


package fastparse

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. fastparse
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
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Type Members

  1. final class ByNameOps[T] extends AnyVal

  2. implicit final class EagerOps[T] extends AnyVal


    Provides EagerOps extension methods on P]

  3. case class IndexedParserInput(data: String) extends ParserInput with Product with Serializable

  4. trait IsReachable extends AnyRef


    Trait that represents classes with isReachable method

    Trait that represents classes with isReachable method

    Currently the only use of it is to avoid the cyclic dependencies between Utils and ParserInput

  5. case class IteratorParserInput(data: Iterator[String]) extends ParserInput with Product with Serializable


    Contains buffer - queue of elements that extends from given iterator when particular elements are requested; and shrinks by calling dropBuffer method.

    Contains buffer - queue of elements that extends from given iterator when particular elements are requested; and shrinks by calling dropBuffer method.

    Generally, at any specific time this buffer contains "suffix" of given iterator, e.g. some piece of data from past calls of next, which extends by requesting new batches from iterator. Therefore we can denote the same notation of indices as for regular Array or more abstract IndexedSeq. The only difference is when index doesn't fit into the bounds of current buffer either the new batches are requested to extend the buffer, either it's inaccessible at all, so calling of dropBuffer should guarantee that there won't be any attempts to access to the elements in dropped part of input.

  6. implicit class LogByNameOps[T] extends AnyRef


    Separated out from ByNameOps because .log isn't easy to make an AnyVal extension method, but it doesn't matter since .log calls are only for use in development while the other ByNameOps operators are more performance-sensitive

  7. trait LowestPriSequencer[Sequencer[_, _, _]] extends AnyRef

  8. type P[+T] = ParsingRun[T]


    Shorthand alias for ParsingRun; this is both the parameter-to and the return type for all Fastparse's parsing methods.

  9. type P0 = ParsingRun[Unit]


    Shorthand for P[Unit]

  10. sealed abstract class Parsed[+T] extends AnyRef


    The outcome of a ParsingRun run, either a success (with value and index) or failure (with associated debugging metadata to help figure out what went wrong).

    The outcome of a ParsingRun run, either a success (with value and index) or failure (with associated debugging metadata to help figure out what went wrong).

    Doesn't contain any information not already present in ParsingRun, but packages it up nicely in an immutable case class that's easy for external code to make use of.

  11. abstract class ParserInput extends IsReachable


    ParserInput class represents data that is needed to parse.

    ParserInput class represents data that is needed to parse.

    It can be regular IndexedSeq that behaves as simple array or Iterator of IndexedSeq batches which is optimized by dropBuffer method.

  12. final class ParsingRun[+T] extends AnyRef


    Models an in-progress parsing run; contains all the mutable state that may be necessary during the parse, in order to avoid the individual parsers needing to perform their own allocations and instantiations, and greatly improving performance

    Models an in-progress parsing run; contains all the mutable state that may be necessary during the parse, in order to avoid the individual parsers needing to perform their own allocations and instantiations, and greatly improving performance

    There are a few patterns that let us program with these mutable variables in a sort-of-pure-functional way:

    - If a parser that wishes to ignore changes to a field within their child parsers, a common pattern is to save the value of the field before the wrapped parser runs, and then re-set the field. e.g. this can be used to backtrack index after a lookahead parser finishes

    - If a parser wants to read the value of the field "returned" by multiple child parsers, make sure to read the field into a local variable after each child parser is complete to make sure the value you want from an earlier child isn't stomped over by a later child

    In general, for a parser to "return" a value in a mutable field, it is sufficient to simply set the value of that field before returning. It is the parent-parser's responsibility to make sure it reads out the value of the field to a local variable before running another child parser that will over-write the mutable field

  13. trait SequencerGen[Sequencer[_, _, _]] extends LowestPriSequencer[Sequencer]


Value Members

  1. def &(parse: ⇒ P[_])(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Positive lookahead operator: succeeds if the wrapped parser succeeds and fails if the wrapped parser fails, but in all cases consumes zero characters.

