
object ParamError
trait Sum
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


case class DefaultFailed(arg: ArgSig, ex: Throwable) extends ParamError

Something went wrong trying to evaluate the default value for this input parameter

Something went wrong trying to evaluate the default value for this input parameter

case class Exception(arg: ArgSig, tokens: Seq[String], ex: Throwable) extends ParamError

Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter; the thrown exception is stored in ex

Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter; the thrown exception is stored in ex

case class Failed(arg: ArgSig, tokens: Seq[String], errMsg: String) extends ParamError

Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter

Something went wrong trying to de-serialize the input parameter

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements

Inherited from:
type MirroredLabel <: String

The name of the type

The name of the type

Inherited from: