



package router

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Type Members

  1. trait ArgReader[I, +T, -C] extends AnyRef
  2. case class ArgSig[I, -T, +V, -C](name: String, typeString: String, doc: Option[String], default: Option[(T) => V])(implicit reads: ArgReader[I, V, C]) extends Product with Serializable

    Models what is known by the router about a single argument: that it has a name, a human-readable typeString describing what the type is (just for logging and reading, not a replacement for a TypeTag) and possible a function that can compute its default value

  3. trait Decorator[OuterReturned, InnerReturned, Input] extends Annotation

    A Decorator allows you to annotate a function to wrap it, via wrapFunction.

    A Decorator allows you to annotate a function to wrap it, via wrapFunction. You can use this to perform additional validation before or after the function runs, provide an additional parameter list of params, open/commit/rollback database transactions before/after the function runs, or even retrying the wrapped function if it fails.

    Calls to the wrapped function are done on the delegate parameter passed to wrapFunction, which takes a Map representing any additional argument lists (if any).

  4. trait Endpoint[OuterReturned, InnerReturned, Input] extends Annotation with Decorator[OuterReturned, InnerReturned, Input]

    An HttpEndpoint that may return something else than a HTTP response, e.g.

    An HttpEndpoint that may return something else than a HTTP response, e.g. a websocket endpoint which may instead return a websocket event handler

  5. case class EndpointMetadata[T](decorators: Seq[Decorator[_, _, _]], endpoint: Endpoint[_, _, _], entryPoint: EntryPoint[T, _]) extends Product with Serializable
  6. case class EntryPoint[T, C](name: String, argSignatures: Seq[Seq[ArgSig[_, T, _, C]]], doc: Option[String], invoke0: (T, C, Seq[Map[String, Any]], Seq[Seq[ArgSig[Any, _, _, C]]]) => Result[Any]) extends Product with Serializable

    What is known about a single endpoint for our routes.

    What is known about a single endpoint for our routes. It has a name, argSignatures for each argument, and a macro-generated invoke0 that performs all the necessary argument parsing and de-serialization.

    Realistically, you will probably spend most of your time calling invoke instead, which provides a nicer API to call it that mimmicks the API of calling a Scala method.

  7. trait HttpEndpoint[InnerReturned, Input] extends Annotation with Endpoint[Raw, InnerReturned, Input]

    Annotates a Cask endpoint that returns a HTTP Response; similar to a RawDecorator but with additional metadata and capabilities.

  8. class Macros[C <: Context] extends AnyRef
  9. class NoOpParser[Input, T] extends ArgReader[Input, T, model.Request]
  10. trait RawDecorator extends Annotation with Decorator[Raw, Raw, Any]

    A RawDecorator is a decorator that operates on the raw request and response stream, before and after the primary Endpoint does it's job.

  11. sealed trait Result[+T] extends AnyRef

    Represents what comes out of an attempt to invoke an EntryPoint.

    Represents what comes out of an attempt to invoke an EntryPoint. Could succeed with a value, but could fail in many different ways.

  12. case class RoutesEndpointsMetadata[T](value: EndpointMetadata[T]*) extends Product with Serializable
  13. class doc extends Annotation with StaticAnnotation

Value Members

  1. object Decorator
  2. object EndpointMetadata extends Serializable
  3. object NoOpParser
  4. object Result
  5. object RoutesEndpointsMetadata extends Serializable
  6. object Runtime