  2. def AnyChar(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Parses a single character, any character, as long as there is at least one character for it to parse (i.e.

    Parses a single character, any character, as long as there is at least one character for it to parse (i.e. the input isn't at its end)

  3. implicit def ByNameOps[T](parse0: ⇒ P[T]): ByNameOps[T]


    Provides ByNameOps extension methods on Ps

  4. implicit macro def ByNameOpsStr(parse0: String)(implicit ctx: P[Any]): ByNameOps[Unit]


    Provides ByNameOps extension methods on Strings

  5. macro def CharIn(s: String*)(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Parses a single character in one of the input strings representing character classes

  6. def CharPred(p: (Char) ⇒ Boolean)(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Parses a single character satisfying the given predicate

  7. object CharPredicates


    Fast, pre-computed character predicates for charactes from 0 to 65535

    Fast, pre-computed character predicates for charactes from 0 to 65535

    Useful because FastParse does it's parsing character by character, so although this doesn't have the full range of the java Character.getType(c: Int) functions, it still is good enough for a wide range of use cases

  8. def CharsWhile(p: (Char) ⇒ Boolean, min: Int = 1)(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Parses min or more characters as long as they satisfy the given predicate

  9. macro def CharsWhileIn(s: String, min: Int)(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Parses min or more characters as long as they are contained in one of the input strings representing character classes

  10. macro def CharsWhileIn(s: String)(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Parses zero or more characters as long as they are contained in one of the input strings representing character classes

  11. implicit macro def EagerOpsStr(parse0: String)(implicit ctx: P[Any]): EagerOps[Unit]


    Provides EagerOps extension methods on String

  12. def End(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Parser that is only successful at the end of the input.

    Parser that is only successful at the end of the input. Useful to ensure your parser parses the whole file.

  13. def Fail(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Nothing]


    No-op parser that always fails, consuming zero characters

  14. def IgnoreCase(s: String)(implicit ctx: P[Any]): P[Unit]


    Parses a string value case-insensitively

  15. object Implicits


    Container for all the type-level logic around appending things to tuples or flattening Seq[Unit]s into Units.

    Container for all the type-level logic around appending things to tuples or flattening Seq[Unit]s into Units.

    Some of these implicits make liberal use of mutable state, so as to minimize allocations while parsing.

  16. def Index(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Int]


    Parser that always succeeds and returns the current index into the parsed input.

    Parser that always succeeds and returns the current index into the parsed input. Useful for e.g. capturing source locations so when downstream valiation raises errors you can tell the user where in the input the error originated from

  17. object JavaWhitespace


    Whitespace syntax that supports // line-comments and /* */ multiline-comments, *without nesting* of /* */ comments, as is the case in the Java programming language

  18. object JsonnetWhitespace


    Whitespace syntax that supports // and # line comments, and /* */ multiline-comments, but *without* nesting of /* */ comments.

    Whitespace syntax that supports // and # line comments, and /* */ multiline-comments, but *without* nesting of /* */ comments. This is the case in the Jsonnet programming language

  19. implicit macro def LiteralStr(s: String)(implicit ctx: P[Any]): P[Unit]


    Parses an exact string value.

  20. implicit macro def LogOpsStr(parse0: String)(implicit ctx: P[Any]): LogByNameOps[Unit]


    Provides logging-related LogByNameOps implicits on String.

  21. object MultiLineWhitespace


    Whitespace syntax that consumes both single-line " " and "\t" and multiline "\r" and "\n" whitespace characters.

  22. def NoCut[T](parse: ⇒ P[T])(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[T]


    Allows backtracking regardless of whether cuts happen within the wrapped parser; this is useful for re-using an existing parser with cuts within it, in other parts of your grammar where backtracking is necessary and unavoidable.

