
object copy

Copy a file or folder from one path to another. Recursively copies folders with all their contents. Errors out if the destination path already exists, or is within the source path.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


object into

Copy a file into a particular folder, rather than into a particular path

Copy a file into a particular folder, rather than into a particular path

object over

Copy a file into a particular path

Copy a file into a particular path

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(from: Path, to: Path, followLinks: Boolean, replaceExisting: Boolean, copyAttributes: Boolean, createFolders: Boolean, mergeFolders: Boolean): Unit
def matching(followLinks: Boolean, replaceExisting: Boolean, copyAttributes: Boolean, createFolders: Boolean, mergeFolders: Boolean)(partialFunction: PartialFunction[Path, Path]): PartialFunction[Path, Unit]

Deprecated methods

@deprecated("Use os.copy(from, to, followLinks, replaceExisting, copyAttributes, ".+("createFolders, mergeFolders) instead"), "os-lib 0.7.5")
def apply(from: Path, to: Path, followLinks: Boolean, replaceExisting: Boolean, copyAttributes: Boolean, createFolders: Boolean): Unit

This overload is only to keep binary compatibility with older os-lib versions.

This overload is only to keep binary compatibility with older os-lib versions.
