


Related Doc: package fastparse


implicit final class EagerOps[T] extends AnyVal

Provides EagerOps extension methods on P]

Linear Supertypes
AnyVal, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. EagerOps
  2. AnyVal
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. All

Instance Constructors

  1. new EagerOps(parse0: P[T])


Value Members

  1. macro def !(implicit ctx: P[Any]): P[String]


    Capture operator; makes the parser return the span of input it parsed as a String, which can then be processed further using ~, map or flatMapX

  2. final def !=(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  3. final def ##(): Int

    Definition Classes
  4. macro def /(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[T]


    Plain cut operator.

    Plain cut operator. Runs the parser, and if it succeeds, backtracking past that point is no longer prohibited

  5. final def ==(arg0: Any): Boolean

    Definition Classes
  6. macro def ?[V](implicit optioner: Optioner[T, V], ctx: P[Any]): P[V]


    Optional operator.

    Optional operator. Parses the given input to wrap it in a Some, but if parsing fails backtracks and returns None

  7. final def asInstanceOf[T0]: T0

    Definition Classes
  8. macro def filter(f: (T) ⇒ Boolean)(implicit ctx: P[Any]): P[T]


    Tests the output of the parser with a given predicate, failing the parse if the predicate returns false.

    Tests the output of the parser with a given predicate, failing the parse if the predicate returns false. Useful for doing local validation on bits and pieces of your parsed output

  9. macro def flatMap[V](f: (T) ⇒ P[V])(implicit whitespace: (P[Any]) ⇒ P[Unit]): P[V]


    Transforms the result of this parser using the given function into a new parser which is applied (after whitespace).

    Transforms the result of this parser using the given function into a new parser which is applied (after whitespace). Useful for doing dependent parsing, e.g. when parsing JSON you may first parse a character to see if it's a [, {, or ", and then deciding whether you next want to parse an array, dictionary or string.

  10. macro def flatMapX[V](f: (T) ⇒ P[V]): P[V]


    Transforms the result of this parser using the given function into a new parser which is applied (without consuming whitespace).

    Transforms the result of this parser using the given function into a new parser which is applied (without consuming whitespace). Useful for doing dependent parsing, e.g. when parsing JSON you may first parse a character to see if it's a [, {, or ", and then deciding whether you next want to parse an array, dictionary or string.

  11. def getClass(): Class[_ <: AnyVal]

    Definition Classes
    AnyVal → Any
  12. final def isInstanceOf[T0]: Boolean

    Definition Classes
  13. macro def map[V](f: (T) ⇒ V): P[V]


    Transforms the result of this parser using the given function.

    Transforms the result of this parser using the given function. Useful for turning the Strings captured by ! and the tuples built by ~ into your own case classes or data structure

  14. val parse0: P[T]

  15. def toString(): String

    Definition Classes
  16. macro def |[V >: T](other: P[V])(implicit ctx: P[Any]): P[V]


    Either-or operator: tries to parse the left-hand-side, and if that fails it backtracks and tries to pass the right-hand-side.

    Either-or operator: tries to parse the left-hand-side, and if that fails it backtracks and tries to pass the right-hand-side. Can be chained more than once to parse larger numbers of alternatives.

  17. macro def ~[V, R](other: P[V])(implicit s: Sequencer[T, V, R], whitespace: (P[Any]) ⇒ P[Unit], ctx: P[_]): P[R]


    Sequence operator.

    Sequence operator. Runs two parsers one after the other, with optional whitespace in between.If both parsers return a value, this returns a tuple.

  18. macro def ~/[V, R](other: P[V])(implicit s: Sequencer[T, V, R], whitespace: (P[Any]) ⇒ P[Unit], ctx: P[_]): P[R]


    Sequence-with-cut operator.

    Sequence-with-cut operator. Runs two parsers one after the other, with optional whitespace in between. If the first parser completes successfully, backtracking is no longer prohibited. If both parsers return a value, this returns a tuple.

  19. macro def ~~[V, R](other: P[V])(implicit s: Sequencer[T, V, R], ctx: P[_]): P[R]


    Raw sequence operator.

    Raw sequence operator. Runs two parsers one after the other, with optional whitespace in between. If both parsers return a value, this returns a tuple.

  20. macro def ~~/[V, R](other: P[V])(implicit s: Sequencer[T, V, R], ctx: P[_]): P[R]


    Raw sequence-with-cut operator.

    Raw sequence-with-cut operator. Runs two parsers one after the other, *without* whitespace in between. If the first parser completes successfully, backtracking is no longer prohibited. If both parsers return a value, this returns a tuple.

Inherited from AnyVal

Inherited from Any