  23. def NoTrace[T](p: ⇒ P[T])(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[T]


    Wraps a parser and ensures that none of the parsers within it leave failure traces in failureAggregate, though unlike ByNameOps.opaque if there is a failure *within* the wrapped parser the failure's location and error message will still be shown

    Wraps a parser and ensures that none of the parsers within it leave failure traces in failureAggregate, though unlike ByNameOps.opaque if there is a failure *within* the wrapped parser the failure's location and error message will still be shown

    Useful for wrapping things like whitespace, code-comment, etc. parsers which can be applied everywhere and are not useful to display to the user as part of the error message.

  24. object NoWhitespace


    No-op whitespace syntax that doesn't consume anything

  25. macro def P[T](t: P[T])(implicit name: Name, ctx: P[_]): P[T]


    Delimits a named parser.

    Delimits a named parser. This name will appear in the parser failure messages and stack traces, and by default is taken from the name of the enclosing method.

  26. val P: ParsingRun.type

  27. object Parsed

  28. object ParserInput

  29. object ParsingRun

  30. def Pass[T](v: T)(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[T]


    No-op parser that always succeeds with the given value, consuming zero characters

  31. def Pass(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    No-op parser that always succeeds, consuming zero characters

  32. object ScalaWhitespace


    Whitespace syntax that supports // line-comments and /* */ multiline-comments, *including nesting* of /* */ comments, as is the case in the Scala programming language

  33. object ScriptWhitespace


    Whitespace syntax that supports # line-comments, as in the case in programming languages such as Bash, Ruby, or Python

  34. def SimpleTrace[T](label: String)(p: ⇒ P[T])(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[T]


    Wraps a parser such that if the parser fails at a particular index, the given label is shown as the error message rather than the inner parsers which may have failed at that spot.

    Wraps a parser such that if the parser fails at a particular index, the given label is shown as the error message rather than the inner parsers which may have failed at that spot. Useful for wrapping parsers which contain larger a | b | c | d ... blocks, since showing every possibility to the user on-error is generally not useful

  35. def SingleChar(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Char]


    Like AnyChar, but returns the single character it parses.

    Like AnyChar, but returns the single character it parses. Useful together with EagerOps.flatMapX to provide one-character-lookahead style parsing: SingleChar consumes the single character, and then EagerOps.flatMapX can match on that single character and decide which downstream parser you wish to invoke

  36. object SingleLineWhitespace


    Whitespace syntax that consumes only single-line " " and "\t" whitespace characters.

  37. def Start(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Parser that is only successful at the start of the input.

  38. macro def StringIn(s: String*)(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Efficiently parses any one of the given Strings; more efficient than chaining EagerOps.| together

  39. macro def StringInIgnoreCase(s: String*)(implicit ctx: P[_]): P[Unit]


    Efficiently parses any one of the given Strings, case-insensitively; more efficient than chaining EagerOps.| together with IgnoreCase

  40. package internal

  41. def parse[T](input: ParserInput, parser: (P[_]) ⇒ P[T], verboseFailures: Boolean = false, startIndex: Int = 0, instrument: Instrument = null): Parsed[T]


    Parses the given input ParserInput using the given parser and returns a Parsed result containing the success value or failure metadata.

    Parses the given input ParserInput using the given parser and returns a Parsed result containing the success value or failure metadata.

    Can take either a String, an Iterator or strings or a fastparse.ParserInput object


    the input to parse


    the parser method to use to parse the input


    enable this to show a more detailed error message if a parser fails, without needing to run .traced.trace. Defaults to false as it slows down parsing considerably


    where in the input to start parsing


    Callbacks that get run before and after every named P(...) parser

  42. def parseInputRaw[T](input: ParserInput, parser: (P[_]) ⇒ P[T], verboseFailures: Boolean = false, startIndex: Int = 0, traceIndex: Int = 1, instrument: Instrument = null, enableLogging: Boolean = true): ParsingRun[T]


Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
