size(request.user) > 0"


    Textual representation of an expression in Common Expression Language syntax. The application context of the containing message determines which well-known feature set of CEL is supported.


    An optional title for the expression, i.e. a short string describing its purpose. This can be used e.g. in UIs which allow to enter the expression.


    An optional description of the expression. This is a longer text which describes the expression, e.g. when hovered over it in a UI.


    An optional string indicating the location of the expression for error reporting, e.g. a file name and a position in the file.

  6. final case class Fraction(numerator: Long = 0L, denominator: Long = 0L, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Fraction] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a fraction in terms of a numerator divided by a denominator.

    Represents a fraction in terms of a numerator divided by a denominator.


    The portion of the denominator in the faction, e.g. 2 in 2/3.


    The value by which the numerator is divided, e.g. 3 in 2/3. Must be positive.

  7. final case class LatLng(latitude: Double = 0.0, longitude: Double = 0.0, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[LatLng] with Product with Serializable

    An object representing a latitude/longitude pair.

    An object representing a latitude/longitude pair. This is expressed as a pair of doubles representing degrees latitude and degrees longitude. Unless specified otherwise, this must conform to the <a href="">WGS84 standard</a>. Values must be within normalized ranges.


    The latitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-90.0, +90.0].


    The longitude in degrees. It must be in the range [-180.0, +180.0].

  8. final case class Money(currencyCode: String = "", units: Long = 0L, nanos: Int = 0, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Money] with Product with Serializable

    Represents an amount of money with its currency type.

    Represents an amount of money with its currency type.


    The 3-letter currency code defined in ISO 4217.


    The whole units of the amount. For example if currencyCode is "USD", then 1 unit is one US dollar.


    Number of nano (10^-9) units of the amount. The value must be between -999,999,999 and +999,999,999 inclusive. If units is positive, nanos must be positive or zero. If units is zero, nanos can be positive, zero, or negative. If units is negative, nanos must be negative or zero. For example $-1.75 is represented as units=-1 and nanos=-750,000,000.

  9. final case class PostalAddress(revision: Int = 0, regionCode: String = "", languageCode: String = "", postalCode: String = "", sortingCode: String = "", administrativeArea: String = "", locality: String = "", sublocality: String = "", addressLines: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, recipients: Seq[String] = _root_.scala.Seq.empty, organization: String = "", unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[PostalAddress] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a postal address, e.g.

    Represents a postal address, e.g. for postal delivery or payments addresses. Given a postal address, a postal service can deliver items to a premise, P.O. Box or similar. It is not intended to model geographical locations (roads, towns, mountains).

    In typical usage an address would be created via user input or from importing existing data, depending on the type of process.

    Advice on address input / editing:

    • Use an i18n-ready address widget such as - Users should not be presented with UI elements for input or editing of fields outside countries where that field is used.

    For more guidance on how to use this schema, please see:


    The schema revision of the PostalAddress. All new revisions **must** be backward compatible with old revisions.


    Required. CLDR region code of the country/region of the address. This is never inferred and it is up to the user to ensure the value is correct. See and for details. Example: "CH" for Switzerland.


    Optional. BCP-47 language code of the contents of this address (if known). This is often the UI language of the input form or is expected to match one of the languages used in the address' country/region, or their transliterated equivalents. This can affect formatting in certain countries, but is not critical to the correctness of the data and will never affect any validation or other non-formatting related operations. If this value is not known, it should be omitted (rather than specifying a possibly incorrect default). Examples: "zh-Hant", "ja", "ja-Latn", "en".


    Optional. Postal code of the address. Not all countries use or require postal codes to be present, but where they are used, they may trigger additional validation with other parts of the address (e.g. state/zip validation in the U.S.A.).


    Optional. Additional, country-specific, sorting code. This is not used in most regions. Where it is used, the value is either a string like "CEDEX", optionally followed by a number (e.g. "CEDEX 7"), or just a number alone, representing the "sector code" (Jamaica), "delivery area indicator" (Malawi) or "post office indicator" (e.g. Côte d'Ivoire).


    Optional. Highest administrative subdivision which is used for postal addresses of a country or region. For example, this can be a state, a province, an oblast, or a prefecture. Specifically, for Spain this is the province and not the autonomous community (e.g. "Barcelona" and not "Catalonia"). Many countries don't use an administrative area in postal addresses. E.g. in Switzerland this should be left unpopulated.


    Optional. Generally refers to the city/town portion of the address. Examples: US city, IT comune, UK post town. In regions of the world where localities are not well defined or do not fit into this structure well, leave locality empty and use address_lines.


    Optional. Sublocality of the address. For example, this can be neighborhoods, boroughs, districts.


