
implicit class LogByNameOps[T](parse0: => ParsingRun[T])(implicit ctx: ParsingRun[_])

Separated out from ByNameOps because .log isn't easy to make an AnyVal extension method, but it doesn't matter since .log calls are only for use in development while the other ByNameOps operators are more performance-sensitive


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete methods

def log(implicit name: Name, logger: Logger): ParsingRun[T]

Wraps a parser to log when it succeeds and fails, and at what index. Useful for seeing what is going on within your parser. Nicely indents the logs for easy reading

Wraps a parser to log when it succeeds and fails, and at what index. Useful for seeing what is going on within your parser. Nicely indents the logs for easy reading


def logAfter(msg: => Any)(implicit logger: Logger): ParsingRun[T]

Prints the given message, nicely indented, after the wrapped parser finishes

Prints the given message, nicely indented, after the wrapped parser finishes


def logBefore(msg: => Any)(implicit logger: Logger): ParsingRun[T]

Prints the given message, nicely indented, before the wrapped parser starts

Prints the given message, nicely indented, before the wrapped parser starts