    Unstructured address lines describing the lower levels of an address. Because values in address_lines do not have type information and may sometimes contain multiple values in a single field (e.g. "Austin, TX"), it is important that the line order is clear. The order of address lines should be "envelope order" for the country/region of the address. In places where this can vary (e.g. Japan), address_language is used to make it explicit (e.g. "ja" for large-to-small ordering and "ja-Latn" or "en" for small-to-large). This way, the most specific line of an address can be selected based on the language. The minimum permitted structural representation of an address consists of a region_code with all remaining information placed in the address_lines. It would be possible to format such an address very approximately without geocoding, but no semantic reasoning could be made about any of the address components until it was at least partially resolved. Creating an address only containing a region_code and address_lines, and then geocoding is the recommended way to handle completely unstructured addresses (as opposed to guessing which parts of the address should be localities or administrative areas).


    Optional. The recipient at the address. This field may, under certain circumstances, contain multiline information. For example, it might contain "care of" information.


    Optional. The name of the organization at the address.

  10. final case class Quaternion(x: Double = 0.0, y: Double = 0.0, z: Double = 0.0, w: Double = 0.0, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[Quaternion] with Product with Serializable

    A quaternion is defined as the quotient of two directed lines in a three-dimensional space or equivalently as the quotient of two Euclidean vectors (

    A quaternion is defined as the quotient of two directed lines in a three-dimensional space or equivalently as the quotient of two Euclidean vectors (

    Quaternions are often used in calculations involving three-dimensional rotations (, as they provide greater mathematical robustness by avoiding the gimbal lock problems that can be encountered when using Euler angles (

    Quaternions are generally represented in this form:

    w + xi + yj + zk

    where x, y, z, and w are real numbers, and i, j, and k are three imaginary numbers.

    Our naming choice (x, y, z, w) comes from the desire to avoid confusion for those interested in the geometric properties of the quaternion in the 3D Cartesian space. Other texts often use alternative names or subscripts, such as (a, b, c, d), (1, i, j, k), or (0, 1, 2, 3), which are perhaps better suited for mathematical interpretations.

    To avoid any confusion, as well as to maintain compatibility with a large number of software libraries, the quaternions represented using the protocol buffer below *must* follow the Hamilton convention, which defines ij = k (i.e. a right-handed algebra), and therefore:

    i2 = j2 = k^2 = ijk = −1 ij = −ji = k jk = −kj = i ki = −ik = j

    Please DO NOT use this to represent quaternions that follow the JPL convention, or any of the other quaternion flavors out there.


    • Quaternion norm (or magnitude): sqrt(x2 + y2 + z2 + w2).
    • Unit (or normalized) quaternion: a quaternion whose norm is 1.
    • Pure quaternion: a quaternion whose scalar component (w) is 0.
    • Rotation quaternion: a unit quaternion used to represent rotation.
    • Orientation quaternion: a unit quaternion used to represent orientation.

    A quaternion can be normalized by dividing it by its norm. The resulting quaternion maintains the same direction, but has a norm of 1, i.e. it moves on the unit sphere. This is generally necessary for rotation and orientation quaternions, to avoid rounding errors:

    Note that (x, y, z, w) and (-x, -y, -z, -w) represent the same rotation, but normalization would be even more useful, e.g. for comparison purposes, if it would produce a unique representation. It is thus recommended that w be kept positive, which can be achieved by changing all the signs when w is negative.

    Next available tag: 5


    The x component.


    The y component.


    The z component.


    The scalar component.

  11. final case class TimeOfDay(hours: Int = 0, minutes: Int = 0, seconds: Int = 0, nanos: Int = 0, unknownFields: UnknownFieldSet = ...) extends GeneratedMessage with Updatable[TimeOfDay] with Product with Serializable

    Represents a time of day.

    Represents a time of day. The date and time zone are either not significant or are specified elsewhere. An API may choose to allow leap seconds. Related types are [google.type.Date][google.type.Date] and google.protobuf.Timestamp.


    Hours of day in 24 hour format. Should be from 0 to 23. An API may choose to allow the value "24:00:00" for scenarios like business closing time.


    Minutes of hour of day. Must be from 0 to 59.


    Seconds of minutes of the time. Must normally be from 0 to 59. An API may allow the value 60 if it allows leap-seconds.


    Fractions of seconds in nanoseconds. Must be from 0 to 999,999,999.


Value Members

  1. object CalendarPeriod extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[CalendarPeriod] with Serializable
  2. object CalendarPeriodProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  3. object Color extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Color] with Serializable
  4. object ColorProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  5. object Date extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Date] with Serializable
  6. object DateProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  7. object DayOfWeek extends GeneratedEnumCompanion[DayOfWeek] with Serializable
  8. object DayofweekProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  9. object Expr extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Expr] with Serializable
  10. object ExprProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  11. object Fraction extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Fraction] with Serializable
  12. object FractionProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  13. object LatLng extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[LatLng] with Serializable
  14. object LatlngProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  15. object Money extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Money] with Serializable
  16. object MoneyProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  17. object PostalAddress extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[PostalAddress] with Serializable
  18. object PostalAddressProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  19. object Quaternion extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[Quaternion] with Serializable
  20. object QuaternionProto extends GeneratedFileObject
  21. object TimeOfDay extends GeneratedMessageCompanion[TimeOfDay] with Serializable
  22. object TimeofdayProto extends GeneratedFileObject
